The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1929 If You Have Revenge, You Must Avenge

Chapter 1929 If you have revenge, you must avenge

In one sentence, all ninety-eight dead people stood up.

and o

What makes Long Fei even more astonished is...

Piccolo, the person with seven swastikas in width and swastika shone with the light of a holy Buddha, and there was a small sun on his back. Although it was not as strong as the Buddha Lord, it was also very dazzling.

what does that mean?

Become a Buddha!

The seven of them are now Buddhas

Piccolo said excitedly: "Chef, we have become Buddhas."

Soaring to the sky

The Lord Buddha said lightly: "It is your fearlessness that you have achieved."

"white lotus"

"You still have to go through some hardships before you arrive." The Lord Buddha looked at the white clothes Holy Maideno

White-clothed Holy Maiden's eyes tightened, and he lowered his head and said, "This disciple knows o"

Long Fei looked at Holy Maiden in white and said, "Your name is Bai Lian?"

The Buddha said: "She was a white lotus in her previous life. After thousands of years, she went through countless hardships, and she got a chance to be a human being. In this life, she has also experienced all kinds of hardships and went the wrong way, but she met you at a critical moment."

Long Fei's listening is a bit cloudy and foggy

White Lotus reincarnated?

Long Fei said: "Buddha, since you know everything, can you tell me where my mother is? Also... Devil Island is about to collapse, how can I save them?"

"What kind of existence are the Mu family and the Longfu in the Hongmeng world?"

"Why does Devil want my body, even your greed wants my body?"

he would like to know

He didn't feel anything special about his own body at all, except for the existence of the system!

Could it be that the powerhouses of Hongmeng World want to get the system on him?

It's just that the cultivation method is different.

The Lord Buddha smiled lightly and said, "Your mother once came here, and she asked me to tell you that you must keep your fearless heart and move forward, and you will know all the answers you want along the way. "

"Longfu, the enemy of the Mu family is too powerful. It's not good for you to know a lot now, but...fortunately, you escaped this time."

"The strong man of the Evil Spirit Race has left the Holy Buddha Realm and closed the passage. For the time being, the forces of the Hongmeng World will not do anything to you."

"As for the destruction of Devil Island o"

"Life is death, death is life, and you will find the answer when you return to Devil Island." The voice of the Buddha slowly became lighter, and the statue slowly turned into wood.

last o

The sound disappears completely o

Long Fei said: "Buddha Lord? Buddha Lord? I rely on... can I speak a little bit more clearly? Saying so much is equal to not saying o"

"I just want to know who is killing me?"

"Where is my life worth?"

turn o

Long Fei looked at Bai Lian o

Bai Lian shook her head and said, "I only know that the evil spirits want your life, but... the spirits are looking for you everywhere, because they don't know what they are."

this time o

Piccolo's figure moved slightly and said, "Chef, we're leaving, goodbye by fate."

After attaining Buddhahood, will they stay here?

The seven martial Buddhas incarnated as golden Buddhas slowly retreated and slowly disappeared.

And the other ninety people disappeared one by one, and they were sent to their right places.

In the entire Buddha Lord Great Hall, only Long Fei and Bai Lian are left.

"It's gone again o"

"I don't know anything o"

"Fogan didn't get it either, I'm going to make some wool this time." Long Fei muttered, this time he can be said to have made a lot of money, the power of Tathagata.

Devil's wings o

This is a peerless treasure

Good things you can't ask for

Long Fei scratched his head in confusion, and said, "What do you do now? Continue to be your evil spirit? Or do you want to do something else?"

Bai Lian pondered for a moment and said, "Being enlightened by the Buddha, I only have one way to go now."

Long Fei said, "What way?"

Bai Lian looked at Long Fei and said, "You are the Son of God, and Martial Buddha's mission is to protect the Son of God. I will always be by your side now."

"This is my mission o"

Long Fei was stunned, "Follow me?"

Evil smiled and said: "I didn't say that I am a holy child, even if I am a holy child, I am not a serious holy child, I will... hehe... I will do what a normal man would do. Do, and especially love to do, if you are by my side..."

Bai Lian blushed, and glared at Long Fei fiercely.

Long Fei didn't care so much, he secretly said in his heart, "There's a drama, hahaha..."


Bai Lian thought of something and said abruptly, "Oops!"

"All the evil spirits have been dispatched, and I am afraid they have reached the Paradise Palace now."

Long Fei said: "Let them fight, I don't care anyway, it's us, if we can do something in this Great Hall..."

Don't wait for Long Fei to finish speaking o

Bai Lian has already run out o

Strange to say

The door couldn't be opened at first, but when she rushed to the door, the door disappeared automatically.

"Depend on!"

Long Fei glanced at the Lord Buddha and said contemptuously, "I'm afraid I'll do something blasphemous on your Great Hall? Don't say you don't want it, neither does daddy, who wants to live broadcast it to you, it seems like you're going to get o"

finish o

Long Fei also followed and went out.

Lord Buddha Great Hall open o

roar o

The Temple of Elysium was shocked o

"Saint Son is out!"

"The Son of God is born!"

"The Holy Son is out!"


Elysium Palace has been lost o

Only this Buddha Lord, the Great Hall, is left.

Seeing that the door of the Great Hall of the Buddha opened, and Bai Lian came out, they were all shocked.

"It's the female saint o"

"It sure is him!"

"Fortunately it's not that kid Long Fei" Changmei secretly rejoices

"Sure enough it's not that kid o"

"I knew, how could that kid be the Holy Son?"


Long Fei, many people don't like o

It's because of his holy Buddha world that it has become like this

Just when everyone is excited to talk about o

Bai Lian suddenly stood aside, bowed slightly, and said respectfully, "Holy Son!"

Long Fei came up slowly from the steps.

Everyone's face changed

"It's him!"

"How could it be him?"


"How could he, an outsider, be our holy son?"

The face with long eyebrows became extremely ugly

Long Fei walked out and saw many people with ashen faces, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Are you disappointed? Very upset?"


"I'm relieved to see your unhappy appearance, because... I'm very happy, hahaha..." Long Fei laughed directly.

The host said: "Long Fei, the top priority is to drive these evil spirits out of the holy Buddha realm."

Long Fei said: "Leave the Evil Spirit Race's affairs for a while, I still have some personal affairs to do."

turn o

Long Fei walked to Changmei and said, "Your name is Master Changmei, right?"

Changmei looked at Long Fei and said, "What do you want?"

Long Fei said: "What do I want? I should ask you this, right? Don't you kneel down when you see the Holy Son?"

How did you despise daddy in the first place?

How to get it back from daddy today!

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