The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1937 Ten Billion Experience, Climb To The Top!

Chapter 1937 Ten billion experience, climb to the top!

left and right is a dead o

Instead of being killed by the monster Jiutianmo, it is better to die under the crushing of the dome.

Long Fei went out of his way

body suddenly sinks


He stopped suddenly like a rock, staring at Jiu Tianmo, his fists sank, "Boom!"

Arms start to turn red

"Coo-dong, coo-dong, coo-dong!"

surge of power

Clenching both fists, "Promise Explosive Divine Fist!"

Both fists blasted out at the same time, Yin & Yang Wuji, moving left and right, slammed heavily on Jiutianmo's body.

Explosive fist, see who explodes who o

The same goes for Hatotenma who turned into a monster

His voice was fast and violent!


While frantic, his body was frantically repairing and remodeling. As expected by Long Fei, the blasting fist could not kill Jiutianmo in seconds.

The disappearance of the wheel of fortune

the disappearance of the soul

Jiu Tianmo is no longer alone, even if he is locked and slammed on him, the power of the blasting fist cannot be fully exerted.

But o

Long Fei didn't even think about killing him.

The moment he was shocked, Long Fei recoiled forward, staring at Jiu Tianmo, who had huge pupils, and moved his left arm, "Om!"

The left arm becomes the hand of Tathagata o

Fo Guang Zhen Zhen o

"Samsara can't save you o"

"daddy overtakes you!"


As soon as the Buddha's light exploded, it bombarded Jiutianmo's chest. The huge body was directly knocked into the air. Long Fei didn't stop there, and his fists attacked crazily.

One punch and one punch hit Jiu Tianmo's body o

Jiu Tianmo laughed wildly and roared in confusion: "You can't kill me, you can't kill me, hahaha... I will never die o"

"Lord Destiny gave me immortality o"



keep laughing o

The God of Destiny looked at everything coldly, with a sneer on his face, and said contemptuously: "Long Fei, you want to kill him with the help of the dome, and the dome's absorption of Jiutianmo's power will instantly crush the entire Devil Island, hahaha... "

"You will die too!"

"You and your brothers, your women, your friends, and the billions of beings on Devil Island will all die."

"You will become the sinner of Devil Island!"



Everything is as he expected o

No matter what happens to Long Fei, there is no choice o

Not to kill, but to die!

To kill is also to die!

In a word, Long Fei must die!

The God of Destiny will become the last big Ying Family, Long Fei's soul is his, the souls of billions of beings are his, and his soul law will be complete o

There will be no one who can resist him in the 100,000 planes


Thinking of this, Destiny couldn't help laughing with excitement.

Long Fei slammed Jiutianmo's body with one punch and punched his body firmly under the dome. Looking at the shadow of the god of fate above the dome, he said coldly, "Is this a god?"

Everyone on Devil Island sees Destiny o

they are desperate

Especially the believers of the Temple of Destiny, they are even more desperate o

"How could God be like this?"

"Shouldn't God save the world?"


"why is that?"


despair o

The dome is getting lower and lower, the crushing they feel is getting stronger and stronger, and their hearts are getting more and more desperate.

The land abandoned by God, who will save them?

The God of Fate laughed wildly and said, "In God's eyes, you are nothing but a group of ants. How many ants are there in the 100,000 planes? It's not a drop in the bucket to kill you guys."

"How can God have mercy on ants?"


The word 'mercy' has never been in God's heart

they are high

they control everything

They can play how they want, and no one can move them


They are gods!

ruler of this world

The entire Devil Island fell into despair. They couldn't fight against the dome, and they couldn't even fight against God. Now there is only despair and waiting.

Waiting for Death to come o

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Jiutianmo's body is still berserk, and the dome is constantly absorbing his power.

The speed of descent is getting faster and faster, and Long Fei is almost unable to stand it anymore.

"Go together!"

Bai Lian made a slight noise, and with a movement of the white Lotus flower under her feet, she climbed to the sky and landed next to Long Fei, with one hand on Long Fei's back, and said solemnly, "Long Fei, don't die here!"



Yannan went to the top of the sky

Wang Tai went up

Overlord flower is also on the top o


The Flying Divine Crane spreads its wings and pushes it up.

The life-threatening scholar went up to the top o

The two sweeping monks went up on the top, the three god monks went up on the top, the golden-robed ancestor came out of Devil Temple and went up on the top, and Zhang Sanqian went up on the top.

Lei Jiu went up

Mu Bing and the others went up too.

Long Fei was holding Jiutian Mo heavily, his body kept exploding, and he was also constantly repairing and reshaping, and the force of the dome was getting stronger and stronger.



"It's useless, the dome appeared for destruction, can you resist the power of destruction? No one can resist, even if the Lord God comes, it can't save you o"

"The dome is there to destroy you rubbish o"

"Long Fei, you are the sinner of Devil Island"

"If it wasn't for you to trigger the dome device, the dome wouldn't descend so fast. It's all because of you. You are a sinner through the ages, hahaha..." Destiny laughed wildly.

Looking at Long Fei's painful expression, he couldn't tell how excited he was.



Long Fei moved his right arm, and the anger in his body surged like a volcanic eruption. He punched Jiutianmo's forehead with a punch and roared, "Fuck me!!"


The powerful force impacted the struggling Jiutian directly to the top of the dome.

Also at this moment

Jiu Tianmo let out a scream, "Sir, save..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

His body was completely crushed and shattered by the dome, and all the power was absorbed by the dome in an instant.


The dome shook with light, and the entire Devil Island made an explosion-like thunderous sound.

Crazy crushed, like a mad beast

Can't resist!

Totally unstoppable!

also at the same time

The system beeps a beep


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Jiu Tianmo' to get 10000000000 experience points, 10000000 divine power points, and 1 abnormal energy value!"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Pyroblast'"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for his tenth fifth-level in a row, and his current level is the pinnacle of Venus Realm!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' Devil Island Realm reached the peak Realm, got the strongest reward in Devil Island o"


"The reward item is..."

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