The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1952 Step Into The Ancient Battle Of Gods

Chapter 1952 Stepping into the ancient battle of gods

Although Longfei has been cultivating for the past three days, he has been thinking about it.

Devil Island is now in an extremely unstable state o

and o

The dome is shattered, and a strong and rich aura of divine power pours in, and the speed of martial arts on Devil Island will increase by leaps and bounds.

The most important thing is o

Long Fei needs people to guard this land o

"Are you alone?" Bawanghua was taken aback for a moment and said, "Didn't you agree at the beginning? Take us to the battlefield of the ancient gods?"

Yan Nantian was also stunned, and said, "Yes, why are you alone now? The battlefield of the ancient gods must be ten thousand times more dangerous than Devil Island. Although we are not strong enough, we can help you a little..."

"Boss, take me with you, I promise I will never cause you any trouble."


"Take us, it's my lifelong dream to enter the battlefield of the ancient gods o"

"Take me with you"


Who doesn't want to go?

Who doesn't want to see the bigger world?

Long Fei looked at the people in the Great Hall and said slightly: "Don't worry, listen to me first."

"The battlefield of the ancient gods is very huge. It is more than ten thousand times larger than Devil Island, but...where is the entrance to the battlefield of hegemony?"

"The bright camp controlled by the main temple, and the entrance of the evil camp controlled by the evil temple, these two entrances will not let us in at all, we can only find the third entrance o"

"I'll go alone. When I find the entrance, I'll come back and inform you that I need your strength."

If you fight for hegemony alone, no matter how strong you are, you will still be alone.

What Long Fei needs is a group of powerful people to enter the battlefield, so as to have a chance of victory o

"in addition!"

"The dome of Devil Island is broken, and all forces are secretly peeping here. If you all leave, who will protect this place, and who will protect the civilians here?"

"I can become a god because of the billions of creatures here. If something happens to them, what's the point?"

"I need you to stay o"

Long Fei said seriously

Ancestor Jinpao took a step forward and said, "Long Fei is right. The billions of creatures on Devil Island made him a god, but if there is an accident here, his godhead will fall, and our Devil Island will be doomed."

The life-threatening scholar said, "Young Master, how much time do you need?"

Long Fei shook his head and said, "I don't know o"

He has no clue about the battlefield of the ancient gods, he doesn't know where to look for it, and he doesn't know where to start. He can only enter the battlefield of the ancient gods and look for changes.

Wang Tai stepped forward and said, "Brother Fei, take me with you. I should be the only person here who is familiar with the battlefield of the ancient gods. I can help you."

he is the exile o

Although he has been on Devil Island for more than ten years, he knows more about the battlefield of the ancient gods than anyone else on the scene.

Long Fei thought for a while and said, "Okay"

Yan Nantian hesitates to speak

Lei Jiu hesitates to speak

Many people wanted to follow Long Fei to the battlefield of the ancient gods, but in the end they held back.

because o

Want more than Long Fei, Devil Island needs their garrison o

Long Fei can go further only if they defend Devil Island

They finally came up with a god, they didn't want Long Fei to fall

The brief negotiation ends o

Long Fei and Wang Tai leave Devil Island o

Everyone wants to send o

Long Fei said: "Wait for me, I will definitely take you to the battlefield of hegemony"

Shenhe name, Long Fei and Wang Tai disappeared in the blink of an eye.


The Mountain of Destiny

"Meet the Son of God"

It used to be the mansion of the god of fate

But o

It has now become Zhan Wushuang's residence o

A place 10,000 meters underground o This place is isolated from the world, no matter how powerful the divine power is, it cannot be sensed here, and... it is only a line away from The Underworld o

The erosion of the air of The Underworld makes the divine power unable to sense the existence here.

soul cage

Zhan Wushuang stood in front of the cage, looking at the countless fluorescent lights in the cage, "No wonder the God of Destiny always wanted to control Devil Island, it turned out to want the souls of billions of beings on Devil Island, secretly cultivate the law of soul o"

"If there is a double rule, it is definitely the strongest god in the main temple."

"It's just...the law of the soul was killed by Long Fei before it was fully cultivated. God of Destiny, God of Destiny, what can I say to you?"


"Still unlucky? Hahaha..."

"However, don't worry, I will avenge your revenge for you, and... I will make Long Fei's life worse than death." Zhan Wushuang moved his right hand, and a powerful soul force was released.

The whole soul in the soul cage is trembling o

Like the wailing from The Underworld o


Zhan Wushuang frowned, "Boom!"

A flash of fluorescent light flashed out from the soul cage, and Qiao Qiao struggled and resisted in the fluorescent light, but it was useless at all.

Zhan Wushuang looked at Qiao Qiao and said, "Empress Phoenix, are you Long Fei's woman?"


"From now on, Long Fei is your genocide enemy"


A thought was injected into Jojo's soul, and Jojo, who was struggling, suddenly calmed down.

Zhan Wushuang's one-handed seal, the power of the law of destiny quickly condenses o


half an hour later

Jojo stood coldly in front of Zhan Wushuang, her body glowing with the power of Phoenix, but... she is now an ice Phoenix, coldly ice o

"Qianqian, right?"

"From now on, Long Fei will be your father's enemy."


Qianqian's body is reshaped, and the eyes are cold.

followed by o

Long Fei's women were reshaped one by one, and their love for Long Fei was sealed, replaced by hatred, all kinds of blood and deep hatred.

Zhan Wushuang looked at the group of women and smiled proudly, "Long Fei, I said, I will repay you ten thousand times what you give me."

"Now I use your woman to kill you, do you want to kill or not?"

"What will happen when you meet them?"


“It must be very interesting o”

"I'll play with you slowly, and I'll play with you slowly" Zhan Wushuang said firmly.

"Give it to me all o"

"Long Fei has come to the battlefield of the ancient gods, go find him, and kill him." Zhan Wushuang's thoughts moved.

Jojo, they flew out quickly

Start frantically looking for the dragon to fly up o

Zhan Wushuang looked at the huge soul cage and said slightly: "God of Destiny, the reason why you didn't fully comprehend the laws of the soul should be the lack of a person with a super strong soul?"

"This person is Long Fei in your mind?"


"Hehe..." Zhan Wushuang smiled slightly, "Long Fei's soul is strong, but there is another person whose soul is even stronger, Xuanyuan Li'er!"

"Bitch, here comes the daddy!"

"When I master the power of the three laws, it will be your death, Long Fei." Zhan Wushuang clenched his fists tightly.

Turn, instantly disappear in place o


"Fei Ge o"

"This should be the battlefield of the ancient gods."

"This is called Wu Mandala City"

Long Fei asked, "How do you know?"

Wang Tai looked at the castle in the distance, "I was abandoned here!"


I have something to do in the morning, so I don't have time to write it. If there is no chapter three in the evening, I will have chapter five tomorrow.

sorry o

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