The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1966 The Order Of The Night King

Chapter 1966 The Order of the Night King

The Wang family, a family that fights extremely hard

They have entered the battlefield of hegemony, and also obtained some merits o

The killing spirit brought back from the battlefield is an important force in their cultivation of the royal family.

Kill order!

Over the centuries, the royal family has used o twice

Every time it comes out of the nest o

never die o

Do not link the nine clans endlessly

Don't kill it all

And... all in one day o

What Wang Zhong just said was the order to kill.

Not only the people from the Tianhui Business Alliance sneered slightly, but even the Qi family and the disciples of the Wang family who were present were secretly shocked.

But o

Long Fei didn't care at all. He didn't know what the killing order of the Wang family was, and he didn't even know what the killing order meant.

he only knows a little

Whoever moves his brother will die!

it's that simple

Long Fei grinned and said, "I don't care who you are, if you move my brother, you will die."

"it is good!"

"very good!"

Wang Zhong smiled and said, "Boy, maybe you don't know what the Wang family's killing order means, but you will know it soon."

Wang Tai stepped up immediately and said, "Three Elders, do you really want to do this?"

"What are you?"

"Are you qualified to call me the third elder?"

"You monster!" Wang Zhong's eyes scowled, "I should have killed you in the first place, but I never imagined that you would dare to come back after more than ten years. What did you say you did when you came back? Revenge? Or do you want to return to the Wang family? You Are you eligible?"

"The Wang family never takes in monsters!"

A monster on the left, a monster on the right...

Wang Tai's heart was very uncomfortable. These two words deeply stabbed him, and said, "I just want to see my mother when I come back. I will leave after reading it, and I will never step into Wang's half stepo again."

"Just that bitch of your mother..."

"You're the kind of monster you can give birth to," Wang Zhong said contemptuously.

"Gluck cluck..."

"Gluck cluck..."

A series of sounds of cracking bones sounded o


A monster's roar roared from Wang Tai's body o

in an instant o

Wang Tai's back bones burst suddenly, and several black bones more than one meter long grew. Wang Tai stretched out his right hand, grabbed a black bone directly, and twitched it.

a bone sword

A burst of powerful force erupted from the black bones

anger burning o

The power arrogance is also burning o

Wang Tai stepped out, as if he fell into madness in an instant, "I don't allow you to insult my mother..."


Step out one step, a deep footprint appears on the ground

The flames are still burning on the footprints

The black bone sword in his hand slashed sharply


Black Sword Qi strikes out

Wang Zhong sneered, "Monsters are monsters, it seems that the lessons I taught you yesterday were not enough, I will send you to see Yan today.

king o"

The aura of power on Wang Zhong's body followed with a movement.


The power of the first order of the lower gods burst out o

Form a powerful coercion to crush Wang Taio

Long Fei frowned

did not stop o

He can't stop it either. In this case, everyone wants to use their own power to crush the other party.

Wang Taifa is so excited

With the Bone Continuation Pill refined by Long Fei, his whole body has been transformed, especially the power of the Heavenly Bone hidden in his body, which suddenly exploded.

Sword Qi instantly shattered the coercion released by Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong's eyes tightened, but after all, he was a strong man of the lower god Realm, and his pressure was cut through. He didn't panic at all, and he moved his right hand.

A khaki force rose from the ground o

One hit!


Directly resisting Wang Tai's bone sword, Wang Zhong's body sank slightly, and his heart was astonished, "I can't imagine such a powerful improvement in strength in just one day, I can't imagine o"

"If you don't get rid of this monster today, there will be trouble in the future."

suddenly o

Wang Zhong's left hand moved, and a small dagger appeared in his sleeve.

move o

The dagger suddenly disappeared into the void o

Long Fei's heart tightened, "Despicable!"

I wanted to stop but... Long Fei didn't know which direction the dagger would come from.

"Ah... ah ah..."

Wang Tai fell into madness, the bone sword in his hand was like a machete, and he slashed down heavily, recklessly, regardless of the consequences and defenses, "You are not allowed to insult my mother, you are not allowed to insult my mother, you are not allowed to insult my mother. allow……"

roaring madly

insult him, he can endure o

but o

His mother is his bottom line, no one is allowed to insult her o

The whole Wang family said he was a monster o

No one sympathized with him, everyone bullied him, even his father never looked at him again after he shot him, only his mother o

His mother is his only concern in his mind

He wanted an explanation from the Wang family, and wanted to ask why his father abandoned him, but... after he returned to Wu Mandala City, all he wanted was to see his mother.

It was such a small request that the Wang family not only refused to agree, but also took a big shot at him.

I never thought about keeping him alive

at this moment……

Wang Tai broke out completely o

Squeeze the resentment and anger in my heart for more than ten years, all burst out

"Ah, ah, ah, ah..."

The bone sword is still slashing heavily

Wang Zhong could no longer resist, and his body staggered back.

But o

A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly shouted: "Monster, die for me o"

The cold dagger suddenly appeared and stabbed Wang Tai's throat directly.

Long Fei stared, "Be careful!"

step out o

But... it's too slow

It's too late!

Long Fei's pupils shrank suddenly, just as he was about to release the 'time reset'... The dagger was suddenly restrained by a force.

Suspended at Wang Tai's neck motionless

Wang Zhong's face changed, "Who?"

also at the same time

Wang Tai didn't have so many scruples, and looked at it with a sword.


One of Wang Zhong's arms flew up, and blood burst out. He endured the severe pain and exited frantically. Many disciples of the Wang family instantly protected him.

Long Fei sighed inwardly, "What a powerful force o"

To be able to release this kind of restraining power in such an instant, I have to say that even Long Fei can't do it when he is fully prepared.

At this time o

The woman in purple came out slowly, covered with a veil, and said slightly: "Let's just forget about this?"

The sound is flat

The shop assistant immediately whispered in the ear of Tianhui helm master: "Sir, VIP on the ninth floor"

The rudder master of Tianhui narrowed his eyes.

Another elder of the Wang family shouted: "You can forget it, this matter..."

as he speaks o

The purple-clothed woman really came out of the ghostly old slave, took out a purple token from her arms, and said coldly, "Can you forget it now?"

The faces of everyone in the Wang family changed.

The elders of the Tianhui Business Alliance also changed their faces, as if they were facing a great enemy.

"Night King Divine Order!!"


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