The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1985 The End Of The Equipment, Kill It!

Chapter 1985 The end of the equipment, kill it!

"Old monster, old monster, old monster..."

Just like fans seeing a star, they screamed like crazy

Vibration o

The old monster of the Chen family lived to be two hundred years old

With hooks in both hands, gloomy and ferocious, his body exudes a terrifying aura like a monster. He once entered the underground boxing arena and won a hundred consecutive games with lightning speed.

famous o

This is where the name of the old monster of the Chen family comes from.

It has been a hundred years since he appeared again, and his body has not declined for a hundred years. His Cultivation Base is higher, his strength is stronger, and his killing techniques are extremely sharp.

strong o

No need to rely on anything else, just one look will tell o

Nether old slave said slightly: "Cultivation Base is very strong"

The girl in purple said, "Uncle, who has a better chance of winning against Long Fei?"

Nether old slave said: "He!"

without hesitation

Nether old slave said: "Two hundred years of accumulation, even if Talent's qualifications are not very good, it will not be bad, not to mention that he is a genius like the evildoer of the Chen family."

"This time, I'm afraid I'm going to knock out this underground boxing arena. Long Fei is not his opponent."

"Unless there is a miracle o"

The purple-clothed girl tightened her hands, with an angry expression.

She blamed Long Fei for not stopping his words

But I still couldn't help worrying about Long Fei in my heart.

The Nether Old Slave continued: "The Chen family's old monster is not only the Cultivation Base, but more importantly, his almost undead body. The body hidden under his robe is his strongest existence."

eyes narrowed

There was a gleam in the eyes of the ghost old slave, "Vajra is undefeated!"

"What a strong body!"

"He should be a cultivation method that is almost self-abuse, so that his body can reach a state of complete immortality. Unlike the poisonous corpse of the Wang family, this immortal body hides a huge explosive force. This game... I am afraid that Long Fei will lost o"

The girl in purple clenched her eyebrows again, "Nether Uncle, can you make a move..."

Don't wait for him to finish

The purple-clothed girl's expression froze, her eyes suddenly turned to one place, and a man in his twenties in the distance really stared at him, with a faint smile on his face.

Nether old slave's expression suddenly tightened, standing beside the purple-clothed girl, as if facing a great enemy.

The young man smiled lightly, and then disappeared again.

Nether Old Servant was relieved, his back was covered in cold sweat, and said, "Miss, it's too dangerous here, I can't leave you o"

The boy's look just now made him feel an incomparably powerful impact.

Is the ultimate powerhouse!

If you want to help Long Fei, I'm afraid it won't work.

Once he leaves, the purple-clothed girl will be in danger. For the ghost old slave, even 10,000 Long Fei will not be worth the life of the purple-clothed girl.

also at this time

another channel o

Long Fei and the twins came out o


"The number 1414 is coming o"

"To die, to die, to die, to die..."

There were also shouts o

But... the word 'to die' made Long Fei feel a little awkward.

"It's really going to die"

Long Fei smiled, and at a glance saw a man over fifty years old staring at him in the distance, his eyes were gloomy, and his eyes were extremely threatening and penetrating.



The challenge bell rings o

The entire underground boxing ring immediately quieted down o

The referee came out and said, "Today's first match will be against the old monster of the Chen family on No. 1414. The odds are one to one!"

"Betting time ten minutes o"

"Start the test in ten minutes!"

The voice fell o

Suddenly... all the people in the boxing stadium flocked to the betting window, for fear of missing something.

"I bet 10,000 God Stones on the old monster"

"I bet 20,000 old monster o"

"I bet on the old monster to win o"


Almost the vast majority of people bet on old monsters o

The old monster from the Chen family walked up to Long Fei, licked his lips with his tongue, and said with a grim smile, "You will die!"


Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "Are you pretending to be forceful in front of me?"

The old monster said: "You will really die o"

Long Fei smiled lightly, but did not speak.

Because, the best way to respond to this kind of pretender is to ravage, kill, kill, and rot the chrysanthemum.

Of course o

I want to be in the ring because... Long Fei still has to bet o

The twins bet back and said, "Sir, as you ordered, all bets are made."

"but o"

"My lord... The old monster of the Chen family has no weaknesses, especially his physical body is almost undefeated. Do you really want to fight him?"

Long Fei felt it too

The breath of the old Chen family monster is completely different from the breath of ordinary powerhouses.

but o

Now Long Fei can't take care of that much anymore, he must fight this game!

Because someone pretended to force o in front of him

He can't see such a person!


Then let you pretend to be an asshole!


"My lord, the old monster of the Chen family is much stronger than it was a hundred years ago. Look at it, that kid will be brutally killed."

"To solve this kid, the Tianhui Business Alliance is a great achievement in front of the main temple, and the influence of our Tianhui Business Alliance will be raised to the highest point o"


"Boy, you are the main shrine's criminal."

"You're not dead, who's going to die?"

Tianhui helmsman stood in the luxurious box and looked at Long Fei below with a smile on his lips. He seemed to see that he had been promoted to the deputy leader of the Tianhui Business Alliance.


can't help laughing


another place o

in a damp chamber

Li Yuanba was still bombarding the thick steel armor with one punch and one punch, and carrying a 10,000-pound sarcophagus on his back, the speed of the bombardment with both fists continued to increase.

"Bang, bang, bang..."


Ten minutes will pass quickly

The enchantment cage was opened, and the old monster of the Chen family couldn't wait to walk in, then hooked his finger at Long Fei, and said with a gloomy smile: "Boy, come in and die."

"Come on o"

"Killing you is the scum of the one hundred and one victories o"

he can't wait

Walking into the enchantment cage, he became more and more hideous, and became more and more excited, and the whole person was like a crazy maniac.

Long Fei walked into the barrier slowly and muttered, "You like to pretend, right?"

"Then let's see how long you can put it on"

Invincible and immortal body?

Two hundred years old monster?

"Hehe..." Long Fei also smiled grimly, and said, "Just take the King Yama blade you sacrificed to me!"



Two enchantment cage doors closed o


"The competition begins!"

As soon as the voice fell, the old monster of the Chen family disappeared in an instant, and the double hooks on his hands were like black and white impermanent life-threatening hooks, hooking to Long Fei...

"Good come!"

Long Fei's eyes trembled, and his right hand gripped o.


The King Yama blade fell, and at this moment, Long Fei's whole body was covered with lightning.

Powerful power surges o

Long Fei chopped down with a knife

"One-shot flow!"

"Lightning Slash!"

The passive skill of the King Yama blade, Long Fei did not have any reservations, he just slashed it with one knife.


a loud noise o

The body of the Chen family's old monster was suddenly frozen in one place, his pupils widened, and he didn't move, as if time had stood still.

On the center line between his eyebrows, a shallow bloodstain...

half a second

The body is divided into two



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