The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1993 Fetish, Nine Cycles Heavenly Spirit Flower

Chapter 1993 fetish, Nine Cycles Heavenly Spirit Flower

brother like life

No one can move!

The killing intent released by Long Fei was like a ferocious beast, crushing several of them.

One of the elders said with difficulty: "He is not with us, he was taken away by the chief from the helm o"

"Where did you take it?" Long Fei asked.

"Beat, shoot, auction!"

Long Fei's eyes narrowed and he said, "Auction?"

He is a little puzzled

What are you going to do with Wang Tai to the auction?

An elder said: "The Wang family, the Qi family, the Chen family, and the Wu Mandala family have all come to this auction. Your brother was brought to the auction to be auctioned off to the Wang family, and they will definitely kill him. "

Long Fei's eyes widened angrily

The anger on my body seemed to burst out again.

Another Elder, said: "Long Fei, when you came out, I am afraid that the twins who have been serving you have also been captured, and they will also be auctioned."

"just for you"

By this time, they will not hesitate to say everything in order to save their lives o

Long Fei turned around and looked at o

Sure enough

The twins did not follow in time o

"Gluck cluck..."

Knuckles pop, anger rages o

The air in the room seemed to explode, and the five Elders dared not even breathe out the air, and their bodies might burst at any time.

uncomfortable o

extremely uncomfortable o

Unspeakable uncomfortable, one by one kneeling on the ground, dare not say a word o

"For daddy?"

"it is good!"

"Very good, Tianhui Business Alliance, you have successfully provoked daddy. If you don't overturn you, daddy's dragon character is written upside down." Long Fei shouted o

turn around and go

Just when those elders were slightly relieved

The King Yama blade in Long Fei's hand slashed sharply


The sword qi was like lightning, and with one slash, five people died!

Not one left!

Li Yuanba got excited and said, "Boss, what are you doing?"

"Kill all!"

Long Fei coldly spit out the word o

Provoking his brother and touching his woman, if this revenge is not repaid, then he will not be called Long Fei.

Li Yuanba touched his big bald head and laughed excitedly, "Understood!"

Just as Long Fei was walking out of the dojo, the girl in purple rushed to the door, running a little hastily, and almost crashed into Long Fei's arms, glanced at the dead men in the dojo, her brows tightened, and said, "Long Fei, You can't move the Tianhui Merchant Alliance o"

Long Fei was really angry, and when he heard this, he immediately said, "You want to stop me?"

The girl in purple said: "This auction is no trivial matter. If you destroy it, I'm afraid you will offend a lot of people, which is very bad for you."

"Offend a lot of people?"

"I've never been afraid of the main temple. Who do I need to be afraid of?" Long Fei is never afraid of offending people, even if the god of fate is overturned, who else should I be afraid of?

The Lord God is here, and Long Fei is not afraid!

The girl in purple said: "I know you're not afraid, but can you think about others, think about the people around you, there are countless powerhouses in the ancient battle of gods, you are not invincible, and your brother is not invincible, if you If you destroy the auction, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of Martial Mandala City."

"and also……"

The girl in purple looked at Long Fei and said, "Can I beg you?"

Her eyes were begging

desire o

She's here for that thing, she really, really needs that thing o

Long Fei's eyes sank, his anger suppressed, and he asked, "What do you want at the auction?"

The girl in purple immediately said: "Yes, there is a treasure to save my father, I must get it, otherwise I will hate myself for the rest of my life."

"can you help me?"

"As long as you don't break the auction, I'll be able to get it o"

At this time, the ghost old slave also rushed over.

He also stepped forward and said, "Miss, you don't need to beg someone like this."

The girl in purple looked at Long Fei and said, "I really need that thing o"

Long Fei asked again: "What is it that makes you do this?"

Shaogu Lord of the Valley of the Night Kings

Once the strongest killer organization on the battlefield of the ancient gods, how high its status is, but now it is begging for help

Nether old slave shook his head slightly o

The girl in purple hesitated for a moment and said, "Nine Cycles"

"Nine Cycles Heavenly Spirit Flower?" Long Fei was very unfamiliar with this name and had never heard of it, but... Li Yuanba on the side frowned and showed a look of shock.

But o

Li Yuanba didn't say anything.

The girl in purple said, "I need it to save my father, I must get him."

Long Fei said: "I want to save my brother too"

The girl in purple immediately said: "Don't worry, as long as you can make this auction a success, the affairs of your brother and the pair of fox women will be covered by me."


Long Fei exhaled, "If that's the case, then I'll let you go first."

If Wang Ting and the twins really show up at the auction, it means they are safe now, don't worry o

But o

Long Fei just promised the girl in purple verbally.

Seeing Long Fei agree, the girl in purple finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let's go to the auction together."

Long Fei said lightly: "What? Are you afraid that I will destroy it?"

The girl in purple said, "As long as I get that thing, you can do whatever you want to destroy it."

Nether old slave said: "Long Young Master, please o"

Long Fei strode out, and Li Yuanba followed behind him and said, "Boss, are you not doing anything?"

"Don't move o"

"Things must be done, but not now o"

Long Fei's mouth twitched

He suddenly thought of the scene when he met the eight Vajra for the first time in the Chaos World, and he couldn't help laughing, "What they said is good, what makes money, what pill refining is, and refining does not make money, the most profitable industry in the world should be It's a robbery auction!"

"Chongbao Lingbao, Shenshi Medicine Pill, everything o"

"Definitely a great opportunity to make a fortune!"

At this time o

Li Yuanba, voice transmission: "Boss, Nine Cycles Tianlinghua is extraordinary. This kind of Spiritual herbs has experienced nine rebirths, each time is different, and it can bring people back to life. It seems that this woman wants to bring a person back to life o"

Listening to Li Yuanba's words, Long Fei's heart froze again, "Such an awesome Spiritual herbs?"

Come back to life!

This is extraordinary

Li Yuanba then said again: "This kind of Spiritual herbs will never be seen in ten thousand years, I'm worried..."

Long Fei asked, "What are you worried about?"

Li Yuanba didn't express his worries, Wei Wei said: "Nothing o"

Long Fei said, "How did you know about this kind of Spiritual herbs?"

Li Yuanba not only knows, but is also very familiar with o

Li Yuanba said: "This is the dream of everyone in The Underworld, it can make the soul reshape the body, the treasure o in The Underworld"


A true fetish!

Long Fei suddenly stopped, turned to look at Li Yuanba, and said directly, "Wouldn't that allow my father to return to the world?"

suddenly o

The girl in purple stopped o

Nether old slave also stopped, and the two of them stared at Long Fei motionless!

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