The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2003 Heart-Devouring Poison

Chapter 2003 Heart-devouring poison

see the dragon flying

The crown prince was nervous, and immediately shouted: "Block me, block him, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!"

A fear arose in his heart

Long Fei is a lunatic, definitely a lunatic o

He is the crown prince, who would dare to touch him in the ancient battle of gods?

No one can afford the consequences

However, Long Fei is a lunatic!


The Kunlun elder stood in front of Long Fei with a single step and said, "Get out!"

The sound fell o

The incomparably thick Innate divine qi burst out, forming a super shock wave, hitting Long Fei with a humming sound, "Boom!"

a pop o

Long Fei's pace jumped backwards o

Returning to the original position again, with a grim expression on his face

The girl in purple once again grabbed Long Fei's arm, shook her head gently, and said, "You can't move him."

Originally, the girl in purple did not know the identity of the young man, only that he was a strong man in the temple of the gods, but now that he knew that he was the crown prince, then he must not move.

Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable o

Long Fei twitched his hand, "Don't let me move, I want to move, I still don't believe I can't kill you today!"

If you don't kill the boss, then you won't be called Long Fei!

Long Fei rushed out again.

The strong Kunlun clan drank slightly and said angrily, "It's beyond your own power."

The crown prince said angrily: "kill him for me"

The Kunlun old man's eyes sank, and the Innate energy on his body was released like a burning flame, forming a strangulation force, and he didn't wait for Long Fei to rush up to directly surround him.

Also at this moment

Li Yuanba rushed, "Boom!"

"Dare to touch my boss, you fucking want to die"

Directly resisting the powerful Innate spirit unleashed by the Kunlun elders, Li Yuanba's thick body remains motionless in the Innate spirit energy.

The black giant god axe in his hand slashes o


chop a piece of o

At the same time o

The white-haired powerhouse of the Tianhui Business Alliance also flew over, blocking Long Fei once again.

The crown prince can't die

If something happens to him, as the Kunlun elder said, everyone here will be buried with him.


A huge force once again blocked Long Fei.

"I come!"


Wang Tai unscrewed the head of the golden poisonous corpse, his body rushed, and the power of the heavenly bones exploded, blocking the power released by the white-haired old man.

Long Fei stepped out again and landed in front of the crown prince.

The crown prince's eyes trembled slightly, and he said solemnly: "Long Fei, you can't kill me, and you don't dare to kill me, if you kill will die, all the people here will die, and the place where you become a god. Devil Island, all that junk will die..."


The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, the King Yama's blade moved, and the black sword fell on the shoulder of the crown prince.


The crown prince knelt directly on the ground o

body trembling

pale o

The crown prince said: "Long Fei, don't kill me, don't kill me, I will give you whatever you want, I can give you anything, please don't kill me o"

In the face of Death, gods will be afraid, let alone a mere crown prince o


Long Fei smiled and said, "Aren't you very arrogant?"

"Aren't you a strong man in the Temple of the Gods, the crown prince of the ancient gods' battle plane? Come, come, pretend to be daddy again, and take a look at it arrogantly"

The crown prince clenched his fists tightly, but now he has no strength to fight Long Fei at all, and said: "Long Fei, I admit it, from now on I will never be an enemy of you, I will keep my word. "

"Is it all over?" Long Fei said.

The crown prince said: "Then what else do you want? Don't be too arrogant, I am the crown prince, my father is the god of the main temple, and the commander of the battlefield. If you really want to kill me, he will not spare you... …”


"Be arrogant!"

"You want to be mad, you want to threaten me, this is in line with your identity, and I like to step on a second-generation ancestor like you!" Long Fei's voice fell, and King Yama's blade moved.

cut out horizontally

"don't want!"

"Do not……"


Several strong people are roaring o

The girl in purple also tightened her brows, and her body trembled.


A knife flow, a horizontal cut o

The crown prince's head was separated from his neck. At this moment, his eyes bulged out, staring at Long Fei, and a voice sounded in the void, "Long Fei, my father will not let you go!"

Long Fei sneered, "Call him here, daddy won't let him go."

"Who doesn't let anyone go?"

Also at this moment

When the blood volume bottoms out, the system will sound a beep o


Also at this moment, when Long Fei beheaded the crown prince, a super-powerful force suddenly burst out from his body, and penetrated into Long Fei's body like a cloud of smoke.


Long Fei's body trembled, and his face instantly turned pale.

The purple-clothed girl's face changed greatly, "Heart-eaten and trapped!"

"God of the sky..."

Long Fei's sanity seemed to be sealed, unable to sense the sea of ​​consciousness, and at the same time unable to sense the existence of the mind, he was completely in a kind of numb pain.

Surrounded by bursts of retreat o

I can't control it, I feel extremely uncomfortable

The crown prince's father is the god of the sky

He planted a poison of Death on the crown prince. Whoever kills him will be attacked by the poison of the heart and the soul, unable to resist.

At that time, Long Fei couldn't react at all.


"Brother Fei!"

"Long Fei!"

The faces of the three people changed greatly

The elders of the Kunlun clan, the white-haired old man, Wang, Qi, and the elders of the Zhao clan also rushed to the corpse of the crown prince.

The Kunlun elder looked at Long Fei, who was on the verge of collapse, and said, "Kill him!!"

Long Fei is the one wanted by the main temple

It is the person that the Son of God wants o

Getting Long Fei's head may allow the main temple to come forward, and let the Son of God come forward to quell the anger of the sky god, Long Fei must die!

Long Fei didn't die, they were the ones who died!


Long Fei fell and sat on the ground with a painful expression on his face.

"Dragon-shaped mark?"

"Dragon fire... burn!"

No matter how Long Fei called, the dragon-shaped mark was silent and did not release the dragon fire that could devour toxins, and Long Fei's consciousness became more and more blurred.

Who would have thought that someone planted this kind of poison on their own son?


Li Yuanba let out a roar, his eyes narrowed, and he turned to stare at the person rushing up and roared heavily, "Fuck your ancestors!"

Body black The Underworld power burst o

Directly grind a dozen people around into powder o

Furious o

The girl in purple made a decisive decision and said, "The killers of the Night King Valley listen to the order and stop them for me."

"Now is not the time to be desperate o"

"You must take him out and find the antidote quickly, otherwise..." The girl in purple knitted her brows.

Li Yuan is domineering: "How about the boss?"

The girl in purple said solemnly: "He will die, his soul and mind will be pulled away, forever sealed somewhere, and he can't be found at all..."


"Get out of here!"


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