The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2017 The Body Of Vajra

Chapter 2017 The Body of Vajra


Outside the Fairy Grass Valley, a humming o

Another formation is activated o

on a hillside

Liu Tianyou smiled lightly and said, "This is his last chance."

"The first two formations were easily destroyed. I don't think this third formation will last for long. Brother Liu, it's time for us to debut."

A white-haired old man smiled and said o

Liu Tianyou said: "No hurry, let's take a look at it slowly"

The white-haired elder smiled slightly, looked at the distance and said casually, "Why don't you say the temple master and the elders don't come? Don't they want to enter the main temple and rank in the class of gods?"

The hall master didn't give much instructions on this matter.

Even if the white-robed divine envoy appeared, he didn't say much.

very strange o

If the palace master goes out, what else is there to do with them?

Liu Tianyou said: "Who wouldn't want to? But in front of the main temple, the temple master can only kneel on the ground softly. The crown prince's death temple master himself has undeniable responsibility. Let's take the last shot, after all, we have failed, so we can highlight the might of his hall master, but... I will never fail!"

He has absolute certainty

At this time o

A disciple fell silently and said: "Sir, our people have entered the fairy grass valley, and there is also news from the Night King Valley, as long as you give an order, Long Fei's head will be beheaded immediately. down o"

"it is good!!"

Liu Tianyou laughed and said, "Tell the people in Yewanggu that the above order is to be caught alive, so I want to live, even if I die, I will have a complete corpse, understand?"

"As ordered!"

"My subordinates will do it immediately." The disciple quickly withdrew.

The white-haired old man on the side was slightly startled, and said, "I only know that you sent someone to Xiancao Valley, but I don't know that Yewang Valley also has your people."

Liu Tianyou smiled and said: "Grasp with both hands, both hands must be hard. Even if I fail here, Long Fei's life is still in my hands."

The white-haired old man asked suspiciously: "The people in the Valley of the Night Kings are the descendants of the Night King. They hate our Temple of the Gods very much. Why are there people..."

Liu Tianyou smiled faintly: "The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, this world is the world of the strong, the Valley of the Night King? Now even a second-class family can't compare, who would work for him, not to mention the fall of the Night King, now The Valley of the Night Kings is like scattered sand, who doesn't want to plan for the future?"

This is the status quo

The Fall of the Night King

In addition, the power of the Valley of the Night Kings is gradually withering, and the people of the Night King family can no longer support it.


Another loud noise

Liu Tianyou smiled and said, "The third formation has begun, let's watch the show."


"Thousands of Imaginary Killing Arrays"

"This formation, if you think you can't break it, I will never let you break it."

Venerable's voice resounds in the void

The entire formation is like another world, illusory, and at the same time it is full of killing images. In less than a moment, Li Yuanba has a few more bloodstains on his body.

Every phantom is a fantasy

Li Yuanba kept bombing and killing, but all his fists hit were phantom bodies.

Several times in a row, Li Yuanba has more bloodstains on his body.

Moreover, in the formation, he can't tell the direction at all, if he doesn't break through the formation, he can't get out at all.

"Brother Ba, do you want me to take action?"

Tianling is eager to try and looks impatient.

Li Yuanba didn't speak, but suddenly sat at Lotus Position, "Om!"

A thick pure force ejected from his body, wrapping him invisibly.

Tianling grinned and said, "No drama!"

"I still want to tickle my hands, it seems that there is no drama o"

Tianling muttered with a small mouth, turned and disappeared, "I want to see who has the courage to come to Xiancaogu to scatter the wild o"

He felt that many people quietly sneaked into the fairy grass valley.



"Want to sit while sitting at Lotus Position?"

Sky Array Venerable drank, and thought a move o

The power of a thousand shadows surged, and shadow killers with large swords appeared in the void, beheading Li Yuanba's head fiercely.

this moment o

It feels like Li Yuanba is surrounded by thousands of people.

Endless murder o

And there is no breath at all

This can't be killed by force, because these phantoms are incorporeal o

No matter how you kill it, it's useless

"Suffer to death!"

"You are the one who can't break through the Thousand Shadows and Myriad Illusory Arrays." Venerable showed a proud smile. In the eyes of the array, he used his own thoughts as Thousand Shadows.

Every thought is a killing intent

A thousand thoughts, a thousand murderous intentions

Li Yuanba can't break the formation

on the hillside

"It looks like the sky formation is going to be successful," the white-haired old man said slightly.

Liu Tianyou also smiled faintly and said, "So what? Even if this stupid guy dies, the sky formation is just a wedding dress for me, because... the person that the main temple wants is Long Fei, not this stupid guy. o”

He didn't care whose hands Li Yuanba died in.

It doesn't matter if you don't die

Better dead!

Don't care at all, the reason he appeared here is to wait for Long Fei, then he doesn't care.


Thousand shadows fall

In this case, even the powerhouse at the peak of the median god will die.

Can't Li Yuanba resist?

Invisible energy is crushed o

Also at this moment, Li Yuanba's eyes widened angrily.

A phantom like Vajra's angry Buddha suddenly superimposed on him.


Body of Vajra!

Just like the ancient angry Buddha, his pupils turned golden, and at this moment, his void moved, shuttled out, and it took almost only one-tenth of a second to land in front of the formation that was a thousand meters away.

Qianying's killing intent is all in vain

Venerable froze in the sky, looking at Li Yuanba who was full of golden light in front of him, his heart suddenly froze, "You,,,you,,,"

Don't wait for him to finish o

Li Yuanba threw a punch


burst eye o

Tianzhen Venerable was instantly killed with one punch

There is absolutely no ability to resist, and no resistance.

People die, formation is broken!

In such an instant, Li Yuanba's body recovered.


His body became extremely weak, and the essence in his body seemed to be drained.


Li Yuanba gasped for breath, and his heart sighed slightly, "Vajra's body is really unbearable o"

that kind of power...

It is to instantly mutate the essence in his own body, just like a sudden mutation of a gene.

The whole person has completely changed

But o

According to the king of The Underworld, this Vajra body is the source power of their eight Vajra, but they are too small to withstand the stimulation of that source power.

Among the eight Vajra, only Li Yuanba can bear it a little, and others can't bear it at all.

Li Yuanba wouldn't use o if he hadn't thought of a way



"What kind of power was that just now?"

Liu Tianyou was shocked

at this time o

A disciple rushed over, "Sir, all those who entered the Immortal Grass Valley have disappeared."

Liu Tianyou frowned, without any hesitation, he said, "Go, go to the Valley of the Kings of the Night immediately!"

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