The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2019 Tomb Of The Night King, Killing Gods In Vain!

Chapter 2019 Tomb of the Night King, killing gods in vain!

The people from the Hall of Gods are rushing to the Valley of the Night King

If you can take down Long Fei before them, this is a great achievement.

Can get the help of the Temple of God...

Tian Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, "My Tian family has been a cow and a horse for the Night King's family for dozens of lives. After all, it's just a big elder position. When can I become the true owner of the Night King Valley?"

"Just today!"

"Just today!!"

Tian Yuan looked a little excited, "As long as I take down Long Fei, with the help of the power of the Temple of God, I can become the new Night King of the Night King Valley."

"Control three thousand killers, enter the battlefield again, win the highest achievement, and become the first person under the Lord God!"

"Rejuvenate the glory of the Valley of the Night Kings!"


"Should be the glory of my heavenly home"

Tian Yuan said excitedly, and Ziyue's peerless and alluring face appeared in his mind for a long time. He didn't die for Ziyue. He loved Ziyue and hated it too.

Love to the core, hate to the core

This kind of woman will be destroyed if she doesn't get it, and it will be destroyed if she gets it.

"Master Young, then we..."

The corner of Tianyuan's mouth twitched, and he said solemnly: "Let our people wait, we will start as soon as it gets dark, remember, we must be fast, and we must not give others a chance to react o"

he knows o

His father would never do anything to Ziyue

Because she is the Shaogu Master of the Night King Valley, and the last person in the Night King clan.

If Ziyue is not taken down at the speed of thunder, his father is likely to intervene, and it will be even more impossible to complete his plan at that time.

As for Li Yuanba getting the antidote back...

Tianyuan ignored it, because even if he got the antidote back, he wouldn't be able to get it back!

"Understood, I'll make arrangements now!"

Tianyuan looked into the distance and said lightly: "Ziyue, you are mine, you will always die for me, even if you die, you are mine for Tianyuan!!"


Vale of the Night Kings Chamber o

"Elder, it's the next day o"

"Just now, I got the impression that the flying Harrier that the silly big guy rode out has died. It seems...he won't come back either."


Many Elders look at destinyo

These are extraordinary times, and it's time to make choices o

no one wants to die

But if you keep protecting it, everyone in the Valley of the Night Kings will die.

Destiny is very clear about what they want to say, Wei Wei said: "A promise is a promise, no matter what happens within three days, we will take good care of them."

"Elder, what are we planning? The Night Royal Family has already fallen, why should we take the lives of us people to protect them?"

"just soo"

"I received news that a large number of experts from the Hall of Gods are rushing towards the Valley of the Night Kings. I don't even have to think that it must be for Long Fei."

"We can't resist it at all"

"Elder, what time is it now, and the Valley of the Night Kings is dead in name only, we should think about it for ourselves too"


Many elders persuaded o

The Valley of the Night Kings can't compete with the Shenbang Palace at all, and behind the Shenbang Palace is the main temple, how is it an opponent?

not at all o

If Ziyue Longfei is allowed to stay in the valley again, the valley of the Night King will be filled with blood.

Destiny's eyebrows trembled, and he let out a deep snort, "We are all members of the Night Royal Family. We are here, and the Night Royal Family is still there. No matter what happens, no one will be allowed to touch Ziyue for three days."

This is his agreement with Ziyue

It's also his agreement with his own.

Within three days, if Long Fei can be rescued, that is God's choice, and he will stand on Ziyue's side without hesitation.

If Long Fei does not wake up within three days, then...

Even if he wants to support Ziyue, I'm afraid other people in Yewanggu will also do it.

With the heavy shout of destiny, many elders sighed slightly, showing fear.

destiny is the strongest in the valley of the night king

I'm so angry now that I can't say anything



Ziyue's forehead oozes cold sweat

She heard everything that happened in the chamber just now o

The art of hearing from heaven, no one knows about it except the ghost old slave and her dead father

Seeing her face change slightly, Wang Tai stepped forward and said, "What happened?"

Ziyue said lightly: "It's nothing, I'm worried... The people from Yewanggu will attack us."

Although destiny crushes everything

but o

She knows very well the people in the Valley of the Night Kings that the suppression of destiny alone is not enough.

Wang Tai frowned and said, "It's not safe here anymore?"

Ziyue turned to look at the coffin of the giant spirit and said, "We have to find a way to transfer, and we have to wait for the big man to come back."

Wang Tai said: "How to transfer?"

"There are people all around the yard, the two of us are okay to transfer, but there is still the boss, this is difficult o"

Carrying a large coffin weighing 10,000 catties?

No one else is blind

Besides, they are not Li Yuanba. Li Yuanba's natural supernatural power is like a normal person who can carry a pipe weighing 10,000 catties, so they can't

Ziyue said: "You carry the coffin, let's enter the house."


Wang Tai sneered slightly

Ziyue said: "There is a secret passage in my room, and this secret passage leads directly to my father's coffin hall."

No one knows this secret except her

Only she knows where her own father is buried

That place is also a forbidden place in the Valley of the Night Kings.

Now Ziyue can't take care of that much anymore, she has no choice anymore, Long Fei must live, only if he is alive, can he have the opportunity to refine the nine-step return to Yang Pill, so that his father can be resurrected.

As long as the father is resurrected, all the people in the Valley of the Night Kings will be suppressed o

Everything is for Long Fei to live!

Long Fei is alive, there is hope in everything

Wang Tai carried the huge sarcophagus into the room.

The breath on Ziyue formed a force, and with a slight movement, it was slowly released like flowing water on a mural. When the mural moved, it slowly twisted, and something like a portal appeared.

Ziyue said: "Go in!"

The two carried the coffin into the mural.

The mural is back to normal o

Wang Tai felt that his eyes were black, and he appeared in a straight passage in an instant. The torches on both sides of the passage ignited spontaneously, all the way to the deepest part.

The deepest part is a hillside suspended in mid-air

There are all kinds of white coffins on the hillside, densely packed, among which the top one is the largest and is carved with strange lines.

Fluorescent throughout the body

Turn the entire hillside into a white look o

"This is the Tomb of the Night King!"

"The top is the first generation of the Night King o"

"The rest are all the Night Kings of the past"

"The bottom one is my father's coffin." Ziyue looked at the white coffin with a tight eye.

Wang Tai was shocked

At the same time o

The giant spirit god in the giant spirit coffin opened his eyes slightly, "Feng Shui treasure land, there is such a place?"

Long Fei in the cultivation space

The whole body was covered in blood, but at this moment... a white figure suddenly appeared in his world!

kill god

White up!

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