The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2023 Beat Tianyuan

Chapter 2023 Beat Tianyuan

the third day

The day when Li Yuanba returned

in front of the wall

Tian Yuan suddenly burst out laughing, and said loudly to the painting wall: "Ziyue, the big man is back, hahaha... I was arrested by my father."

"I heard that the antidote was brought back."

Tian Yuan's heart froze, he made a gesture of silence, his ears perked up and listened carefully.

"Brother Li is back!"

Wang Tai was overjoyed and rushed out immediately.

Ziyue was still kneeling in front of the tomb, and she was also suddenly surprised, but she immediately shouted when she saw him: "Don't go out, he's lying to us o"

Wang Tai was taken aback

Ziyue said: "If the big man comes back, he will definitely come here first, and the big elder will never catch him. Tianyuan wants to lure us out."

She believes in destiny Eldero

Three days' appointment, before the time comes, he will never do it

Wang Tai said anxiously: "People's hearts can change. If Brother Li really comes back and is caught, then we..."

indeed o

What if?

What if what he said was true?

If the treatment is delayed... Long Fei's life is already very weak, and he may die at any time. Even if there is a chance, they have to try.

Ziyue's eyebrows tightened

She knew that Tianyuan was tricking them out, but what if it was true?

There was also a trace of panic in her heart.

She can't be 100% guaranteed!

Wang Taidao: "You are inside, I will go out first, if it is not true, I will say o loudly"

Don't wait for Ziyue to speak o

Wang Tai stepped into the twisted void

The mural outside moved, and then Wang Tai's figure came out of the mural.

Tian Yuan's eyebrows sank, and he didn't rush to do it. He just looked at Wang Tai with a cold smile and said, "Where's Ziyue?"

Wang Tai said, "Where is Brother Li?"

Tian Yuan sneered and said, "He was arrested by my father as soon as he entered the Valley of the King of the Night. He is now locked in the prison of the King of the Night. Do you want to see him?"


Tian Yuan looked at the mural and said, "Ziyue, come out for me. If you serve me comfortably today, I will let you see the big man."

With killing in Wang Tai's eyes, he said solemnly, "You fucking seek death!"

Don't wait for Wang Tai to finish speaking

Ziyue looked at the giant spirit coffin in the distance, looked at the white coffin on the hillside, and muttered: "Bless the ancestors!"

Step out of the mural o

Ziyue came out, looked at Tianyuan and said, "I'm out!"

Tian Yuan was too excited, and immediately laughed wildly, saying: "Ziyue, you bitch finally came out, are you really willing to do anything for that Long Fei?"

Seeing Tian Yuan's excited look, Ziyue immediately said, "You are lying to me, the big man didn't come back at all."

Tian Yuan smiled and said, "What if I lied to you? You knew that I lied to you, but you still came out by yourself, because..." The voice became gloomy, "In your heart, Long Fei's life is extremely important."


Teeth gnashing and rattling

Tian Yuan stared at Ziyue and said, "From now on you will never see him again, he will die inside, and you... are mine!"


When the voice fell,

The disciples around Tian Yuan rushed up directly.

been tricked o

Was scolded day and night o

The anger in Wang Tai's heart could not be controlled for a long time, and the moment Tianyuan said the word 'hands on', the forbidden power of the heavenly bones burst out in an instant.

The whole body is like a hedgehog


One hit!


He landed in front of Tian Yuan, grabbed his collar and lifted it up in midair, and then slammed it on the ground, "Boom!"

The whole room is shaking, the ground is cracking

Tian Yuan also spurted out a mouthful of blood in an instant, his face was pale, and he was lying on the ground like a dead dog.

Wang Tai shouted: "Just like you, you still want to grab a woman from Brother Fei? Are you a root hair?"

"I bother!"

A mouthful of phlegm spit on Tianyuan's body, disdainful.

Tian Yuan's body was in severe pain, and the hatred in his heart was incomparably fierce, and he shouted heavily: "Kill him, kill him, kill him for me..."

"Still fucking yelling?"

Wang Tai stared at o

Tian Yuan's body trembled slightly.

Wang Tai stepped forward but was pulled by Ziyue and shook his head gently.

Wang Tai puzzled: "Why not kill, he scolded you all day o"

Ziyue said: "Can't kill o"

Tianyuan is the only son of destiny. If he dies, Ziyue can't guarantee what destiny will do. At this juncture, Tianyuan can't die.

Tian Yuan seemed to see through it and laughed loudly: "Hahaha... You dare not kill me, do you?"

"My father is the elder, the substitute patriarch of the Valley of the Night Kings. If something happens to me, my father will not spare you, hahaha..."

very proud o

Wang Tai was upset and shouted, "I can't kill you, but... my daddy can cripple you."

When I stepped forward, a slap in the face slapped it down.


Tian Yuan's two front teeth were knocked off, his mouth was full of blood, and his face was marked with five fingers.

"Call for another try!"

Tianyuan's front teeth fell out, dizzy, and his speech leaked, and said: "You hit me, you dare to hit me, my father will not spare you, you,,,, you, wait for me o"

Don't wait for him to finish o

Wang Tai slapped him down again, "What if daddy hits you?"


I was slapped on the left face just now, this time I was beaten on the right face

A few more teeth fell out

Wang Tai said with contempt: "If you can't win, you're called Dad. Just like a three-year-old child, someone like you is worthy of my brother Fei to grab a woman? Why don't you call out all the eighteen generations of your ancestors?"

Tianyuan was beaten

Never been beaten like this

Tian Yuan tried his last strength to escape, and said heavily: "Wait for me!"

run away like crazy

escape from the yard

His group of small minions also ran out in an instant, rolling and crawling.

far away

On the hillside, the black-robed Elder sneered and said, "What a waste."

"I can't catch a single move o"

The elder Zipao said: "It's not Tianyuan's waste, but that Wang Tai's strength is very strong, and he has reached the mid-rank power of the lower god."

"Then what should we do now?" the black-robed elder asked.

The purple-robed elder smiled grimly and said, "It's very simple, kill!"


"Are you doing something to Ziyue?" The black-robed elder was slightly shocked. Ziyue was the last person in the Night King's bloodline, and also the master of Shaogu, in case it didn't work out...

The elder Zipao smiled and said, "It's not her, it's Tianyuan. Our goal is to kill him. If he dies, the elder will naturally be unable to control his anger."

The black-robed elder said, "High, it's really high!"

Tianyuan is an insignificant little person o

Cultivation BaseGeneralo

Talent flat o

But his identity is different

The only son of the elder

No matter how calm the elder is, the pain of losing his son will make him run wild and angry.

In this way, the Valley of the Night Kings will fully deal with Ziyue.

But o

What the two elders did not expect was that Tian Yuan did not go to his father, but quietly left the valley.

"Meet Mr. Liu!"

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