The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2025 Trap? !

Chapter 2025 Trap? !

If you don't agree, you will do it o

Liu Tianyou didn't want to say more, just kill first and then o

and o

His purpose this time is not only Long Fei but also the Tomb of the Night King.

His voice fell

Dozens of powerhouses in the Temple of the Gods moved, revealing their long swords, raising their eyes, and suddenly murderous arrogance.

destiny frowned, and instantly entered the state of preparation.

The commoners in the Valley of the Night Kings retreated slightly.

One of the elders came out quickly and said, "Sir, calm down, Long Fei has nothing to do with us in the Valley of the Night Kings. If you let us discuss it again, we will definitely hand Long Fei to you."

Liu Tianyou smiled lightly, and said contemptuously: "It's said that you Night King Valley is united, and it doesn't look like it is in the legend."

"it is good!"

"Then give you a quarter of an hour o"

"If you don't hand over Long Fei, kill!"

Liu Tianyou is not in a hurry

Before entering the Valley of the Night Kings, he knew the strength, personnel, and number of masters in the Valley of the Night Kings.

can say o

The people he brought in crushed everything by absolute advantage, so he wasn't worried o

The Elder quickly walked up to Destiny and said, "Elder, you can't play with the lives of the people in the whole valley. He is just an outsider and has nothing to do with us in the Valley of the Night King."


"Dage, you have to think carefully, this can affect the life and death of thousands of people in our entire valley."

"Hand over him o"

"He is the person wanted by the main temple. Today is the temple of the gods. Tomorrow, he may be the powerhouse of the main temple. Can we keep him today and keep him forever?"

"Elder, think twice."


Everyone knows that Long Fei offended the main temple o

The main shrine has long said that it wants the head of Long Fei.

Not to mention the main temple, even the Temple of the Gods, Yewanggu, can't deal with it, how to fight the main temple?

It's not worth it to take the lives of people from the whole valley for the sake of a Long Fei!

Why doesn't destiny know in my heart?


Once the Valley of the Night King is mounted on his head like this, what is the power of the Night King?

From now on, will the ancient gods still have a foothold in the Valley of the Night King?

Destiny said: "Valley of the Night King is never afraid of o"

"Big Elder!"


"Now is not the time to be afraid or not, now is the choice of life and death o" an Elder said heavily, "You can't let the whole valley die for you, you just ask them to see if they are willing to accompany you go to hell o"

"Just so!"

Destiny chooses the battle, but... the other Elders don't move

they don't want to die

Even if they win, there is still the main temple behind them, and they will die o

Destiny looked at the elders who were dissuading him. If he said a few more words, I am afraid that these elders would take him off the ground, or even shoot him.

because o

destiny sees fear, panic, and the fear that can't be concealed in their eyes

Just when destiny doesn't know how to choose

Ziyue walked out slowly and said, "I will pay!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone looked at Ziyue in unison.

Many people's faces changed slightly

Destiny also followed with a tight look, stepped forward, and whispered: "I don't have anything to do with you here, hurry up and step back o"

An attendant whispered something to Liu Tianyou, and he immediately said, "Hold on."

"Master Shaogu, right?"

Liu Tianyou's eyes flashed brightly, he remembered very clearly what Tianyuan said, to open the tomb of the Night King, only the blood of the Night King can be opened.

The purple moon in front of you is the only one who can open the tomb of the Night King

Liu Tianyou said, "Master Shaogu, where are you?"

Ziyue stepped forward, without fear, and said, "In the tomb of the Night King"

Say it directly

The audience was shocked again

Everyone is shocked

"The Tomb of the Night King?"

"This, this,, that is where the coffins of the Night Kings of all dynasties are located. How can you put him there? Is it too presumptuous? Do you still have the Valley of the Night Kings in your eyes?"

"Well said o"

"This girl is too presumptuous o"


The Tomb of the Night King is the Sacred Land in the Valley of the Night Kings. It is also a forbidden area. Outsiders are not allowed to enter. Now that Long Fei is placed there, it has violated the clan rules.

Regarding the anger around, Ziyue ignored it and said: "Tell all your people to go out, and I will personally take you into the tomb of the Night King and hand Long Fei into your hands."

The voice fell o

Destiny immediately said: "No!"

"Ziyue, that is the tomb of the Night King, absolutely must not let anyone disturb..."

An elder immediately said: "Master Shaogu has made a decision, so let her do it."

"that is!"

"hand over o"

No matter what the tomb of the Night King is now, as long as Liu Tianyou gets Long Fei, he will leave quickly, everything is easy to say.

Liu Tianyou frowned, looked at Ziyue and said, "Go in alone?"

Ziyue said: "I am afraid that too many people will disturb the rest of the ancestors, so I can only bring you in alone. Do you dare to go?"

"If you don't go, then please leave o"


"Of course I'm going!"

Without any hesitation, Liu Tianyou said, "Lead the way ahead."

Ziyue said: "Evacuate your people from the Valley of the Night Kings first."


Liu Tianyou smiled lightly and raised his eyes slightly.

immediately o

Dozens of voices fell, and dozens of children in the Valley of the Night Kings were picked up and dropped on a high place.

Liu Tianyou said: "Take them out of the valley, if I don't come out for an hour, kill them!"

Ziyue's eyebrows are tight

Liu Tianyou said slightly: "Master Shaogu, please o"

Most of the powerhouses in the Hall of Gods left, but let a small number hide in the Valley of the Night Kings

Ziyue looks at destinyo

destiny nodded slightly

Ziyue said: "Follow me!"





One after another humming sound exploded in Long Fei's mind, like a tumbling thunderbolt, one after another powerful force poured into it, and it seemed to collapse.

Long Fei gritted his teeth and insisted on o

"It's almost the most critical time, you must endure o"

Long Fei roared, "Come on!"

Bai Qi's phantom stared at him, and then... in the void, countless warriors riding horses, Demonic Beasts, rushed down frantically.

Every warrior encounters the power of the law of killing

at the moment o

Long Fei's consciousness is like a huge battlefield.

Bai Qi shouted, "Come on, bear it!"





Long Fei's body is sinking and sinking again and again, just relying on the body of the mind in the cultivation space, Long Fei endures the pain that ordinary people can't bear.

he must endure o,

because o

If he can't bear it, he will fail, and he will no longer be able to enter the cultivation space.

The antidote...may be useless for him o

If he fails, he will Deatho

Just when Long Fei endured the last power of the Law of Killing Dao

fresco twist o

Ziyue took Liu Tianyou into the Tomb of the Night King

Liu Tianyou was shocked and excited, and said, "The Tomb of the Night King, the Tomb of the Night King, this is the Tomb of the Night King, hahaha..."

also at this time

A Daoist shadow falls o

Wang Tai stood in front and pulled out a black bone spur from his body...

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