The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2027 Crazy Rewards, Crazy Upgrades

Chapter 2027 Crazy rewards, crazy upgrades



A series of bone pops o

Long Fei's neck moved slightly, his hands and feet moved, and his whole body was full of explosions.

Plus crawling out of the coffin, the whole person is like a zombie coming out of the cage o

spooky o

With this loud noise, Ziyue's eyes opened, looking at Long Fei suspended in mid-air in the distance, she actually had the urge to cry.

but o

she didn't make a sound

There is also a giant spirit god of Li Yuanba in the giant spirit coffin, is it a soul transfer**?

she's not sure

Liu Tianyou turned around and looked at Long Fei who was angry from the coffin, his mouth twitched, showing a look of disdain, "Are you Long Fei?"

Long Fei ignored o

Still suspended in mid-air, eyes slightly closed, as if in deep sleep o

"Contrasting colors and ghosts!"

Liu Tianyou snorted coldly, the breath on his body moved, and his body rushed, "Shu!"

Instantly rushed to Long Fei o

The mighty force is fully crushed o

Ziyue's heart tightened, and she shouted, "Be careful!"


The force is crushed down, and there is a loud noise o

Long Fei stands still

Liu Tianyou's body rotated at 720 degrees in mid-air, flipping backwards, all the power released by him was crushed back in that instant.

Even the corner of Long Fei's clothes didn't touch o


What is Long Fei waiting for?

he is waiting...

Crazy beep!

Half a minute ago, he absorbed all the inheritance power of the law of killing, his eyes widened, and when he read it, his heart was completely destroyed.

in just half a minute

Long Fei released the law of killing, and developed ten thousand murderous intentions. At this moment, he made a strong attack and killed all the steel-armored beasts in the alien battlefield in one thought.

Wuxiu mission First Stage, complete!

All 10,000 steel armored beasts were killed

A trillion experience!

The system beep sounded like crazy


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is the second-level lower god!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for the upgrade, the current level is the third-rank lower god!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is the fourth-level lower god!"


Level hurricane o

One trillion experience is also rapidly decreasing o

in half a minute


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is the first rank of the median god!!"

Ten levels up!

A trillion experience!

Long Fei secretly clicked his tongue in his heart, "Damn it, this level is too high, right?"

In an instant, he rose to ten levels, and he also said that Realm is difficult to break through. If someone heard it, he would definitely beat him and beat him!

If the next god wants to go further, it is like going to the sky.

It takes hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of years to break through to the median god. It only took Long Fei... a few seconds.

Just so fierce!

"All right!"

"The level upgrade is over, should I get the quest reward?"

This is what Long Fei cares about most o


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for completing the first level of 'Dragon Coffin Martial Arts Mode'!"

"Get a special reward..."

"Reward item: training armor!"


Long Fei was taken aback, "Damn, what is this?"

never heard of o

After reading the attributes, Long Fei was about to scold, "Your uncle, the system, do you think the daddy has not suffered enough crimes? Did you even come up with a training armor?"

"Are you going to kill daddy?"

practice armor o

After wearing it, strength, speed, reaction...all attributes are reduced by half!

but o

The Cultivation Base obtained by wearing the training armor will be increased by five times!

Practice armor is a five times experience armor o

But... his drawbacks reduce his own strength by half o

Just like running with weights, once you take the weight off your body, your speed will increase rapidly o

Practice armor is so o

Complaining is complaining, but this training armor is still very good o

At this time o

The system beeps again


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting an upgrade reward!"

Long Fei's heart tightened again, "There is one more chance to be rewarded, this time, please don't cheat on me again o"

"Teacher Cang bless you!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the summoning system reward and summoning!"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting an extra 'Heavenly Emperor' summon!"

Heavenly Emperor summons a one-time o

duration ten minutes

Can summon Heavenly Emperor, omnipotent o

"I rely on!"

"Would you like to be so perverted?" Long Fei's mind was tense, and he was suddenly summoned by the 'Heavenly Emperor' from the open training armor. Suddenly, from The Underworld to heaven, Long Fei was a little uncomfortable.

"Activate the summoning system o"

"Random summons... Can you summon Sailor Moon without clothes? Can you summon Sister Chang'e? Can you summon the naked teacher Cang?" The more Long Fei thought about it, the more evil he became.

Anyway, it's not cool!

"Upgrade is cool"

"It's cool to finish the task."

Just when Long Fei was excited, Liu Tianyou on the side moved again, this time more powerful force poured out, forming a huge Sword Qi, which slashed down at Long Fei's eyebrows.

"See if you're still dead this time!"

At this time o

Long Fei's eyes suddenly opened, staring at Liu Tianyou, his eyes tightened, "hurt my brother, hit my woman, die!"

One word!


As soon as the word "death" came out, the law of killing on Long Fei's body was like a sudden burst of power, and a super-strong force rushed into Liu Tianyou's body.


body burst o

Instant kill!

There's no room for resistance


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Elder Liu Tianyou' in the Temple of God's List to gain 1,000,000 experience points, 100,000 points of divine power, and 1 point of abnormal energy"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Haitian Divine Sword'"


Long Fei didn't even look at o

completely ignored o

I don't even want to waste metamorphic energy on it.

Ziyue was stunned, looked at Long Fei and said, "Is it a soul transfer?"

Soul transfer** should be the appearance of the giant spirit god, now it is Long Fei... Then...

Ziyue can't imagine o

Not to mention that the poison is so powerful that Long Fei has changed in the past few days, and his combat effectiveness has completely exploded.

Even Liu Tianyou, the powerhouse of the median god, was easily killed in seconds. How strong is this?

How perverted is it?

Ziyue finds that everyone around Long Fei is a pervert

Li Yuanba is, Wang Tai is, and Long Fei is a pervert among perverts.

Long Fei shook his head, smiled lightly, and said, "No, I'm Long Fei"

Ziyue looked at Long Fei and said, "Your Cultivation Base... how did it suddenly become the aura of a mid-level god? How did you get rid of the poison on your body?"


"And Wang Tai, he,,, he,,"

Ziyue looked excited

Long Fei flew in front of her, took her into his arms, and said softly, "It's alright, it's alright, and Wang Tai is alright too."

warm shoulders o

This is the shoulder that Ziyue wants to lean on

for a long time

Long Fei said: "By the way, let me introduce you to someone to know o"


at the moment o

Valley of the Night Kings

Qiao Qiao silently looked at the heights, her eyes swept around, and she did not miss every place...


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