The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2029 Two Perverts


One word, one hundred thousand killing intent burst out

in that moment o

The woman kneeling on the ground beside her and begging, the old man who is dying, and even the children who have just been let go, at this moment...

instantly become a killer

Destiny even took the lead, with a move of his sleeve, a pair of iron hook gloves exposed on the back of his hand, he moved with all his strength towards the approaching Elder, instantly piercing his throat.

One hit kill o

go all out o

Every killer goes all out, can kill with one blow, and will never use the second trick.

very fast o

The people who are about to reach the temple of the gods are still laughing and can't react o

"you you,……"

The Elder clenched his bloody throat with both hands and said, "Just now, just now..."

Destiny said coldly: "I was just acting with you just now."

What is learning how to bark?

What is dignity?

As a killer, dignity has long been thrown into the sea

Their world only has goals!

no other o

So destiny doesn't care about those o

This is also because the people in the Temple of Gods do not know the killer in the Valley of the Night Kings at all.

Seventy of the powerhouses in the Hall of Gods were injured in half a minute. Many people escaped, and at the same time, many people broke their way and rushed to the Valley of the Night King.

followed by o

Lurking is everywhere in the hall of gods, and the strong people immediately notice o

quickly gather o

Destiny immediately said: "Fast, speed up, don't let them gather o"

There are too few people in the Valley of the Night King now.

The ones who can fight are even less o

If there are enough people, destiny will first clean up the masters of the Hall of Gods in the Valley of the Night Kings, just because there is no one...

Get it right the first time

But the powerhouses in the Hall of Gods responded and slowly formed resistance, the situation slowly reversed, and the people in the Valley of the Night Kings could no longer support it.

The power gap is too big

half an hour later

Those who escaped from the Valley of the Night Kings were killed again and came back o

"They can't do it!"

"They can't take it anymore!"

"Sneak attack on us, let you know the fate of attacking us o"

"Boom, boom!"

madly pounce on

Every one of the powerhouses in the Hall of Gods is a mid-level god Realm, and the Night King Valley is a Practitioner of a lower-level god Realm except for a few elders of destiny, and it has not even reached the lower-level god Realmo.

a time o

Vale of the Night King quickly retreats o

The world is all about strength

A successful sneak attack, Destiny saves all the children, but... as long as the people in the Hall of Gods hold their ground, they will undoubtedly lose in the Valley of the Kings.

no chance of winning

He already knew this.

"Elder, what should we do now?"

"I can't stop it!"

"The people in the Hall of Gods are too strong o"


Destiny's brows furrowed, thinking of the word 'destiny' that he didn't fully write, he looked at the sky and muttered: "Maybe... this is destiny."

immediately o

Destiny's eyes were shocked, and he said, "The Valley of the Night Kings is never afraid, let alone bowing his head to anyone. Back then, the first generation of Night Kings made the Lord God helpless. Now... kill me!"

destiny rushed up o

outside the valley

Li Yuanba's eyes sank, "The sound of fighting?"

Tianling said: "Big Vajra, what's the situation? Could it be that someone has already attacked the boss?"

suddenly o

Li Yuanba's brain exploded, but he didn't think much about it at all. He jumped off the bird's pet, took a step of 100 meters, and rushed out, like a raging tank bulldozer.

One step at a time, o

The whole valley is shaking o

Li Yuanba roared heavily: "Whoever fucks my boss, I will overturn his ancestors!"

followed by o

Tianling also moved in the void, and when he was about to rush out, he turned over to look at the poisonous demon.

The poison demon just turned around and wanted to leave

Tianling stared at o

eerie o

Like a pair of big eyes in a ghost prison, staring at the poisonous demon, the poisonous demon immediately said: "What, I want to pee."

One look is almost scared out of urine o

Tianling said: "Don't run around, if I find out that you are gone, you will know the consequences very well."

finish o

The spirit of heaven disappears instantly

The poisonous demon sat down, sweating profusely, and murmured, "Where the hell did these guys come from, isn't it scary?"

he dare not run

He was also curious in his heart, what kind of person could make these two big perverts so worried?

Is it an even more awesome pervert?


Li Yuanba rushed to the mouth of the valley and saw the body of the Shenbang Hall man, his eyebrows tightened, "It's these scumbags again!"

The power in the body moves o


The power of the powerful crimson was released, and it rushed out like an undead God of War magnifying move, and the sky was full of red light.

Tianling said: "Damn, big Vajra has become a big red bull o"

"Damn it!"




With continuous explosions, the powerhouses of the Temple of God were overturned one by one, "Just you scumbags still want to touch my boss?"

"I'll go to your uncle's o"

Li Yuanba's furious state o

Three doors open

His power... is completely a perverted and mad bison, and he can't stop it.

The powerhouses in the Temple of Gods did not react for a while, and they were all thrown out by him, smashed to the ground, and their body and mind were torn apart.


"Who are they going to touch my boss?"

Li Yuanba roared o

At the same time o

He was also shouting, "Wang Tai, boss..."

Tianling didn't make a move. The Spiritual Qi on his body directly covered the entire valley, searching for the breath of the boss, Long Fei, but... there was absolutely no breath of Long Fei.

"Big Vajra, are you sure the boss is here?" Tianling frowned.

on the square

Li Yuanba killed the Quartet and was extremely domineering.

Hearing Tianling's voice, he said, "I personally carried the boss back into this valley, and it must be here."

Tianling said: "Then why can't I sense the boss's breath?"

Li Yuanba's brows tightened, and his thoughts followed, and his heart sank immediately, "I,,, I,, I can't feel the breath of the giant spirit coffin o"

"Could it be that the boss was taken away by someone?"

in an instant o

Li Yuanba was even more like adding fuel to the fire, his pupils were bloodshot, he rushed in front of a strong man in the Temple of God, grabbed his collar with one hand, and roared heavily in midair, "Tell me, who brought it? Take my boss?"

That God Ranking Hall powerhouse is also the median god Realm, Cultivation Base completely overwhelmed Li Yuanba's existence, but... Li Yuanba was mentioned in the air like a chicken, he was completely unable to move, his body kept shaking, and said: " No, no, no one..."

The voice just fell

Li Yuanba smashed him to the ground from midair.


A deep pit appeared on the ground, the strong man's body was split, and his whole body was covered in blood, and even his soul was torn apart by Li Yuanba's power.

totally unbearable


"who is it?"

Li Yuanba is furious

People from the Vale of the Night Kings on the other side o

destiny is shocked

The Elder Adam's apple beside him rolled, and his back was cold. "Fortunately, we didn't start, otherwise... we would be miserable..."

The power is so perverted!

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