The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2032 We Should Go Out

The scene is dead silent

silent as death

The people around were shocked

I finally understand why everything under the main temple is ants.

I finally understand what God is!

Their lower god Realm, middle god Realm, upper god Realm... Compared with the real gods of the main temple, they are too weak, and they are too weak.

Just now, the Sky God used just a little bit of law power to crush Li Yuanba and Tianling with ease!

There is no chance of resistance at all

god, god

An irreversible, invincible existence!

"How to do?"

"Elder, what should we do now?"

The people in the Vale of the Night King are worried o

The son of the sky god was killed, and Long Fei was in the tomb of the Night King. Now they can neither hand over Long Fei nor defeat the sky god.

This situation has only one outcome o


destiny frowned, he wondered why the sky god appeared?

Under normal circumstances, the main temple would not intervene in the battle of the ancient gods. Why did he appear to avenge his son?

no need at all

If you send any messenger from the main temple, you can crush Long Fei, why should you come in person?

Or is there another reason for him to come?

Destiny said solemnly: "There is no way, everything is up to fate, but... we are the night royal family, and we must be worthy of our ancestors in everything we do."


Several elders from the Temple of Gods knelt down and said, "Sir, Long Fei is in the valley."

"There is no antidote to the poison that eats the heart and the gods, and I am afraid that the poison has already occurred."

"Our Temple of the Gods surrounded the Valley of the Night King for three days, I believe he must be dead."

Several elders want to please and invite credit o

but o

The Sky God didn't pay attention at all. His eyes lifted slightly and tightened suddenly. He stared at a big tree not far away, and his heart froze, "The aura of the Son of God?"

"Could it be that the Son of God also sent someone here?"

In an instant, I sensed Jojo's position.

Qiao Qiao's soul was released by Zhan Wushuang, and it was also injected with the power of the Son of God, so the Sky God sensed it all at once.

It's just that he didn't say anything

Just then...



A burst of wild laughter sounded from the deep pit, and the dense bloodshots around the deep pit gathered little by little as if they had life, and returned to Li Yuanba's body little by little.

Not only him, but also Tianling


The scene is so weird

Can't understand it at all!

Sky God's eyebrows twitched slightly, and said softly, "Huh?"

"So cool!"

"Finally met a stronger opponent o"

Li Yuanba stood up, his neck swayed, the bones all over his body rattled, and the pale and dead color on his face disappeared, but he looked like a lively tiger.

no injuries at all

Totally a big pervert

not only that o

Li Yuanba's body made a sound like a steel crash, and he became stronger.

The whole person seems to have transformed

The same is true for Tianling, his eyes and expression become more and more gloomy, like a ghost who is desperate for his life.

Li Yuanba stomped his right foot, "Boom!"

He landed in the air, looked at the sky with a naive smile, and said, "You are energetic enough, I like a guy like you who is energetic."

Heavenly Spirit also fell in mid-air o

The two of them seem to be resurrected on the spot

Everyone is dumbfounded

No one knows that they are undead, and no one knows what kind of practice they went through in the years in The Underworld o

That's a penance that no one can bear

Create an immortal body

Of course o this is also because of the power of the eternal King of The Underworld in their bodies o

combine the two

Eight Vajra Becomes, Eight The Underworld Vajrao

stand up again

Li Yuanba looked at the sky god and said, "Tell you one more time, hand over the antidote, or you will really be beaten out!"

Tianling smiled gloomily, "Hehe..."

People in the Valley of the Night Kings see a silver lining o

"Looks like I haven't lost yet"

"Damn it, who are these two people? Are they too strong?"

"And it's crazy."

"Hahaha... If the sky god can be cut down, then maybe..."

"That's not possible, that is the disaster of our Night King Valley."


The sky god controls the battlefield of hegemony. Once he dies, the battlefield of hegemony will be in chaos, and the main temple will never let the Valley of the Night Kings go.

At that time, it will not be the sky god, but a large wave of super true gods.

The sky god sneered contemptuously and looked at Li Yuan domineeringly: "It seems that the lesson I gave you just now wasn't enough."

He didn't expect Li Yuanba to survive under those circumstances.

But o

This time he Jedi won't let them have the slightest chance o


The power behind the god of the sky moves o


Before waiting for his power to gather, Li Yuanba's figure disappeared, and he appeared in front of the sky god in an instant, "The sixth gate, the gate of death!"



There is a loud noise in the body, the world is like collapsing o

The power on Li Yuanba's body was burning like a flame, and he bombarded it with one punch.

The power of the sky gods has not been fully gathered.

One punch!


Fragmentation o

Sky God's body retreated slightly, and his face changed, "How unreasonable!"

The robe on his body creaked, his eyes spewed out flames, and he grabbed with both hands...


Because at this moment, Tianling has absorbed all the Spiritual Qi around, and above the head of the sky god, Tianling is holding a huge dazzling white ball.


"The spiritual source of eating daddy explodes!"


slam down o

Falling down like a giant spiral pill o

smashed on the head of the sky god o




The sky god fell from mid-air and smashed to the ground, also smashing a deep pit.

Tianling fell on Li Yuanba's side, and the two smiled slightly.

Unlike the sky gods, they didn't stop there because... they knew very well who they were facing, the god in the main temple,


Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

The two fell vertically, turning into two rays of light and crashing down heavily.


Li Yuanba's fists were like thunder, and the storm continued, "I said, I must punch your shit out, bang, bang, bang..."

"What about killing your son?"

"It is your son's honor to die at the hands of my boss"

"You still want revenge?"

"Come on"

"Just you?"

Li Yuanba roared furiously

The two crushed the body of the sky god into the deep pit, punching to the flesh.

Everyone was shocked


What shocked them even more was that o

In the sky, the phantoms gathered, the sky god was unscathed, and froze in the air, watching everything that happened in the deep pit.

The eyes are cold, extremely!


Tomb of the Night King

Long Fei said: "Okay, we should go out."

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