The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2049 Jungler

Familiar sounds, familiar scenes o

Familiar feeling o

This is not immersive, this is the real world o

This is a completely different feeling from controlling heroes in front of the computer, and this feeling is even more exciting.

Every battle is a battle of life and death

Death means disappearing

There is no resurrection here, no chance to do it again, people die, collapse o

so o

Survival is the most important thing in this battle for hegemony


The system sounded a voice that made Long Fei feel his blood boil. Long Fei quickly asked everyone to choose their outfits in Akali's store, and then he entered the jungle by himself.

"Just keep growing online, wait for my order," Long Fei told him again and again.

Upper, middle and lower three lines on the line o

"What does he want to do?"

"He turned out to be the Forest of Death?"

"It's full of powerful Demonic Beasts, and his current Cultivation Base is no match at all."

"My lord, could they be the people sent by the main temple to kill the god of fate, the god of the sky, and the ghost of the main god, will all this be a trap? Is it to deal with us?"

"This kid is too abnormal. There is no such way of playing. Is he actually courting death in the Death Forest?"

"Is it really someone sent by the main temple?"


Long Fei's actions have to make people suspicious o

No one will enter the jungle like him

There are powerful Demonic Beasts in the jungle, killing them can also get special contribution points, but... this kind of action is like sending death.

The Evil God's brows tightened, and at this moment he couldn't help but worry, "If killing the God of Destiny, the God of the Sky, and the phantom of the Lord God is all for acting, then... this scene is too deep o"

Of course o

If a god of destiny dies, the god of the sky will exchange all the territory of the battle for hegemony, firmly control everything in the battle for hegemony, and let the main temple enjoy an immortal existence.

The fall of two gods is so worth it


Now that Long Fei and the others have entered the battlefield, they can no longer be recalled.

The evil god did not speak, his eyes stared at every move on the battlefield, and his heart became nervous.

The life and death of the evil temple is on the line o

Whether it is death or life, it is held in Long Fei's hands.


The system beeps again

"Army attack!"

In the black crystal base, three teams of soldiers appeared. These soldiers are not the brainless soldiers in the game. They are all living people.

It's just that they received the control of the evil god, and they couldn't get rid of the ordinary, they could only rush forward to the battlefield.

and o

These minions are very critical in the early game


"The trash of the Evil God Temple, this is your last battle, get ready to get out of the battle for hegemony, hahaha..."

There are bursts of laughter in the distance

The winning streak makes the generals of the main temple extremely arrogant, and they will not put the people of the evil temple to put in one’s eyeso

Bilateral creeps reach the battlefield o

In the forest of Death, in a bush, Long Fei muttered, "This should be the place where the red buff is located, right?"

"If this is the same as the world of League of Legends, the time for the monsters to refresh is also the same."

Red buff is crucial o

Continuous damage, slow o


A huge lizard climbed up from the underground void, more than ten meters high, a huge and colorful giant poisonous lizard.

Long Fei raised his eyes and was startled.


"Do you want to be so fierce?"

In the game, the red buff is just a monster about the size of a hero, but the huge lizard in front of him makes Long Fei a little dazed.

"Is this f*ck too big?"


The King Yama blade in Long Fei's hand was summoned, and when he moved his steps, he slashed with a knife, "Shhh!"


A bright red number floated above the giant poisonous lizard's head, and at the same time its blood volume was also revealed, five thousand points o

Long Fei cursed angrily and said, "Fuck!"



The lineup of the bright camp is 212, and no one is playing the jungle o

no one will play wild o

Because the monsters in the Death Forest are all perverted, no one would foolishly enter and fight Demonic Beasts, which is no different from courting death.

"On the road there is only one big bald o"

"Few of them?"

"None of these people have met, newcomer?"

"It seems that the Evil God Temple has given up, and dare to use these stunned greens that have never appeared in the last battle? Looking for death o"

"Hahaha... brothers, crush them o"

"Let's break the historical record and win the opponent's base in 18 minutes"

"Go on the road, fully crush!"


Under the altar of the light camp, the gods in the main temple couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Dark camp loses o"

"Hahaha... The sky god fell, the main god phantom was killed, and we won the battle for hegemony. Even if the main god comes back, there will be no blame, and there will be rewards o"

"What the hell is this evil god doing?"

"It's all at this juncture, and some new people have never been seen before? Isn't this speeding up Death?"

"In the last battle, he must have given up o"

"With us in charge, they are not rivals at all"

They were cheering, their eyebrows couldn't stop excited o

No matter how strong you are or how powerful you are, as long as the battle for hegemony is in their hands, even if you have the power to reach the sky, you cannot change the world, change the laws and rules of this world

Only the battlefield can change everything o

the year o

They are here to change the world and master the power of the law

No one is more familiar here than them o

The gods of the main temple entered the battlefield to control the absolute initiative. Once the evil temple is destroyed, they will not let any forces have the opportunity to enter the battlefield again.

they'll have a firm grip on o

At that time... as for what kind of power Long Fei becomes, it will be useless, because no matter how strong Long Fei is, it is in their laws.

Unable to break the bond o

Just lie down obediently

Thinking of this, many gods couldn't help laughing.

proudly laugh o



"Three ways are all advantages, look at them, they can't hold it anymore, hahaha... We are sure to win!"


On the road, Li Yuanba fully adhered to Long Fei's guidance, resisted pressure all the time, never took the initiative, always waited for Long Fei's orders, and killed the soldiers when he found an opportunity.

Killing a minion grants 10 contribution points o

In the case of replenishing soldiers, he completely beats the top two o

In the middle, the Han Dynasty was a bit miserable, and the troops entered the tower, and he couldn't hold it.

It's almost the same way

Because the Cultivation Technique of Ziyue's choice is auxiliary, and the opposite is two output type, the two of them are also very badly suppressed.

All three are inferior


The huge lizard's life value bottomed out, the huge body collapsed, and Long Fei exhaled, "Will it be the same?"

The system beeps a beep


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