The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2087 Create The Main Artifact

fail again and again

devote myself to it again and again o

Long Fei is like a fighter

Repeated defeats, repeated defeats

just not cowardly

Just tough!

The system prompt sounded again, and Long Fei's heart tightened slightly. After countless failures, he succeeded in every refining.

However, every time it fails to meet the requirements of the refining task o

The artifact requested by the giant dragon is really unusual.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for successfully refining!"

suddenly o

Long Fei's mind was relieved, his body was slumped, his mind was blank, he didn't think about anything, and murmured: "f*ck, finally succeeded o"

also at this moment

The system beep sounded again o


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for completing the 'Artificial Refining Mission' to get a special reward, level AA1, and a special gift box!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is the third-rank god o"


"Do you want to open a special gift box?"

A black box hovers in Long Fei's mind o

In the dragon coffin cultivation space, you can get a special reward after completing a cultivation task.

Long Fei swallowed heavily and said, "Open!"

When your mind moves, click to go up o

The black gift box is opened and a dazzling light o

in an instant o

A hammer for refining is suspended in the light

The system beep sounds o


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Hammer of Soul Refining'!"

"For the refiner?"

"Damn it, how good is it to reward an artifact?" Long Fei murmured, checking the attributes of the 'Hammer of Soul Refining', his mouth opened wider and wider, and the whole person was stunned.


"Items in the great world of Hongmeng?"

Item: Hammer of Soul Refining

Grade: Hongmeng Grade

Attributes: 80% success rate blessing, excellent rate AA80%, excellent rate AA50%, excellent rate AA10%!

Description: The hammer used by Soul Refining in the great world of Hongmeng, with powerful refining power o

This property is simply an explosion.

The hammer used by Soul Refining is also Soul Refining in Hongmeng World, which is extraordinary o

The giant dragon stuck out a huge dragon head and said slightly: "The hammer of Soul Refining should be the best refining equipment in your current world. If you don't pass the refining task, you can't use it at all."

"Now you can use o"

"Of course o"

"Don't be complacent. In the Hongmeng world, your current level of refining is only a low-level existence, and you still have a long way to go."

"don't be proud o"

The dragon was ecstatic, "Good boy, it's really not easy, the second cultivation task has just passed, hahaha..."

If it weren't for Long Fei, he would be rolling around excitedly.

Long Fei's current artifact refining technology is already at its peak in this world, but it is still at the lowest level in the world of Hongmeng, even not as good as o

But o

This is just the first level o in the cultivation quest

There are still tasks!

The purpose of the dragon coffin cultivation space is to make Long Fei almighty!

Enter the world of Hongmeng with an almighty attitude

This is what the dragon has to do in the cultivation space

It has only been half a year, and Long Fei has passed two cultivation tasks. At this speed... I believe that Long Fei will be able to cultivate to the peak in less than ten years.

For a strong man, ten years are just a click away

Long Fei sneered and said, "Daddy is proud and proud, right?"


"too lazy to care about you"

With a thought, Long Fei left the cultivation space.

He can't wait now


"Protect me, no one is allowed to approach my room, keep it 100 meters away, no... 1000 meters away," Long Fei said seriously.

Li Yuanba didn't ask anything, and immediately said, "Understood."

Immediately step out

Immediately evacuate the crowd o

Long Fei is not afraid of interference, but is afraid that the refining will not succeed. How powerful is the power in the fragments of the Lord God? If the failure explodes, the consequences are unimaginable o

"what happened?"

"Does the Demon Emperor want Closed Door Training?"

"What is the Demon Emperor going to do?"

"What's going on?"


Many demon leaders came over

Li Yuanba said: "You can just follow the boss's order. I don't know what it is."

Ziyue, Hanyu, Tianling, and Subduing Dragon all rushed over.

They all looked at Li Yuanba o

Li Yuanba shook his head innocently and said, "I really don't know!"

in the room

"Heaven and earth are the furnace!"

"Nature is fire!"



A group of flames came out of nowhere, suspended in front of Long Fei, Long Fei moved his right hand, and the King Yama blade was summoned.

followed by o

Take out the two main god fragments again.


Long Fei exhaled softly, calming his mind, without distracting thoughts, his eyes sank, his right hand moved, and he took out the hammer of Soul Refining.


in an instant o

When the hammer of Soul Refining moved, the fire burst out, and bursts of strong light burst out from the gaps in the house.

extremely dazzling o

Everyone is tight

There was a loud noise over the entire Jiyuan Mountains, like the thunder outside the Nine Heavens.

main temple o

"The breath of the Lord God's fragments!"

"Someone is refining the fragments of the Lord God!

"It's the direction of the Jiyuan Mountains!"

suddenly o

The gods flew out in unison, opened the eyes of the void, and stared in the direction of the Jiyuan Mountains.

At the same time o

Tianshen Mountain, Zhan Wushuang's crazy fusion of law power, there are law lines on his body, these lines are like ditches that guide the law.

Following these lines, the power of one hundred and twenty-three laws slowly merged into his body.

The black-robed Destiny God stood on the top of the Tianshen Mountain and looked at the direction of the Jiyuan Mountain Range, and muttered: "The refining of the Lord God's fragments, the difficulty... Is the Lord Artifact about to appear?"





Long Fei's "chi luo" upper body, the muscles are like casted copper water, the sweat on his body rolls down, every time he hits the hammer, the sky is a loud noise o

The power of the hammer of Soul Refining is extraordinary o

Knock on the shard of the main god, the strong light bursts o

unbearable general o



a pop o

The first shard of the main god is embedded in the King Yama blade

A black glow erupted from the blade of King Yama, as if it was repelling!

Long Fei slammed down with a hammer and shouted, "Give me a little o"


The fragments of the Lord God are firmly embedded in it.

There was a burst of strong light on the blade of King Yama, Long Fei didn't care about it, he wanted to inlay the second shard of the Lord God in one go, but...

The inlay of the main god fragments is too difficult o

One will drain all his energy o

The second...

The Lord God Fragment madly resists o

Now in the process of inlaying and refining, once the Lord God's fragment is stopped, it will completely shatter, and his King Yama blade will also collapse.


"The power of darkness!"

The dragon-shaped mark on the right arm suddenly moved.

The black power covered Long Fei's right arm, and he bombarded it with a hammer.

The main god fragment is like a cat and mouse, it is embedded in an instant, and at this time, the system sounds a prompt o


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