The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2090 The Outbreak Of The Power Of The Lord God

Unexpectedly o

Long Fei looked at the dozens of super-upgraded boss monsters around him, his mouth twitched, instead of running away, he laughed excitedly.

"Boss's nest, I like it!"


Now Long Fei is the fourth-order noon god Realmo

The general upper gods can't reach the boss level o

Only gods who control the law of the main temple are eligible to reach the boss level o

How hard is it to find a boss?


Dozens of bosses appeared all at once, how could this make Long Fei not excited?

It's more refreshing than drinking Shuangwaiwai o

But o

Long Fei didn't dare to take it lightly, none of these super creatures are easy to mess with.

You can tell from the power that burst out just now, these guys are very fierce

Seeing that Long Fei was neither hiding nor escaping, the upgraded white ape who was closest to Long Fei glared at Bai Tong, "Om!"

Beast might!


There was a loud noise in the void, and the super powerful beast was crushed down.

Long Fei raised his eyes and said, "Is it possible to release pressure? Yes!"

body move o

in another place,


The place where Long Fei stood a second ago turned into a pitch-black pit, a charred black.

This is no ordinary beast

Attack with fire!

There was still fire element in the coercion, Long Fei looked at the upgraded white ape curiously, "The upgraded boss is not ordinary."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Another beast might fall

Long Fei dodged again, and the towering tree he was standing on turned into ashes, and its destructive power was like destroying the world.



Long Fei is more excited, the stronger you are, the more excited I am o

Looking at the super power of the upgraded White Ape, Long Fei was even more excited because such a boss can produce good things, maybe...

Can explode the artifact!

in an instant o

Beast Might roared out again, but...

This time Long Fei didn't go to avoid it, and his mind moved, "It just happens that you practice the sword!"


The blade of the Lord God was summoned, and Long Fei slashed down at the beast.


The power of the beast was directly split in half, Long Fei didn't stop in the air, and the speed of the law of the sky exploded strongly, "Shu..."

in an instant o

Falling in front of the upgraded white ape

The blade of the Lord God flashed a dazzling white light o

Long Fei roared, "Cut!"


The upgraded white ape didn't go to hide, and he couldn't dodge in that case, but he was shocked by the blade of the Lord God in his hand, Long Fei.

The blade of the Lord God slashes with one knife

Heavy slashes on the head of the upgraded white ape


A loud bang in the sky

The upgraded white ape's body sank, "Boom..."

The huge body sinks directly down o

The surrounding white snow rose up all over the sky, and the towering tree was uprooted by the aura emanating from the blade of the Lord God.

indescribable o

Long Fei was also secretly shocked, "Damn it, the main artifact is the main artifact. This power... is a complete mess."

The scene can be said to be devastating

a mess!

Not far away, the upgraded white apes all shrugged for a while, their throats let out a faint whisper of fear, and the cold light flashing from the white pupils became more intense, and the hostility on their bodies became heavier.


they didn't move

like a bystander

I didn't mean to help

and o

Their eyes are the same disdain o


The upgraded white ape who was slashed down by Long Fei did not die, but blood flowed from the top of his head, and the blood flowed into his eyes, making him look even more ferocious.

Long Fei's face sank

The moment the system did not sound a beep, he realized that the upgraded white ape was not dead!


He never imagined that not only did the upgraded white ape not die, but he was not even seriously injured, at best it was just a skin injury.

This is perverted!

Long Fei felt a little bitter in his heart and said, "I guess I have made a fake master artifact."

"your sister!"

"Don't you say that releasing the power of the Lord God can kill all the gods who control the law?"

"Can't even kill a Demonic Beasts now?"

"Make a yarn o"

Long Fei complained. When the upgraded white ape slowly stood up, he didn't think much about it. The first thought that popped into his mind was, escape!

body turn o

The speed of the law of the sky is released to the extreme o


fly out instantly


The moment he flew out, the huge mallet in the hand of the upgraded white ape swept out, Long Fei's eyes shrank sharply, looking at the dark void behind the mallet.

Horror abnormal o

heart move o


"Target locked!"

"Ultimate Explosive Fist!"

"Boom!" Long Fei roared, his fists sank, and he instantly let out an o

Not against the upgraded white ape, but against that huge club

If it is not smashed to pieces, Long Fei is likely to be smashed into a black hole.




The loud noise shook the sky, the ultimate blasting fist exerted its power to the limit, and the hammer was smashed to pieces, but it only smashed the hammer, and did not hurt the upgraded white ape.

This is the first time!

The first time I didn't even hit the target


"It's true what Tianling said, these super creatures are too terrifying o" Long Fei thought to himself, "How on earth can we explode the power of the Lord God on the blade of the Lord God?"

The blow just now is just the general power of the blade of the Lord God.

The power of the Lord God did not burst out.

This is also where Long Fei has a headache

Or maybe this is the reason for the one-star main artifact o

The upgraded White Ape saw that Long Fei had smashed his weapon, and he was even more angry. He beat his chest with both hands and let out a roar. With his backhand, he grabbed a towering tree.

The towering tree is uprooted o

Once again, I smashed it on the top of Longfei's head.

Long Fei is also very unhappy.

"Just a Demonic Beasts!"

"Can't daddy kill you?"


He rushed forward, Long Fei dragged the blade of the Lord God with his right hand, and the blade of the Lord God slashed across the white snow, as if across the gravel, sparks kept erupting.

Long Fei's heart moved

Thoughts poured into the blade of the Lord God

at this moment o

The power of the law surges o

A strong light erupted from the blade of the Lord God, and in an instant, Long Fei seemed to feel a little bit of an opportunity and jumped with the trend!


Pull green onions on dry land, jump to mid-air o

That upgraded white ape, the towering tree in his hand slammed down fiercely.

The same is to draw Shattering Void

Long Fei slashed down, "The power of the Lord God, give me a blast!!!"

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Above the Nine Heavens, the power roars o

One hundred thousand planes shook slightly

The power of the Lord God is the power of combining one hundred thousand planes.

The power of the Lord God is the power to control one hundred thousand planes.

under this o

everything is ants

Long Fei roared, "Daddy doesn't believe it anymore, he won't kill you this time?!!!"

"Blast me!"


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