The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2100 Space Teleportation

Eight Vajra, the eight pillars of the ancient world

The power of eight different elements o

They support the sky of the ancient world

The power of Tianzhu is the deepest hidden power in their bodies, and this power is their source power.

In the penance of The Underworld o

Long Zhanting let them easily know their own identity and their source power. This Tianzhu power was awakened in the practice of The Underworld.


In this 100,000 planes, the Tianzhu power they can awaken is very rare.

but o

Scarcity doesn't mean he's not strong enough, on the's very powerful o

The power of the Divine Power Pillar and the Yuling Tianzhu quickly merged o

Above the sky, a golden light pierced through the clouds and fell down, covering them and covering the entire base storm, like a miracle.

All eyes wide open and look at the sky

"What power is this?"

"what is this?"

"Never seen such power o"

"Did you feel it? There is no cold, no strong wind, the polar storm seems to not exist, and even the threatening aura of those ancient legions in the polar storm has disappeared o"

"The two of them...what's the background?"


The upgraded white apes looked up one by one with respect.

In polar storm o

The ancient giants are also looking up at the sky o

The empty pupils of the ancient giant god at the head were shocked, and the long sword in his hand slashed several swords in a row.

The wind howled again o

In the gust of wind, super swords slashed horizontally.

"Any power is garbage in front of me!"


"I am the master!"

The giant god was furious, the red light on his body shook, and there was a rumbling sound in the void, and the power of the cold law was raging unscrupulously, wrapping Li Yuanba and Tianling.

at the moment o

Their powers are still merging o

At the moment when the power of the giant gods rolled over, Li Yuanba opened his eyes angrily and said solemnly, "You can dominate a fart here!"

"His grandma's!"

"Let you know what power is!"

The voice is not finished o

The power of Tianzhu combines two into one

It is like a thick and incomparable stick, rolling down from the sky.

"Tianzhu bombing!"




Under the Tianzhu, there is a piece of ruins, the space is distorted and cracked, and it can't bear the force crushed by the Tianzhu, it is extremely powerful.

The hurricane is crushed!

It's like being stopped by a slap o

The law power released by the ancient giants was only supported for a few seconds before being crushed.

The power of the law is also unbearable o

The ancient giant god army's face is horrified o

The headed ancient giant god's eyes tightened, and the long sword in his hand turned into a golden light, and the golden light covered the entire ancient army to form a barrier.


Barrier spreads tens of thousands of meters

The faces of the upgraded white ape and many clansmen are shocked.

"too strong!"


"The ancient giant god actually wants to defend!"

"This is the first time o"

"He is the former Lord God, and he actually has to defend, hahaha... It's very pleasing, these two human beings exploded, hahaha..."


extremely excited o

Tianzhu's power is terrifying abnormal o

Even the powerhouse who used to be the main god must be passively defended, so it can be seen that he can't bear it.

Although o

but o

Li Yuanba looked at the golden barrier on the head of the ancient army but had a bad premonition. He looked at Tianling, and Tianling seemed to be aware of it.

The two look at each other

this time o

They have no other choice but to use the power of the Tianzhu within them to the limit o

It slammed heavily against the golden barrier!



The golden light shines everywhere, and it cracks everywhere.

A burst of bright light burst out, and the scene was like the end of the world.

Everything around is crumbling o

The Zhentian Mountain Range was directly cut in half by the power of this Tianzhu, directly dividing the north and south of the Jiyuan Mountain Range.

A bottomless abyss appeared under the pillar

horrified o


"The mountains are all cut o"

"Oh my God!"

"These two guys are not human at all"

The Zhenjiyuan Mountains are shaking.

Long Fei was slightly shocked, stopped, and said secretly: "The aura of power that has never appeared before, whose power is this?"


"No matter who unleashes the power, I will rush back at full speed o"

crazy run o

Unleash the speed of Sky Wings to the limit o

The huge tremor that erupted from the Jiyuan Mountains made Long Fei feel uneasy.

Li Yuanba roared heavily, "Who is the ruler now?"

a ruin o

When Tianling's body moved, the power of Yuling was released, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he said, "All the breath?"

I can't sense the breath of an ancient giant god

It's like it's completely gone

Could it have killed them all with one blow just now?

Tianling turned to look at Li Yuanba and shook his head to indicate that he could not sense their breath.

However, the white ape clansmen roared excitedly, "Hahaha... they turned them into scumbags, won, won, hahaha..."

The blow just now was too powerful o

This kind of power, the ancient giants may not be able to withstand o

It's normal for them all to be bombed.


Li Yuanba always felt a little abnormal in his heart. The fusion of Tianzhu's power is indeed very strong, but... the golden light released by the ancient giant god is not a protective barrier, but like a formation...

even a barrier

If it is cracked by the Tianzhu, there will be no bones left.

There must be something wrong!

Tianling is the same, it feels very wrong o

The two of them are not at all excited

and o

Don't be careful in their world at any time o

Be on full alert

Li Yuanba said slightly: "Tianling, you come back first."

Tianling nodded and was about to fly back to Li Yuanba's side. At this moment, his eyes sank, and he looked directly at the sky above Li Yuanba's head, and roared suddenly, "Big Vajra, be careful!!!!"

Void move o

Shrouding the Heavenso

A golden light appeared on top of Li Yuanba's head, and each golden light represented this ancient giant god.

in this moment o

Thousands of golden lights fall

This also means that the Wan Dao attack falls o

Li Yuanba raised his eyes slightly, and his body sank suddenly.

At the same time o

The ancient giant god came down and shouted, "You have to be careful yourself!"


There is also a golden light falling from the top of Tianling's head,

Also without giving him any time to react, the golden light hits hard!




The power of the ancient giants exploded in an all-round way

Bombarded one by one

Li Yuanba was smashed to the ground in an instant, and Tianling was also smashed to the ground by the leader of the ancient giant gods. The two of them spurted blood and were seriously injured.

The ancient giant god fell heavily, and said with a cold smile: "I said, here... I am the master!"


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