The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2103 Look Down On Life And Death, Just Do It If You Don't Agree

The cold wind is raging, the ice and snow become a blade o

The moment the polar storm landed on the south side of the Jiyuan Mountains, it became even more raging and powerful.

and o

The polar storm keeps spinning

The purpose of the ancient giant god is not only to break through the defense line of the Jiyuan Mountains, he also has another purpose, which is to freeze the ten thousand demon tribes of the Jiyuan Mountains into slag!

This is what he promised


The ancient giant stomped his right foot

Earthquake o

The ley lines cracked, and the icy and biting breath madly extended into it.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

On the top of the bunker, with the speed of icing visible to the naked eye, the cold air is getting more and more pressing, and even if you use divine power, the fire will not burn.


A loud noise in the distance

A bunker collapsed, and hundreds of monsters were instantly frozen to death.

Ancient elephant Elder's eyes sank and said, "It's the white bear clan."

"King Bear he..."


The fierce tiger Elder sighed fiercely.

The demon wolf said: "The polar storm has been spinning, what do you want to do? Could it be that you want to kill all our demon clan?"

"This,,,, why is this?"

"Our demon clan was also the victim of the last battle for hegemony. Why do those ancient giants want to deal with us?"

"Why exactly?"

The storm does not go away, there is a natural reason o

The ancient giant god is to deal with the monsters in the Jiyuan Mountains.

the reason o

Nobody knows!

Li Yuanba's brows furrowed, and now his injuries are basically healed.

Tianling's thoughts transmitted: "Big Vajra, this is not the way to go. The bunkers will be blown down one by one. If you don't kill that guy, all the demons will die here."

Li Yuanba also understands in his heart

but o

He hasn't thought of a way to deal with the space transfer of the ancient giant god.

Subduing Long said slightly: "It's a big deal, do it hard!"

"You can't just sit still, can you?"

Everyone is anxious

Because the bunker collapses from time to time, as long as the bunker collapses, the Wan Yao people hiding in it will be frozen to death in an instant. In less than half an hour, more than a dozen bunkers have collapsed.

and o

The ancient legion is still bombarding the ground o

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A burst of roaring noise, making people irritable o

"Oh shit!"

Li Yuanba shouted loudly, "Fight!"

suddenly o

Tianling and subduing dragon stand up immediately o

Li Yuan is domineering: "Sister Ziyue, Brother Han, you are staying here to take care of everyone, the three of us will go out and do it."

Ancient elephant Elder immediately said: "I'll go with you."

"Count me in!"

"And I!"

"I'll go as well!"

"going to go with o"

everyone stand up

The ancient elephant Elder shouted loudly: "Our Ten Thousand Demon Tribe has never been so useless. Before the polar storm came, we were all hiding."

"The people of the main temple pass through the Jiyuan Mountains and we are also hiding."

"Lord Monster Emperor is right, just do it if you don't agree, life and death are bearish!"

"Afraid of a bird!"

"People die and birds face the sky, and if they don't die...for ten thousand years!"



A large group of demon warriors stood up and shouted loudly, "Fight!!!"

Fighting intent is like flames, soaring madly o

This time... Li Yuanba can't stop it, and he can't stop it. Once he stops this morale, it will fall to the bottom.

Li Yuanba clenched his fists and said, "Then fight!"

also at the same time

The ancient giant god sensed that there was a soaring war intent not far away, the corner of his mouth grinned, and he sneered, "Beasts who are beyond their means!"

The voice fell o

The long sword in the hand swings o


In the gigantic storm vortex, an extremely thick giant sword shot out, booming vertically above the bunker where Li Yuanba was located.

Tianling opened his eyes and said solemnly, "Come on!"

Subduing Dragon took the lead in moving, the golden dragon wrapped around his body, turned into a golden light, and shot out directly from the bunker.



The giant sword burst into ice crystal powder o



The gate of the bunker opened, Li Yuanba and Tianling rushed out, and then the warriors of the ancient elephant clan, the fierce tiger clan, and the demon wolf clan rushed out one by one.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The other bunker gates also opened quickly, and there was a scream of killing.

The upgraded white ape also came quickly.

a time o

form a front

The ancient giant god was riding a big alien horse, holding a long sword, and with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he said, "Finally willing to climb out of the dog hole?"

Elder Ancient Elephant couldn't help but asked, "Our Ten Thousand Demon Tribe has never hated you ancient giant gods, why are you staring at us?"

"Because you are weak!" The ancient giant god didn't think about it at all, and sneered with contempt.

Ancient Elephant Elder's face sank

The tiger Elder said fiercely: "Damn, you won't be beaten like a dog if you are strong, if it hadn't frozen your flesh to the extreme and let your grievances linger, you would have become a pile of loess, are you strong? Strong? Will it be overthrown?"

"court death!!!"

The ancient giant god's eyes were fierce, and he was extremely angry.

Liehu Elder's words are the pain in his heart

It's like opening a scar, making him extremely angry o

a moment o

polar storm turn o

Roll up quickly and freeze all the way.

Wind and snow become swords

The speed visible to the naked eye froze, Li Yuanba looked at Tianling, subduing the dragon.

The two nodded slightly

immediately o

Three people stand for a beat o




The power of the three Vajra pillars is condensed in them and released o

The ancient giant god was coldly disdainful and said, "It's this kind of power again!"

The ancient giant god shrouded in a golden light, covering all the ancient legions.

teleportation technique

But o

Li Yuanba and the others are not trying to deal with these ancient warriors, but against this polar storm, but... when they want to take action

A white shadow flashed

fly into the air

Everyone was surprised

"Who is it?"

The female disciple of the demon fox clan was slightly taken aback, "It's the patriarch's mother-in-law!"


The demon fox patriarch saw a Magical Item like a 'plough' in her hand, and her mouth was broken, and then the plough made a loud noise of Shattering Void.

the earth tosses o

Constantly crushing the polar storm o

The plow of the earth!

Earth defense, just hard to survive the polar storm o

in this moment o

The icy cold of polar storms disappears o

The surrounding snow and ice melted rapidly

And the eyes of the ancient giant god legion tightened slightly.

The Jiyuan Mountains are because of the plow of the earth, blocking them every time o

The ancient giant god's eyes narrowed slightly, and he let out a deep roar, "This time... I'm going to crush you!"

also at this moment

The cold of polar storms disappears o

The golden light on the ancient army disappeared, and Li Yuanba roared, "Kill!"

suddenly o

Li Yuanba swept away the giant axe in his hand, and the whole person rushed in like a wild bull in a state of rage.

The ancient army also rushed forward!

The battle is imminent!

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