The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2108 Dragon Inn


"Boss, your bounty is actually to directly become the God of Law that controls 100,000 planes in the main temple. This is a historical record."

"This is the first time that the main temple has issued such a high-value wanted order."


"I never thought I could be wanted too"

Another ten days have passed

The matter of the wanted order has spread almost all over the plane of the ancient gods.

Even Long Fei on the road to the polar regions, they know it

Ziyue glared at them and said angrily: "What are you guys happy about? Don't you know how dangerous this is? This means that the powerhouses of the entire 100,000 planes want your lives."

"Are you still laughing?"

After being said by Ziyue, Long Fei put away his smile.

Li Yuanba scratched his bald head and said naively, "Sister-in-law, don't be angry, we just think it's fun."


"Is it fun to be wanted?"

"You are strong. You have killed the God of Law and trampled the ancient giant god to death, but so what? Even if you are strong enough to fight against the powerhouses of 100,000 planes?" Ziyue said angrily.

She is the one who worries the most

She thought that Long Fei would also be worried when he heard the wanted order. After all, he was the enemy of the entire 100,000 planes, but Long Fei not only did not worry, but also laughed.

make her speechless

Li Yuanba said: "That's right, my dream is to be a master in the world, hehe... The powerhouses of the 100,000 planes are here, so I don't have to look for o"



Tianling and Jianglong laughed at the same time, "It's the same as I thought o"

immediately o

Three Vajra laughed again o

Ziyue's face sank

Long Fei immediately stared, and the three of them stopped smiling.

Han Xiao said: "The main temple has issued a wanted order, it can be seen that your limelight has been too high recently, and the gods of the main temple have begun to be afraid of you o"

"What they are most afraid of now is that you open up the ancient entrance and open up a third entrance to the battlefield for hegemony, which will be extraordinary."

"As long as people who don't obey the main temple will join your camp, then the battle for hegemony will be the real game."


Han Yan continued: "Before you open the entrance to the ancient times, you will be the fat in the eyes of the 100,000 face powerhouses, and everyone wants to take a bite. I think we may have a lot on our way to the polar regions this time. trouble o"

Li Yuanba shouted, "What are you afraid of, who dares to touch the boss, daddy will cut him to death with an axe"

Tianling grinned and said, "I will let him not even have to sit on a ghost."

Subduing the dragon clasped his hands together and said, "Amitābha..."

Long Fei smiled

He doesn't care, he doesn't worry about anything

When it comes to Devil Island, he is more worried o

I've been away for so long, and I don't know what's going on in Devil Island now.

He's a god on Devil Island


If something happens to Devil Island, his Cultivation Base will also be affected.

in the Valley of the Night King

Long Fei's heart tightened, and he secretly said: "It seems that we need to get through the ancient entrance sooner!"


Tianling looked into the distance and murmured, "I have an illusion? Why is there an inn in this icy world?"

People look around

At the foot of a mountain, there is indeed an inn.

Li Yuanba immediately said, "Isn't it the one who will deal with us?"

"Ranked in the class of gods, one hundred thousand years of life, who doesn't want it?"

"Maybe it's really the o to deal with us"

"Opening an inn in a world of ice and snow has its own problems o"

public discussion o

Long Fei asked and said, "Are you cold? Are you hungry?" Everyone nodded in unison.

Can it be cold in this icy world? It's not like Long Fei has an ancient soul on his body, and he can't feel the cold at all.

Long Fei smiled and said: "Then what are you waiting for, go in and drink some wine, eat some meat, and warm up before leaving."

Ziyue grabbed Long Fei and said, "What if I came to deal with you?"

Long Fei said: "What are you afraid of, everything has me o"


It's snowing heavily, and it's a gray patch o

Everyone's Cultivation Base is not bad, they can fly in the sky

but o

At the edge of the polar region, the magnetic field is chaotic, and the direction is not clear at all. If you fly, it is estimated that you will not be able to reach the polar region in a year, let alone find the ancient entrance.

Long Fei and the others could only use their feet to follow the mark left by the upgraded White Ape to find o

The six walked to the front of the inn.

Long Fei looked at the plaque above his head and said with a smile: "The name of this inn... Interesting oo"

The name of the inn is 'Dragon Gate Inn', which makes Long Fei unable to help a movie in his current life, but the movie inn is in the desert.

Now it's under the snowy mountains in the icy cave o

"I'm going to explore the way first"

Li Yuanba walked in quickly with the thick coffin of the giant spirit on his back.

The outside of the inn is coldly clear and the wind is howling, but when you enter the inn, it is warm and warm.

There are more than a dozen tables in the inn, and now they are basically full of people.

Looking at the door being pushed open, Li Yuanba walked in. The noisy voice in the inn suddenly stopped. He looked at Li Yuanba in unison, paused for a few seconds, then withdrew his eyes and continued to make noise.

"Little Second!"

Li Yuanba shouted o

The shop assistant stepped forward with a smile and said, "Guest officer, how many are you? Do you want to stay in the shop or eat?"

Li Yuanba swept the audience and said, "Six people, eat, stay at the hotel!"

The shop assistant immediately said: "Guest officer, I'm so sorry, if you have dinner, if you live in the shop, the shop is already full."

Li Yuanba scratched his head and said, "It's okay, let's eat first!"

“Good wine and good food greet o”

The shop assistant quickly ran out and said, "Good!"

this time o

Long Fei and a few people walked into the inn. The inn did not see Long Fei this time, and the noise continued, but... a woman on the second floor was swinging a fan, wearing revealing clothes, her eyes were bigger than those of the demon fox clan. A woman still wants to hook people, that wink can just hook out a person's soul.

hot body

"shu xiong" is half exposed, making people mouth watering o

Shaking his fan gently, his eyes stared at Long Fei.

Long Fei also looked at her.

Ziyue smacked Long Fei's arm fiercely, Long Fei grinned in pain, "I'll just take a look, just take a look, and I won't make a mistake o"

Ziyue said angrily: "I can't even look at it."

Women are born with jealousy

The coquettish woman upstairs smiled charmingly and joked: "It seems that she is still a strict wife."

At this time o

The strong man downstairs found the woman on the second floor, and immediately became high-tempered, saying, "Madam, I'm not a strict wife."

"Madam, warm the bed for me tonight, the price is up to you"

"The lady boss accompanies me for one night, and I give you my life"

"how is everything?"


Seeing such a beautiful young woman in this icy and snowy world is simply a beautiful landscape.

this time o

The woman moved lightly and slowly walked down the stairs. The body twisted, the eyes were seductive, the figure, the long slender legs were clearly visible under the thin silk gauze, and went straight to the roots...

Many people instantly flushed red, making people's blood flow o

With a strong response o

With a charming smile on her face, the woman walked directly to Long Fei...

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