The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2112 The Main Artifact, The Eastern Emperor Bell

What is the boss of the man, Long Fei, I don't know o

but o

He just needs to be clear that this guy is a boss and it's enough o

The voice fell o

Long Fei didn't think much about it at all, as soon as the power on his body moved, the power of darkness burst out immediately.

just o

at this moment o

The man sneered contemptuously and said, "Long Fei, if you move again, she will die immediately."

Just when Long Fei's breath was surging, black blood suddenly overflowed from the corner of Ziyue's mouth.

The originally controlled injury collapsed in an instant, and Ziyue's face turned pale.

The man sneered: "Long Fei, I know that you are very strong. Even the powerhouse of the main temple can't deal with you, but... everyone knows your weakness."

"If you dare to move, your woman will be killed immediately."

The man knows Long Fei very well

Long Fei's weakness is the people around him

Long Fei's eyes tightened slightly and said, "You know me well?"

The man smiled and said: "Of course, if I don't know you, how dare I deal with you? The bounty task issued by the main temple shows how strong you are?"

"but o"

"His bounty is really tempting, ranking in the class of gods and adding 100,000 years of lifespan, this is what any strong person wants o"

"Long Fei, if you want to blame you, blame yourself for your bad life. This is also your own fault. It's not good to fight against anyone, but to fight against the main temple. You are completely seeking death."

I said a lot of o

Long Fei replied coldly and said, "Since you know me, then you should know that the thing that Long Fei hates the most is that others threaten me."

The voice fell!

Long Fei put away the power of darkness, his thoughts moved, and he roared in his heart, "Ultimate Explosive God Fist o"


"Target locked!"

Without saying a word, I blasted out in an instant o

It all happened in less than a second o

It can be said that it came suddenly

as fast as lightning

The man's pupils shrank suddenly, trying to defend, but his movements were half a minute slower.




The violent explosion shook, and the blood tank above the man's head bottomed out, so don't let Long Fei's blasting fist kill him in seconds.

Long Fei continued coldly: "I hate when others threaten me with people around me."

Cold, extreme!

killing intent

Also at this moment, the system prompt sound o


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Huan Yunkong' to gain 1000000000 experience points, 10000000 divine power points, and 1 abnormal energy value!"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Ziyun Space o'"

Two beeps

There is no extra sound o

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, then murmured, "Eh? No, twenty top artifacts should trigger the main artifact quest, why isn't there a response?"


Long Fei's thoughts move

"Release the abnormal energy value!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Ancient Ziyuntian'"

With the injection of metamorphosis value, Ziyun space transforms instantly, turning directly into a sky.

Also under this sky, the twenty artifacts in Long Fei's Interspatial Ring began to move, Long Fei's thoughts moved, and all the twenty artifacts flew into the Ziyun Sky, condensed and fused one by one, Forms the power of divine light one after another, and contains the aura of blood evil o

Yes and devil, yes and god

Can't understand o


Long Fei secretly sighed in his heart, watching the disappearance of the twenty artifacts, condensed o

The huge power is constantly circulating in these artifacts, the power is intertwined, each power is different, and the attributes are different.

Gathering in the ancient purple cloud sky

At the moment when it converges

The system beeps a beep


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for completing the main artifact task!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'East Emperor Bell* Main Artifact'!"

The voice fell o

In Long Fei's mind, there was a huge golden bell suspended in it. It shimmered and moved, and the power contained was beyond imagination.

Donghuang Bell, a treasure in the prehistoric world

but o

The Eastern Emperor Bell rewarded by the system is different from the Eastern Emperor Bell in the prehistoric world. The Eastern Emperor Bell rewarded by the system is at the level of the main artifact, which is more powerful than the Eastern Emperor Bell in the prehistoric world.

Item: Eastern Emperor Bell

Level: Five-star main artifact!

harm:? ? ?

attack:? ? ?

Description: Possesses the Lord God Juyin, which can inhale the three souls and seven souls of human beings and refine them.

Description: Possess the power of transforming demons, instantly becomes demonic, transforms into Donghuang Bell and turns on bloodthirsty mode, never dying!

Description: With passive defense, the bell rings, and the death is coming!


Looking at the system description, many Long Fei don't quite understand o

but o

He doesn't need to know the name, he needs to know a little now, this Donghuang Bell is quite fierce.

The appearance of another main artifact o

sky shock

One hundred thousand planes tremble slightly

This time, the tremor was more violent than the last birth of the blade of the Lord God, and even the interior of the Lord Temple fell as dust and rubble rolled down.

The gods of the whole main temple trembled according to o

"The appearance of another main artifact o"

"Who is it this time? What is it?"

"It's another power that is beyond the bondage of the Lord God. The 100,000 planes we control are becoming more and more unstable."

"what exactly is it?"


On Tenjin Mountain o

Hei-robed Destiny God's brows knitted together, "Another burst of power beyond the Lord God, forming a Lord Artifact, who could it be? Is it Long Fei?"

"If it was him..."

The black-robed God of Destiny's eyes flashed gloomy and cold.

The stronger Long Fei is, the more upset he is.

In addition to the main temple and the Tianshen Mountain, he also stopped abruptly when he rushed back to the main god Hongtu of the 100,000 planes, his eyebrows tightened, "How unreasonable!"

"In my control there is a continuous power beyond my control o"

"Long Fei!"

"I will never let you do anything wrong on my territory!"


A thousand miles, come quickly o

Hongtu's speed accelerated. He felt that the crisis of the Hundred Thousand Planes was getting bigger and bigger. If Long Fei could not be restrained in time, the Hundred Thousand Planes would really be overthrown. will be stepped on by Long Fei, he will never allow such a thing to happen o

Absolutely not! ! !

Hongtu quickly shuttled, getting closer and closer to the 100,000 planes.


Dragon Inn o

Long Fei closed his eyes, looked at the shivering lady boss, and asked coldly, "Do you have an antidote?"

The lady boss is as pale as paper

She thought that the man could deal with Long Fei, but... she was completely wrong.

Long Fei directly kills her boss

This power...

It's useless even if she transforms ten times

The proprietress shook her head tremblingly, and said, "No, no, no, only Huan Yuntian knows that the poison in her, I,,, I have no antidote."

There is no antidote...

Does that mean that Ziyue is dead? !

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