The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2114 The Lord God Is About To Return

The voice fell o

The proprietress almost jumped on it, frantically sucking the drop of Blood Essenceo that fell on the bed

Even the grass mat is about to be swallowed o

She has seen with her own eyes how strong Long Fei's Blood Essence is.

Such power she had never seen before o

Long Fei wanted to know that Blood Essence had brought earth-shaking changes to Ziyue. Could it be a powerful change to others as well?


in an instant o

The lady boss also glowed red

It leaked out after a while

In the red light, Long Fei could clearly see her original appearance.

is a white snake

That's her real body

The white snake has transformed, and long tentacles have grown on the top of its head. This is to turn into a Jiao.

not only that o

The power in her is also mutating wildly, and there is an unstoppable trend.

Getting stronger every second

Just half a minute passed

White Snake's Cultivation Base also reached the peak of the upper god Realmo

As soon as the breath disappeared, the red light dissipated, and the lady boss's figure became more and more hot, and the skin of the whole body was even more refreshed. It was extremely fair, and there was no flaw on the whole body

Especially that waist...

Absolutely can take people's lives o

The proprietress touched her face, then looked at Long Fei's excited face, knelt directly in front of Long Fei, and said, "Thank you sir for making it happen."

"Thank you sir for making it happen"

very grateful o

Long Fei was also greatly surprised, looked at the proprietress with a slight smile, and said, "Do you know how to repay?"

The proprietress immediately said: "The servant knows o"

After he finished speaking, he got up and undressed for Long Fei...


"Sister-in-law is mighty"

"In just half an hour, your Cultivation Base has an amazing change o"

"It has reached the peak of the upper god Realm!"

"This is a blessing in disguise o"

The three Vajra said enviously o

Ziyue is also extremely happy. The Realm at the peak of the upper god not only greatly increases her strength, but more importantly, makes her Heavenly Hearing Technique even more powerful.

just a little...

She heard the discordant voice in Long Fei's room o

Although she knew what Long Fei was going to do when she left, she still felt a little uncomfortable when she heard this.

increase the force o

Ziyue is also a little crazy

Use the power of the peak of the upper god to vent out, the more you fight, the more fierce, and instantly become like a female man.

"You scumbags!"

"Just because you want our lives too?"

"There is no one who can fight o"


an hour passed

There is no sound on the first floor of the pub

All get fucked and get down

The voice on the second floor also gradually weakened o

The proprietress dressed Long Fei, her face blushed, and said, "Sir, are you satisfied with the servants' service?"

Long Fei smiled slightly, looked at his blushing face, and said, "Very satisfied!"

have to say o

The proprietress is different from ordinary women. She is completely open. Just give you a look and she will understand what she is going to do.

This is enjoyment

Long Fei pushed open the door and walked out. Seeing that Li Yuanba and the others did not see Ziyue, he said, "Where's Ziyue?"

Li Yuanba scratched his head and said, "Sister-in-law went to patrol outside, and she said it was too noisy inside."

The boss's body is a strand, and she doesn't dare to say anything o

She is very clear about her own identity. Compared with Ziyue, she is not even qualified to compare.

Long Fei exhaled, "Hey... jealous o"

"Heavenly listening is really troublesome o"

The proprietress said, "Sir, I'll prepare some food for you."

Saying that, he walked out quickly.

Li Yuanba walked up and said, "The boss is indeed the boss, no woman can escape, hahaha..."

"If I were a woman, I would also fall in love with the boss" Tian Ling said with a smile.

Subduing the dragon folded his hands together, "Amitābha, the monk can't help it too"

Long Fei has a unique temperament o

This kind of temperament will attract women involuntarily, it is a powerful breath o

The unique breath of the dragon

In a way, dragons are unusually powerful o

And women have a sensitive attraction to this powerful aspect. There are countless women in one hundred thousand planes who are attracted by Long Fei, and every woman who is close to him will be attracted by him.

That's his charm

Of course o

This is inseparable from his power

soon o

Ziyue carried a few pheasants on her back, the hare walked into the inn, glanced at Long Fei angrily, and then walked into the kitchen.

Li Yuanba smiled naively and said, "Boss, I know that you have worked hard just now, and I want to replenish your body, hahaha..."

Tianling and Subduing Dragon also laughed.

Long Fei glared at him, and the three immediately stopped.

"Tell me what's next o"

"The reward order for the main temple has been released. There will definitely be many killers on the way to the polar regions." Long Fei said slowly, he didn't want what happened today to happen again.

If it wasn't for own Blood Essence to save people, Ziyue would be dead now o

Li Yuan is domineering: "What are you afraid of, come and kill one, come with a pair and kill a pair of o"

"that is!"

"Today's fight was quite enjoyable, but it wasn't exciting enough. They were all high-level god Realms, and there were no law gods who were strong enough to be powerful."


Eight Vajra are fighting lunatics o

There are fights that can be eaten as food o

They won't worry about how many killers and how many powerhouses will come

Long Fei looked at their excited appearance with a faint smile, and said seriously: "The main temple has issued a bounty task to us, and also issued a task to the other five Vajra. Your eight Vajra are one, and you can sense each other's existence, so I want the three of you to find the five of them o"

Li Yuanba was taken aback, looked at Long Fei and said, "Boss, what about you?"

Long Fei said: "I will go to the polar regions alone!"


Long Fei's voice just fell

Ziyue came out with the vegetables and immediately said, "It's too dangerous!"

Tianling also said: "Yes, the boss is too dangerous, not to mention how dangerous these polar regions are, it is difficult to deal with these continuous killers alone."

"If the main temple sends some more law gods, it will be even more dangerous o"

Long Fei said: "It's because it's too dangerous, so I want you to find the other five Vajra, and then you all go to Devil Island to guard Devil Island for me. The main temple will definitely not let Devil Island go. Wait until I get through the ancient entrance. I will join you o"

The people who came this time are not very strong o

However, this is just the beginning, the strong are still behind o

Long Fei is better alone. He can escape and hide without any scruples.

Li Yuanba was silent for a moment. He knew Long Fei best and knew what Long Fei was thinking. He said, "Okay, let's listen to the boss."

Long Fei looked at Ziyue and said, "Be good, be obedient!"

"If you drop by, take the people from the Valley of the Night Kings and the monsters from the Jiyuan Mountains. Devil Island is my place of becoming a god, and the billions of creatures on Devil Island are mine. The foundation of becoming a god, if they collapse, my Cultivation Base will also be greatly affected, your mission is very important o”

Devil Island is Longfei's base o

When the dragon flies to the pole, the main temple will definitely take the Devil Island

Long Fei needs someone to protect there!

Long Fei now integrates the law of time, the law of killing, the law of the sky, plus the law of storm, ice and cold, and the power of the five laws allows him to sense things that he can't normally sense.

Intuition tells him o

The Lord God is about to return o

He must dare to open the ancient entrance before the Lord God returns, so that he will be qualified to compete with the Lord God! ! !

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