The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2121 Underworld

polar ice sheet

dark abyss

Long Fei didn't know that the release of the Primordial Soul Demons who were sealed here because he destroyed the Six Nether Formation would cause huge damage to the 100,000 planes.

These demons themselves do not belong to the 100,000 planes.

and o

These demons are bloodthirsty, and wherever they go, no grass grows.

One hundred thousand planes are in a huge crisis o



Long Fei let out a breath, opened his eyes slightly, and instantly sat up and bounced, "Where is this?"

Look around, it's dark all around, can't see anything o

"I thought there should be a sea under the polar ice sheet, but it doesn't look like o"

Long Fei muttered o

Looking up at the sky where the sky was no longer visible, he said slightly: "It looks like I'm trapped here o"

"Find out what this place is first."

The mind moves slightly

The ancient soul turned into a small golden dragon, and the golden dragon released light, and Long Fei's sight gradually became clear. He is now in a huge square.

Large blocks of bluestone made of o

Like a huge training ground

If it is really a martial arts field, then this Sect is too grand.

Long Fei didn't study it carefully, but looked at a descending step not far away.

That's the only way

Long Fei walked up, there was a photo of the ancient soul, everything around was very clear, the steps were very wide, only one step down, which made him a little puzzled.

"If the square is a martial arts venue, then the steps should go up. Could it be that this Sect is a Life underground?"

"Since it comes, it is safe"

no divine power

The power of the law is still suppressed o

It is impossible for Long Fei to fly out of the abyss.

In addition, everything here is mysterious, Long Fei wants to know if there are any relics of the big Sect below.

polar o

Frozen cold land o

Humans are simply not fit to survive, who would build a Sect in a place like this?


Wasn't this a cold and cold polar region?

What happened later to become like this?

Long Fei kept going down and walked for an hour before he finished the steps. In this hour, he calculated clearly that there were 9,999 o's on the steps.

This number is also very special

Under the steps, there is another square. This square extends in all directions, and there are towering trees in the hands of the square. Although they have withered and withered now, they can still see their once lush foliage.

One hundred thousand planes

Long Fei has entered many Sects, Academy o

but o

There has never been a Sect comparable to this Sect

Just in terms of momentum, it's a hundred and eight thousand miles away.

Not far from the square are houses and buildings, each of which is well preserved, just like buildings in the fairy world.

"There is such a super Sect hidden in the polar regions?" Long Fei was shocked, "This is too incredible o"

he knew about the polar

There is no record of Secto in the poles

That is to say o

This Sect is so ancient that it existed before the main temple, even before the ancient giants.

Birth of a Plane

Either it was bred from heaven and earth and became the source.

Either the Power strong uses the supreme Magic power to condense the o

No matter how it is formed o

The formation process of each plane takes billions of years to brew, or even longer.

Where Long Fei is now, the surrounding buildings are completely different from those on the Hundred Thousand Planes. This shows that... he came to an ancient Secto

Long Fei walked into a building o

"Zangwu Pavilion!"

Three-story circular building, each floor is like a palace

There are dense bookshelves all around, and the bookshelves are full of books o

"Sky Burial Magic o"

"Earth Spirit**o"

"Fire Fist"


"Damn, why have I never heard of these Cultivation Techniques?" Long Fei was shocked again. This is the Cultivation Technique book on the first floor.

These Long Fei have never seen o

never even heard

And look at the book cover, these should be the only ones o

"Different Soul Records?"

"What is this?"

These Cultivation Techniques, Long Fei, don't matter. Anyway, the Explosive God Fist has reached the Great Perfection Realm, and there is no need to devour any more Cultivation Techniqueo

But Long Fei was still a little curious.

With a slight lift of his hand, he took it like a different soul record, at this moment o


A force suddenly exploded in his mind

Long Fei's body sank immediately, and his brain seemed to be split open.

The voice sounded immediately!

"Who dares to touch the things of the underworld?"

I can't see the person or the shape, but... the voice is incomparably clear, resounding in the entire Tibetan Martial Pavilion, and it carries an incomparably huge power of coercion.

In front of this voice, Long Fei felt like an ant, with a giant standing in front of him.

This crushing feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Long Fei said, "Daddy!"

"The younger generation!"

"Dare to speak ill, court death!"

There was anger in the voice, and as soon as the words fell, a powerful force rushed towards Long Fei, like a huge wave, and Long Fei could only feel this force, but he didn't know how to resist it.

because o

This power is also the impact of the form of thought.

super strong o

Long Fei's heart moved, and he covered his chest with both hands.

The ancient soul wraps around the whole body

At this moment, the dragon-shaped mark on Long Fei's right arm suddenly moved.


A ray of light exploded immediately

This radiance directly formed a huge halo, which was ejected from Long Fei to the surrounding area.

"Om, hum, hum..."

like the light of relic

Each halo covers the entire Sect o

It also instantly dissolves that incomparably powerful force.

in the void

The voice seemed to disappear, not saying a word o

However, there was a roar not far away, and I didn't know if it was the glacier collapsing or the sound of the house collapsing.

Long Fei looked at own's right arm, he didn't feel anything, everything was as usual, the only feeling was that he was very comfortable, his whole body was warm.

"what is this?"

Long Fei murmured in his heart

He didn't know why his right arm suddenly flashed brightly.

and o

This kind of essence is the first time to appear, like the ray of relic o

he doesn't know


The dragon in the dragon coffin knows very well that he is a fool

The ancient heritage is about to wake up, it’s really about to wake up, hahaha…

"Good boy!"

"Hahaha...that's amazing o"

“Amazing o”

"It's just... what kind of ancient inheritance is this ray of light?" The dragon was also secretly puzzled.

There are many kinds of ancient inheritance

Fire, ice, earth, natural elements... each has different attributes, this is the most ancient power o

At the same time o

The ancient inheritance obtained by Long Fei, does anyone know what inheritance?

Although the power begins to wake up, it is still impossible to know o


What is certain is that this inheritance on Long Fei is extremely powerful!

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