The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2136 Boss, Burst!

body is hollowed out

Strength, Cultivation Base, All Zombies o

all gone

Long Fei himself had no idea what was going on.

now o

He just wants to kill the boss in seconds and gain experience, so that he can level up and restore everything o

As long as you can kill the boss, everything is not a problem!

That slash used all his strength. If the boss is not possessed to evolve, he believes that it should be enough to kill him in seconds.


cut it down

The power of the imprint of the underworld also exploded to its highest point, crushing it strongly.

The black knife gas cuts everything directly

The power released by the golden light alien was all used for defense, but... the defense was broken in an instant, and his golden skeleton evolution body also cracked in an instant.

see this o

Long Fei laughed excitedly, "Hahaha...It's done!"

"It's done!"

The long blood trough on the top of the head of the Golden Light Alien had bottomed out with a 'swoosh', and the 20 billion blood value was killed in this way.

The power of the imprint of the underworld is too fierce o

Seeing that the blood volume of the Golden Light Alien had bottomed out, there was a scream in the void, and Long Fei's heart tightened, "Don't evolve any more!"

"Please do not!"

The ultimate **oss in previous arcade games evolved several times o

This boss has evolved twice, if he evolves again, he will die here o

extremely nervous o

Hold your breath and listen silently o

Long Fei kept praying in his heart, "Teacher Cang bless you, Demacia bless you... I must stop evolving, daddy can't bear it anymore."


A very pleasant system prompt sound o

When Long Fei heard this system notification sound, a glint of light flashed in his eyes, his inner tension relaxed, and he suddenly became excited, "Hahaha..."

laughing wildly

"I'm about to break through, I'll be able to recover soon." Long Fei's whole body is now hollowed out, it's very uncomfortable, as if he was an invincible god just now, and suddenly he has become an ordinary person without any Culture Base. o

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Heiyuan Alien King' to get 1,000 billion experience points, 10 billion divine power points, and 1 point of abnormal energy o"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the 'Parasitic Possession Technique'? Is he cultivation?"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is at the sixth level of the god realm!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is on the seventh level of the god realm!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is on the eighth level of the god realm!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is on the ninth level of the god realm!"

Even soaring fourth-level!

quite sharp o

Long Fei was also extremely excited in his heart. The only thing that was unpleasant was that the alien **oss didn't explode anything, only an art of possessing the body.

Looking at the art of possession suspended in the system...

Long Fei was very upset, "Just exploded such a thing?"

"Do some wool?"

But o

Long Fei pondered for a moment, then said slightly: "Inject abnormal energy value!"

Golden Light Possession, every time it evolves, every time it becomes stronger, if you guess correctly, the parasitic possession technique should be this Cultivation Techniqueo

In the case of abnormal energy injection, Long Fei should be able to exert its maximum power o

Energy value injection completed o

The system paused for a few seconds before the system prompt sounded. Long Fei was stunned, "It must be a good thing to stop for so long, hahaha..."

"Cough cough..."

Laughing too hard, coughing continuously o

and o

Long Fei felt extremely uncomfortable about his own body, also because he was too excited to kill the boss and ascend to the fourth-level, so he did not check his own body.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the 'Parasitic Possession Technique* Level 10 Evolution!' Is it cultivation?"

Cultivation Technique's name hasn't changed much o

It's just that there is an extra word 'level ten evolution' at the back.

Long Fei thought that the golden light alien could only evolve twice, and he was excited, "Is it possible that I can evolve ten times?"

"Each time is stronger!"

"That's awesome!"

Long Fei moved slightly and said, "cultivation!"

The voice fell o

Long Fei coughed again uncontrollably, "cough cough...cough cough..."

The coughing body is shaking o

What made Long Fei even more unexpected was that the system sounded a prompt o


"The player level is not enough, so cultivation is impossible!"

"I'm fucking your uncle!" Long Fei suddenly burst into foul language, his anger surged, and because of this, Long Fei coughed again, this time even more violently, o

"Cough cough...cough cough..."

Martial cultivators, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to get sick o

less colds

This is even more true for the Cultivation Base of Realm, such as Long Fei, who cannot get sick.

But now o

After a series of rapid coughs, I felt like I had tuberculosis, and I was terminally ill.

Long Fei covered his mouth with his right hand, coughed quickly, and coughed up a mouthful of blood. Looking at the blood in his palm, Long Fei's eyes sank slightly, "What's going on?"

this time o

Qiao Qiao beheaded a few big aliens and landed beside Long Fei, she was shocked when she saw Long Fei's appearance, her lips were trembling, her eyes were full of tears, and she was a little speechless, "Less, less,, Young Master, you, you, you..."

Long Fei said anxiously, "What's wrong with me?"

The voice became hoarse

and o

At this time, Long Fei finally found out that he had been promoted to the fourth-level in the system, but all his state had not recovered, and the pain on his body was still there.

Although the divine power is full, he can't sense it.

Because of……

His Cultivation Base can't sense it!

His power, his defense, the power of his laws, almost everything Long Fei can't sense o

This is only the second

More importantly, his person o

Wrinkled face, hunched back, brows like snow, eyes scattered, looks like a ninety-year-old old man.

Seeing Long Fei suddenly become like this, Qiao Qiao really couldn't control it, tears kept pouring out, her heart was aching, and she couldn't hold back the pain.

"how so?"

"how so?"


"It's absolutely impossible. Even if I'm going to die, as long as I break through and upgrade, everything I have will recover. How could it be like this?"

Long Fei looked at his own hands

Aging, wrinkles, age spots...

Touching own face again, rough o

never o

Long Fei couldn't understand why he became like this, he now feels like a dying person

At this time o bAnFu-.*sheng. The strongest upgrade system


A voice falls o



Two figures appeared on the spot

Zhan Wushuang and the god of destiny in black robe

With a smile on Zhan Wushuang's mouth, he looked at Long Fei who was running out of fuel and said with a sneer, "Long Fei, you don't look very good now!"

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