The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2143 New Lord God

main temple o


A figure came out of the void

Gods Ichirin o


They have not seen this person o

The black robe was taken off, and the God of Destiny revealed that face, gloomily, and said with a cold smile: "My gods, long time no see o"

"Who are you?"

"Why do you have such a huge power of law in you? Who are you?"

The gods stared at the black-robed Fate God suspended in midair

The black-robed God of Destiny sneered and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I will be the main god of this world right away."

"Speak wild words!"

"court death!"

When the God of the Law of the Earth moved, the surging power of the earth rolled up.

this moment o

The black robe God of Destiny moved his finger lightly, and it was also the power of the law of the earth that shook the sky, directly crushing the God of the law of the earth on the ground and unable to move.

It is also the power of the law of the earth, but the power of the law of the god of fate in the black robe is much more powerful.

suddenly o

Several more gods of law stepped forward

It is also crushed back by the same power of law, and it is not an opponent at all.

The current God of Destiny is completely different from the God of Destiny before.

The power of the one hundred and twenty-three laws he controls is also much stronger than when Zhan Wushuang mastered it.

The more than 100 gods of law in the main temple are not his opponents even if they add up.

consecutive failures o

There is fear in the eyes of the gods

"Are you the Son of God?"

Heipao Destiny God smiled lightly: "I said, it doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that Long Fei died in my hands, I will become the new Lord God, and you all have to listen to me o"

"Listen to you?" A god was very disdainful.

"What are you, the Lord God will be back soon, and when he comes back, you will..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

The black-robed God of Destiny's eyes moved slightly, his five fingers spread apart, and he gave a sharp grip.


The body of the god was suddenly crushed, and the godhead was cracked.

The soul was directly inhaled into the body by the god of fate in the black robe, and sneered: "If you don't listen to me, this is the end."

The God of Law, it's an easy spike!

How strong is this?

the gods are afraid

Heipao Fate Divine Dao: "Who else doesn't want to listen to me?"

the gods are silent

The Hei-robed Destiny God laughed wildly, and said, "Call Lord Lord God to listen!"

The gods were silent for half a second, and a sparse voice sounded, "Master God O"

"You didn't eat, did you?"


A powerful coercion rolled down, and the faces of the gods who were crushed were flushed, and they shouted at the same time, "Master God O"


"very good!"

The black-robed God of Destiny laughed, this feeling was very cool for him, he dreamed of becoming the main god, the controller of the 100,000 planes.


he's one step closer

At this time o

A god asked cautiously: "Lord Lord God, you said that Long Fei was killed by you?"

Hei-robed Destiny God smiled and said: "Yes, he is dead now, and he can't pose a threat to the main temple."


The gods are slightly overjoyed

Heipao Fate Divine Dao: "Can I still lie to you?"

He saw it with his own eyes, and also personally sensed that Long Fei's lifespan was exhausted. You must know that he used to be the controller of the law of fate, and his understanding of fate is the clearest among the 100,000 planes.

If Long Fei hadn't died, he would never have left

Another god asked: "I don't know what the Lord God wants us to do?"

Hei-robed Destiny God smiled slightly, "It's very simple, I want you to enter the battlefield of hegemony from the ancient entrance with me, and kill all the forces of the main temple and the evil temple in the battlefield, I want to become the real main god, become The master of one hundred thousand planes!!!"

That's what he's going to do

How strong is the main god Hongtu?

Destiny knew it thousands of years ago, but what about now?

The Lord God disappeared for millions of years in the 100,000 planes and entered the outer world. How strong is he now?

totally unclear

but o

He knew that as long as he controlled the battlefield of hegemony, he would be the new master god, and even if Hongtu came back, he would not be able to shake him.

Take this step well, it's useless for anyone to come back

The Lord God did not come back o

The entrance to the ancient times has been opened, and as long as the God of Destiny in the black robe takes this step, he will win.

Fisherman's Profit

He's as steady as an old dog, enjoying everything

The gods were slightly startled and said, "Entering the ancient entrance?"

Hei-robed Destiny God's eyes sank, and he said coldly: "What? Don't you want to?"

"Will, will..."

"I'm waiting for it!"

They are very afraid of death, if they don't want to, the consequence is death o

Heipao Fate Divine Dao: "Don't worry, when I become the real Lord God, you will get much more than now."

"All right!"

"Now follow me to the polar darkness, and enter the ancient entrance together."

He hasn't finished his words yet

suddenly o

The 100,000 planes shook, and the main temple swayed again. Even the gods could not stand firm. This was not a huge force shock, but... the foundation of the main temple was shaking.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Why is the plane of the main temple shaking so much?"

The black-robed God of Fate tightened his brows, his expression suddenly changed, "The polar darkness..."


"The ancient entrance was taken first by someone o"

"is her?"

The foundation of the main temple is shaking. There is only one possibility for this phenomenon. A third entrance appears on the battlefield.

That is to say o

Someone at the ancient entrance took the lead in taking the o

Hei-robed Destiny God also immediately thought of Qiao Qiao in the dark polar region, "Impossible, she is already on the verge of death, it is impossible for her to suddenly recover and seize the ancient entrance."

Jojo is heartbroken

The Hei Robe God of Destiny did not kill her because she would commit suicide soon.

Long Fei's death stimulated her too much o

But now...

Hei-pao's Destiny God's face sank, his heart was full of anger, and he said solemnly: "Looking for death!"

"The ancient entrance is mine!"

"No one can take the o"


The whole person suddenly disappeared, turning into a streamer and rushing towards the dark polar region of the one hundred thousand planes...


Not long after the Hei-robed God of Destiny left

Jojo wants to die

Die with Long Fei o


Long Fei suddenly took a deep breath and woke up suddenly.

Jojo weeps with joy

Long Fei felt like he had a long dream. In the dream, he was reborn. He desperately upgraded, made breakthroughs, and made desperate upgrades.

It's as if you have traveled through the Tianwu Continent, and then walked all over again.

When he reached the peak of 100,000 planes, he suddenly woke up.

The strength of the body, Cultivation Base, all the attributes of the physical defense returned to normal, and it was at this time that he suddenly realized that the so-called power of rebirth was resurrection.

after resurrection

The first thing Long Fei did was to enter the black-eyed space on the altar.

In the ancient entrance!

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