The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2147 The Lord God Is Back

"Is it still not going to kill you this time?"

"Damn it!"

Long Fei roars o

Destiny wants to kill Long Fei, and his heart is full of anger

but o

Is it not in Long Fei's heart?

If it wasn't for the God of Destiny, how could it cause so many things?

Zhan Wushuang is already dead

If it weren't for the God of Fate, the giant dragon would not need to exchange his life with him at all!

Everything is because of him!

so o

When Long Fei released the power of darkness, he thought about everything, even if he used Blood Essence retrograde to activate the power in the dragon-shaped mark, he would not hesitate!

It is to kill the god of fate!

Just to kill!


"Long Fei...Long Fei, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost"

"Absolutely not!"



Void bang o

The blood tank on the body of the god of fate has bottomed out, and his body is also bursting frantically.


The system beep sounds o

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'God of Destiny' and gaining 10 billion experience points, 1 billion divine power points, and 1 abnormal energy value o"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the 'Power of Defense Law'? Is he cultivation?"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the 'Power of Soul Law'? Is he cultivation?"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the 'Power of the Law of Destiny'. Is he cultivation?"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the 'Power of the Law of the Earth'. Is it cultivation?"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting..."

The system prompt sound is crazy loud o

It continued for three minutes before it stopped o

A full one hundred and twenty-three laws of power, all burst out.


The powers of these laws are all in their peak state, and there is no need for Long Fei to cultivate any more. They are all in their peak state, the highest Realmo

This is because Destiny's control over them is different from Zhan Wushuang's.



"Everything is cultivation!"

With a thought of Long Fei, he cultivated all the power of the one hundred and twenty-three laws.

In a moment!

There is a streamer wrapped around his body, and it keeps wrapping around his body, just like the two streamers of the "Phoenix Heavenly Devil Armor" in the legend of the blood are spinning around the body.

Incomparable pull wind o

"In addition to the law of time, the law of killing, the law of the sky, the law of the demon, the law of the storm, the law of ice, I now have one hundred and twenty-nine laws of power o"


"I should be the king of laws, right?"

Long Fei muttered to himself

The control of the power of one hundred and twenty-nine laws can definitely be said to be the king of laws.

but o

Long Fei is not satisfied

He wants to control all the laws and powers of the 100,000 planes.

and o

One hundred and twenty-nine laws seem to be powerful, but... they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all under the control of the Lord God.

Even if it is the law of killing that the Night King realized

Even if it is Long Fei's inheritance of the law of time left by his mother, and the law of Yaodao, the power of all these laws is in the 100,000 planes.

That is, under the control of the Lord God

The real king of laws does not have many laws, but can easily use or withdraw them. Such a person is the king of laws.

"If you can fuse the power of these laws and fuse the laws of Outer Domain, it will be amazing." Long Fei said slightly.

He knows very well

He is going to enter the battlefield of hegemony, he is going to face the main god o

The power of these laws of self-cultivation is of no use to the Lord God at all.

If he wants to kill the main god, he must gain more powerful power o

Otherwise o

When the time comes to use the ancient inheritance power in the dragon-shaped imprint, he is worried... even if he kills the main god, his own life will not be guaranteed, which is meaningless.

God of fate is dead

The main temple is very shocking again


This also allowed the main temple, which originally refused to be in alliance with the evil god, to agree to the evil god's alliance request.

the main god is not there

If you want to deal with Long Fei and keep the territory in the battle for hegemony, there is only the alliance.

Kill Long Fei first!


another place o

In The Underworld

Destiny Land of Death o

Before he could stand up in The Underworld, a huge phantom appeared in the sky above his head. The phantom looked at him coldly and said, "I heard that you don't let my son go when you're a ghost, right?"

The God of Destiny's face sank, and immediately knelt on the ground, "No, no, don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm dead now, I can't do any harm to Long Fei, don't, don't,,"

He never dreamed of o

Long Fei's father is the king of The Underworld o

He just died, and before he had time to react, the appearance of Long Zhanting scared his shit out.

Long Zhanting said coldly: "It doesn't matter if you can't cause damage, you don't even have to do a ghost!"


A purple lightning strikes down o

The ghost of the god of fate turned into a cloud of blue smoke and disappeared completely o

Not even a ghost can do it

Long Zhanting looked up at the chaotic sky and murmured, "Fei'er, your 100,000-person interview training is coming to an end. Before it ends, your catastrophe is also..."


"You must persevere"

The catastrophe in prophecy

always exist o

Although Long Zhanting and Mu Wan'er, who doesn't know where she is, have been helping Long Fei, trying to let him avoid this catastrophe, can't be reversed.

can't escape at all

This is what worries them the most

because o

This is an unbearable catastrophe

It is also a sign of the success of the 100,000 interviews. If you pass it, Long Fei will succeed.

If you can't get past o

Long Fei will die!


Long Zhanting let out a sigh of relief, "Those old guys from the Dragon Palace!"

"If my son makes a mistake, I will never let it go." Long Zhanting's eyes were fierce, with fierce killing intent.

immediately o

phantom disappears

The Underworld returns to calm o


"The law of the soul..."

Long Fei released it slightly, and he sensed the countless souls in the 100,000 planes. At the same time... he also felt the imprisoned souls under the Daotian Mountain.



"Grandpa... Long Zu..."

all sensed

turn o

Long Fei said: "Qiao Qiao, let's go to Tianshen Mountain first."

Qiaoqiao moved slightly and said, "Master Young, save Sister Luoxi and the others?"

Long Fei nodded and said worriedly: "I don't know if I can release their souls and let them reshape their bodies."

Qiaoqiao excitedly said: "It must be possible!"


another place o

Void twist o

A gate of time and space is broken open above the main temple.

A figure slowly walks out

not fast o

However, no one in 100,000 planes can reach this speed o

followed by o

The 100,000 planes began to vibrate violently.

In the Great Hall of the main temple, the gods bowed down, kneeling on the ground and daring not to move, because... the main god is back!

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