The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2150 Outland Powerhouse?

Long Fei's life experience is complicated and his background is strong

If such a person offends, it is not very good for Hongtu o

and o

He promised others that he would bring Long Fei alive into the great world of Hongmeng.

so o

He didn't want to kill Long Fei!

Hong Tu said lightly: "As long as you submit to me, I will take you into the outer domain, and even let you control one hundred thousand planes."

"How about it?"

Long Fei grinned and said, "No need to think about it!"

Hong Tu smiled and said: "Indeed, there is no need to think about it at all. No one in the 100,000 planes will refuse this condition, and no one dares to refuse me!"


A fool would refuse o

Only a fool will fight against the strongest person in the 100,000 planes

The last time Long Fei was given a choice, Long Fei did not compromise, that was because the last time was just a shadow of the Lord God, and his deterrent power was far from enough.

This time, the Lord God came in person o

Who dares to refuse?

"Hahaha..." Long Fei also laughed loudly, and said, "I will refuse, and... if your ultimate boss doesn't blow up, how can daddy leave?"

in an instant o

The air within a radius of one million kilometers suddenly became extremely cold.

The ancient soul in Long Fei's body also suddenly started to function.

The Lord God's eyes sank, and he stared at Long Fei, who was like an ant in his eyes, and said coldly, "What are you talking about?"

"Long Fei!"

"You don't want to toast, don't eat and drink fine wine, these things you have done are enough to make you die a hundred times, don't think that you can sway in front of me with a little power of law, to me, the power of these laws of yours It's like thin paper, vulnerable to a single blow!" There was anger in Hong Tu's voice.

He was upset by being rejected o

and o

What Long Fei said made him even more unhappy.

Long Fei grinned and said, "Am I not clear enough just now?"

"I don't need someone else to give me what I want, I will take it myself, whoever dares to stop me and kill it, the Buddha is the same, the god is the same, and you are the same!"

"Also!" Long Fei laughed excitedly, "I'm going to blow up your **** oss!"


very arrogant

What about the Lord God?

What about the master of one hundred thousand planes?

still the same

If you're not happy, just do it!

The Lord God's eyes were angry, his huge pupils glared, and he said in a deep voice, "Looking for death!!!"



The void churned, and there was an endless roar, and the entire Tianshen Mountain seemed to be shattered by the shock, and the endless coercion rolled down, o

Lord God pressure o

There is boundless killing intent in this coercion

crush Long Fei to death

Long Fei felt extremely uncomfortable all over his body. The power of his law was like a mouse seeing a cat, and he didn't dare to raise his head.


Very upset!

Hong Tu shouted and said, "Long Fei, what are you?"

"Fight me?"

"You also have the qualifications to fight with me o"

"Do you think you are invincible after killing a few gods of laws and controlling a few laws of law? Hmph! If someone from outside the realm wants you to live, you think you can still stand with you right now. Am I talking?" Hong Tu said heavily.

He is the master of one hundred thousand planes

he is the king

Who dares to disobey?

coercion, crushing

Long Fei couldn't support his body, and the power of law was completely useless at this time. Although he had already prepared in his heart, he never imagined that the power of law would be useless in front of the Lord God.


No matter what kind of power Long Fei faces, he just doesn't hesitate.

In the face of Hongtu being crushed by the gods, Long Fei's heart moved, "Blood Essence is out, the mark of the underworld... invincible state!"

a thought o

At this time, he can't control so much.

The main god Hongtu's eyebrows tightened, "Do you still want to resist?"


"Kneel down for me!"

The boundless figure of the Lord God moved, the sky sank, and the bombardment o

"I kneel down on your eighth ancestor..." Long Fei roared, releasing the Blood Essence.

at this moment o

At the entrance of the Great Hall, Tang Renjie walked out with Qiaoqiao, watching the collision of forces in the sky, like a fight between gods, he said softly, "Boss Long, what happened?"

"Do you need help?"

As soon as the sound comes out

suddenly o

The Lord God Hongtu's eyes flashed for a while, and his heart was slightly shocked.

He is the same as Long Fei

I can only sense Qiao Qiao's breath, but not Tang Renjie's breath.

and o

As soon as Tang Renjie's voice fell, his Lord God's coercion seemed to be hit by an unprecedented shock wave, and instantly disappeared a million kilometers away.

Lord God pressure, suddenly disappear o

Long Fei was also stunned, but he didn't have time to think so much, so he snorted and said, "Protect Qiao Qiao"

The Lord God was also stunned for a moment, and he didn't think about it that much either.

One hundred thousand planes he is the master o

Who can fight him?

a moment o

As soon as the Lord God moved, the powerful boundless coercion rolled down again, and he shouted heavily: "Long Fei, kneel down for me obediently"

The huge pressure of the main god strikes again o

The Tenjin Mountains are trembling o

Countless mountain tops collapsed, hard rocks turned to dust, everything seemed like the end of the world

Just as he was crushing Long Fei, Tang Renjie scratched his head and shouted, "Boss Long, do you really need help?"

"I'm your little brother o"

"Don't you use the free brother?"


The sound fell o

The coercion released by Hongtu disappeared again, completely disappeared.

Hong Tu secretly trembled in his heart.

Long Fei snorted and said, "What are you yelling at? I asked you to protect Qiao Qiao, so you can protect Qiao Qiao. Just beep and see?"

Long Fei is about to get angry

Tang Renjie smiled naively and said, "Okay, I know o"

The main god Hongtu released another powerful force.

Long Fei is ready for everything


At that moment again, the Husky, who had been riding on Tang Renjie's shoulders, suddenly opened his eyes and glared at them.

The heart of the main god Hongtu suddenly trembled.


In that instant, Hong Tu's mind seemed to be crushed by a force, extremely uncomfortable.


Hong Tu's strength was quickly withdrawn, staring at Long Fei, then at Tang Renjie, who was in a state of **, and then at the Husky who was "unacceptable" on his shoulders.

He can't find the source of this power o

but o

One thing is certain o

Someone is helping Long Fei secretly, and this person is very powerful o

then o

This man must be an outlander!

Hongtu's heart tightened secretly, "What are the powerhouses from outside the realm doing here?"

turn o

Hongtu looked at Long Fei and said, "Long Fei, see you on the battlefield!"

The figure moves o

disappear instantly

Long Fei was stunned, he didn't know what was going on!

"Make some wool, what the hell?"

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