The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2163 Want To Pit Daddy?

dark matter

Black hole!

The existence that devours everything in the universe is in the hands of Long Fei o

The strength against Zhan Wushuang wasn't like this last time, this time... it's transformed a little bit.

Long Fei was secretly shocked in his heart

Blood Essence stimulates**o

He also can't grasp, or know what the power stimulated from the dragon-shaped mark is, but this time is obviously much stronger than the last time.

The whole battleground is shaking

The black hole on Long Fei's right hand is like a galaxy, flashing a little cold light, turning gently, with a power that has never appeared in one hundred thousand planes.

The evil god's eyes sank, "The fifth Cultivation Technique?"


"Absolutely impossible!"

"There are absolute restrictions on the battlefield of hegemony. You can't have the fifth Cultivation Technique." The evil god said heavily, looking at the black vortex in Long Fei's hand, he didn't know why a chill rose in his heart.

gloomy chill o

Never had!

For thousands of years, the evil god has never felt this way

This is fear

The Evil God was shocked, "Om!"

Instantly expel the fear in your heart from your body o

"I am evil incarnate!"

"Why should I be afraid?"

The Evil God roared in his heart, and the Evil King Seal in the sky was heavily bombarded, and he said solemnly: "Long Fei, die for me!!!"

At the same time o

Long Fei was also angry, "Evil God, give me a blast!"

Move the right hand o

Lift it to the sky, and in an instant, the black hole began to burst with enormous power, and the dark world directly covered the sky.





Buzzing everywhere, the entire battlefield of hegemony is shrouded in darkness o

This scene is the same as last time o

Darkness covers the world

At this moment is the world ruled by darkness o

Black holes are also bursting out madly o

Long Fei felt the power in the black hole for a moment, his mind was shocked, and his heart was shocked, "What a powerful power, this... Is this the power of ancient inheritance?"

However o

not o

Long Fei's current Cultivation Base cannot release the power of ancient inheritance at all.

Blood Essence stimulates**o

It can only release the fur of the ancient inheritance power. Long Fei's current Cultivation Base is too weak to truly control the ancient inheritance power.

Of course o

Even the fur of power inherited from ancient times is a powerful and unparalleled existence in these one hundred thousand planes.

because o

It comes from the power of inheritance in the ancient world o

dark sky o

"Taller, thicker, bigger?"

"Whatever you become is in my darkness!"

"bring it on!"

"Swallow it!"

Long Fei roared heavily, and the vortex in the dark world rolled wildly, drawing the incomparably huge evil god into the darkness, and at this moment.

The Evil King's Seal is bombarded down o


Before it could be crushed, it was swallowed up by the darkness.

Absorbing the power of the evil king's seal, the black hole becomes more and more raging.

The Evil God struggled to support, the old tree was rooted, but... it was still moving, unable to withstand the swallowing power of the black hole, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he roared heavily, saying: "Hongtu, are you still Can't you do it?"

He can't stand it anymore

You can only ask for help from the main god Hongtu.

far away

The place where Hongtu is located is full of radiance

He is not shrouded in darkness o

Looking at the evil god in the dark, Hong Tu smiled faintly: "Wang Xie, what does your life and death have to do with me?"


The evil god was furious and said, "We are an alliance. If I die, how can you be better? Join forces to kill Long Fei, and I will withdraw from the battle for hegemony from now on."


"Does it matter whether you quit the battle for hegemony?"

"Haven't you been fighting with me on the battlefield for thousands of years? Have you ever won?"

"The reason why I left you on the battlefield without touching you is because you are not worthy of being my opponent at all, understand?"

"As for the alliance!"

"It's just a joke, I just want to see if you've improved over the years. It's a pity, you really haven't made any progress in thousands of years, and you're still a waste." Hong Tu said coldly.

full of disdain

He didn't even think about Wang Xie

And never put him to put in one's eyeso

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the evil god, "Hongtu, I am your ancestor!"

turn o

The evil god looked at Long Fei and said, "Long Fei, you let me go, and I'll beat him with you."

Long Fei shrugged and said, "No need, without you, I can beat him just as well."

When entering the battle for hegemony, he is ready for everything o

so o

As soon as he came up, he didn't hesitate, and directly chose Blood Essence to stimulate ** and anger the evil god!

There is no room left for myself o

The evil god stared at Long Fei and said: "Long Fei, you will need me, I will definitely be useful, spare my life, please!"

Please say this word

It can be seen that the evil god really can't bear it anymore.


Hongtu laughed loudly and said, "Wang Xie, you are such a pitiful bastard. You have lived for thousands of years, and a generation of evil gods, to actually beg your enemy, you are really pathetic."

laugh at o

contempt o

The evil god is being sucked into the black hole more and more o

at this moment o

The Heretic God was furious and said, "Hongtu, even if I die, I will not make you feel better!"



The power of the evil god suddenly exploded, and the power in the body was released frantically, and this power formed things like kung fu.

"Long Fei!"

"I hope you can kill him!"


"Accept my inheritance power!"


Flock directly to the top of Long Fei's head o

This is the life force of the evil god


The corner of Hong Tu's mouth slightly hooked in the distance, and he smiled coldly.


"It's going to be released now, and the power of the evil god will be received, and it will be much easier to fight against the main god o"


"This time is equivalent to double the strength o"

"It still won't kill the Lord God?"

The armies behind Long Fei were all excited.

After all o

This is the power of the evil god, the second strongest among the 100,000 planes.

Who would refuse such power?

The God of Law on the side of the main temple was also a little worried, "I can't let him receive the inheritance of the evil god."

"Absolutely not!"

"Go and interrupt him o"

"Can't let him take it!"


they are worried

Once Long Fei, this pervert, receives the inheritance of the evil god, his power will explode as if it will increase. At that time, he is really afraid that his main temple will be overthrown.

but o

The main god Hongtu is not worried at all o

He didn't mean to stop him at all, and he also had a cold smile.

and o

To everyone's surprise, o

Long Fei did not immediately absorb the essence power released by the evil god.

It was also violently forceful, the black hole roared, and directly swallowed the evil god.

stop for half a second

The system prompt sound did not sound, Long Fei laughed!

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