The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2169 One Word, Just Do It

"Crazy God energy?"

"never heard of o"

Tang Renjie is now Devil Island o

It was also the first time he appeared in front of Long Fei. He had something to tell Long Fei, but before he could ask, Long Fei asked first.

Mad God energy?

Tang Renjie has never heard of o

There is no such power in the great world of Hongmeng.

Long Fei sighed slightly in his heart, "Sleeping Beauty doesn't know, Tang Renjie doesn't know either, it seems that I want to know what the power of the mad god's energy is, I'm afraid it's difficult o"

He wants to use new power to fight Hong Tuo

After all o

The number one boss of the 100,000 planes, Hong Tu is really too strong.

If you want to beat him, Long Fei must have stronger power.

Seeing Long Fei muttering for a while, the 'husky' on Tang Renjie's shoulder pushed him, and Tang Renjie opened his mouth and asked

don't wait for him to speak

Long Fei took another step and said, "Have you been beaten?"

Tang Renjie was taken aback

His current appearance is that his nose is blue and his face is swollen, and his clothes are torn in several places.

looks so embarrassed

Tang Renjie said, "I'm fine."

Long Fei said: "Aren't you very arrogant? Who can beat you like this? Otherwise, tell me, and I will help you solve it?"

Tang Renjie secretly said, "Have you solved it for you?"

Tianyu killer can be said to be an invincible existence in this world, stronger than the main god, can Long Fei kill?

Tang Renjie said: "I'm fine, boss Long, now it's the last minute, I have to tell you something o"

Long Fei was not interested, and said, "If you have anything, just say it."

His mind is still on the energy value of the mad god, and he doesn't know what the use of this thing is.

Before Tang Renjie could speak, Long Fei turned around and asked, "It has 300 points of energy now. Does it have to gather 1,000 to explode once?"

Tang Renjie was stunned again, and couldn't understand it at all.

Seeing Long Fei's absent-minded appearance, Tang Renjie was also anxious, grabbed Long Fei and said, "Boss Long, can you listen to what I have to say?"

Long Fei looked at Tang Renjie and said, "You said o"

Become serious in an instant

Tang Renjie was a little uncomfortable, he was stunned for a few seconds without saying a word.

Long Fei said: "Let you say and not say o"

"I'll tell you!"

suddenly o

The husky on Tang Renjie's shoulder suddenly opened his mouth to speak

Long Fei was startled, "Can Huskies still talk?"

Husky rolled his eyes at Long Fei, and didn't bother to talk to him. He said straight to the point: "When you enter the battlefield again, the changes will begin, which means that your catastrophe will appear. No one knows what kind of catastrophe, but God The clan will definitely do it.”

"What you have to do is, you must resist o"

"Only if you endure the catastrophe, you will have a chance of life, otherwise, everything you do will be in vain, not only you, but also your Dragon Palace, your mother's Mu family, all will pay a heavy price because of your failure. cost o"


speak very fast

After the husky finished speaking, several people around were quiet.

Yan Nantian murmured, "Do dogs still speak? And they speak so well? So neatly?"

Husky stares

Yan Nantian shrank slightly.

Husky looked at Long Fei seriously again and said, "Do you understand?"

Long Fei nodded and said: "I understand, it means that I must resist the catastrophe, otherwise, everyone will suffer."

Tang Renjie said, "That's probably what it means."

Long Fei said lightly: "I know o"

Looking at Long Fei's dull eyes, there is no wavering at all.

Tang Renjie and Husky looked at each other one by one, and the Husky couldn't help but ask, "Do you really know or fake it, how do you think you're not nervous at all?"

"Do you know what this catastrophe means to you?"

Long Fei is too calm o

At this time, he should be a little nervous.

after all……

As long as he loses, the Dragon Palace and the Mu Family will suffer even more severe blows, not only them, but also the forces related to them will be severely suppressed by the Heavenly Clan.

Long Fei is their last hope

If you lose...the consequences are unimaginable o

Long Fei said casually, "What does it mean?"


Husky was angered by Long Fei's casualness and calmness, and stared at Long Fei and said, "Do you know how much Longfu has paid for you?"

"Do you know how much the Mu family has paid for you?"

"Do you know that your every move will determine the fate of several ancient families?"

"Did you know that half an hour ago, Tang Renjie was almost killed by a powerhouse from Outland?"

"Do you know how many outlanders are staring at the ancient inheritance on you?"

"Do you really know?"

Husky said heavily

There was a trace of anger in the voice, anger, a kind of hatred of iron not turning into steel o

However o

Long Fei said casually, "I don't know, what's wrong?"


The husky is stupid, his eyes are stunned, his body trembles, as if he has suffered a million points of critical damage, he almost can't stand still, and he almost vomits blood when he is so angry.

Looking at his angry look, Long Fei said truthfully, "I'm telling the truth, if I don't know, I just don't know, what's wrong?"

calm on the surface

Long Fei's heart is very surging

He didn't know the price Longfu paid for him, nor what the Mu family paid.

He doesn't care what this mysterious Tang Renjie is here for.

He only cares about one thing now

How to kill Hongtu!

As for the catastrophe and the price, he didn't care about all the other things.


The Husky couldn't help it, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Really vomited blood by Long Fei

Turning around and leaving, Tang Renjie looked at Long Fei and said, "Long Fei, in a word, you must resist and be careful."


"You enter the battle for hegemony again, and the mutation will begin"

finish o

Tang Renjie turned around and chased after the Husky, and said, "Old dog, wait for me o"

After the two left

The crowd gathered around

Jojo couldn't help but ask, "Master Young, what exactly is a mutation?"

Yan Nan Heavenly Dao: "Is it related to that catastrophe?"

"He said that the mutation will start when you enter the battle for hegemony, so let's not go in, shall we? Just guard Devil Island." Overlord Hua said worriedly.

Long Fei smiled lightly and said: "There is no mutation, and there is no catastrophe that I can't get past, everyone is ready, three days later, we will enter the battlefield for hegemony and fight to the death in the main temple."

they don't know

Long Fei knew in his heart that he knew that he was in danger from the time of Chaos World.

His father and his mother had been trying to help him escape this catastrophe, but they were all unsuccessful! The strongest upgrade system:

this catastrophe

He can't escape!


If the number one boss of 100,000 planes doesn't die, how will this game be cleared?

If the main temple is not overthrown, how will Long Fei control the world?

a sentence o

Just do it!

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