The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2172 The Power Of The Lord God

The catastrophe was endured by Long Fei alone, but... Hongtu is not dead, then everyone around him will die.

so o

Long Fei wanted to dare to slaughter Hong before the catastrophe fell!

When the Seven Lights Blood Moon appeared, Sleeping Beauty immediately told him the approximate time when the catastrophe would come, and at that time his figure disappeared.

The people in the main temple army are looking at the seven blood moons in the sky

Didn't notice that Long Fei disappeared o

"three minutes!"

"I only have three minutes!"

"The Heretic God has tens of billions of HP. As the number one boss of the 100,000 planes, Hongtu's HP is at least over 15 billion!" Long Fei calculated in his heart, smacking his tongue.

15 billion experiences o

To be dry in three minutes, this is undoubtedly an impossible thing o

But o

Long Fei has no choice o

"Blood Moon!"

"It's still seven, it's really a mutation." Hong Tu smiled lightly and said, "It seems that I don't have to take action at all. I'm afraid you can't bear this catastrophe alone, right?"

"Long Fei?!"

talking room o

Hong Tu's eyes suddenly sank, he turned sharply, and stared at himself behind him.

Suddenly o

Long Fei rushed out of the void

Others didn't notice Long Fei, but Hong Tu was always paying attention, and...his Cultivation Base, even if Long Fei was hidden in the void, he could sense o

Long Fei is an invisible existence in front of him.

Long Fei rushed out of the void, and Hong Tu immediately turned around and smiled coldly, "Want to make a sneak attack?"

"You are too tender!"

indeed o

Long Fei wanted to make a sneak attack, but... Hong Tu's reaction exceeded his expectations.

Hong Tuo

stronger than he imagined

immediately o

Long Fei moved his right hand, and a dark power flashed from the dragon-shaped mark, and he moved suddenly, "Dark power!"

A cloud of black mist spreads out

Hong Tu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Want to seal my power?"


"Long Fei, it's just you?!"

While speaking, Hong Tu's figure exploded suddenly, his robe squeaked loudly, his hand hidden in his sleeve suddenly flipped, and a golden light burst out.


Hongtu drank heavily, and the powerful golden light directly enveloped the power of darkness.

This golden light is like a seal

The power of darkness is completely immobile in it.

The power of darkness failed!

All of Long Fei's divine power has been used up, but... he is not worried about divine power now. He raised his head and took a few refined God-level Medicine Pills, and his divine power quickly rose to 100 million points.

"Depend on!"

Long Fei cursed in his heart

Hongtu smiled contemptuously: "I have everything under your control, you want to kill me? You want to overthrow the main temple I control? Long Fei, you are still far behind."


"I gave you a chance long ago, but I don't know how to cherish it!"

"Fight me?"

"Have you beaten me? What qualifications do you have? Is it just the rabble you gathered?"


"Just all this garbage?" Hong Tu sneered, staring at Long Fei with cold eyes, then turned his right hand, and then one after another huge force rushed out like a frenzy.

Instantly crush the entire battle plain o





One after another, dull noises exploded on the plain, and one soldier after another was crushed and knelt on the ground, even if they had the main artifact in their hands, they were still crushed.

Broken knees

The Cultivation Base of the whole body is suppressed o

Some people with lower Cultivation Base were directly crushed by the seven orifices that bleed Deatho

one move……

Overwhelm the army!

and o

To put it lightly, no power is used at all o

This is the Lord God Hongtu!

This is the power to control one hundred thousand planes

Powerful and unparalleled existence

Yan Nantian is struggling to support o

Overlord flower with blood hanging from the corner of his mouth

Colorful dragon panting o

The giants and the monsters in the Jiyuan Mountains all turned pale. Although they didn't kneel down, they couldn't release any power at all.

A God of Law roared, "Kill them!"

"Kill me!"


The army of the main temple, who was silent in the shock of the Seven Lights Blood Moon, was shocked with the roar of the Law God, and they all rushed up at the same time, like a tsunami.

suddenly o

The army on Long Fei's side fell crazily like mowing grass.

Under the pressure of the Lord God, they have no power to resist and can only be slaughtered by others.

"Long Fei!"

"Don't mind us!" Yan Nantian let out a roar, holding the sword heavily, and rushed up.

Ye Jingyun, Bawanghua, Jinpao ancestor, Zhang Sanqian... They all rushed forward desperately.

Long Fei's heart sank as he watched this scene.

Hong Tu coldly said, "What are you fighting with me?"

"I told you to live, this is the world I control, I am the king, I am the sky, and you still want to turn the sky over?" Hong Tu glared angrily, looking at the power of law wrapped around Long Fei's body, his eyes widened. Ferocious, with five fingers on his right hand, he grabbed it violently, "Give me the power of one hundred and thirty laws!"


The power of a law escaped from the collapse of Long Fei.

followed by o

another o

Another one...

then o

Extremely fast, completely out of Long Fei's control, all the powers of the laws were sucked back by the power of Hongtu, completely unable to control o

The power of these laws is all burst out by Long Fei.

Arguably, o

This should be his own power o


not so o

This is one hundred thousand planes. Hongtu is the master of one hundred thousand planes. Before the battle for hegemony has not defeated the main temple, all the power of law is still in the hands of Hongtu.

He is the king of laws

Unless you can absolutely occupy the battlefield of hegemony, otherwise, Hongtu will always be the master of the law.

Seeing that the laws of Long Fei were pulled away, the gods of the laws in the main temple became excited, "Hahaha...Long Fei, you are crazy o"

"Dog thing, you are so arrogant o"

"A waste who climbed up from a lower plane, dare to challenge our main temple?"


"One more arrogant o"

" it a dead dog now?"


He let out a heavy breath

They were crushed by Long Fei before, but now the power of the law on Long Fei has been pulled away, which makes them very happy.

The law of time is taken away from o

The law of killing is taken away from o

The law of the Yaodao has been pulled away from o

The system beeps continuously

last o

The law halo on his body disappeared completely, all returned to Hongtu's palm, and rotated into a light ball of law power.

Hong Tu smiled and said: "Long Fei, accept your fate, you can't defeat me in this life, can't defeat the sky!"

day o

It's not him, the 'heaven' in Hongtu's mouth is the Heavenly Clan!

He was talking about what his master heard o

just o

His master's attention is not on him now, but... the young man in the void space smiled lightly, expressing his satisfaction.

He Tianzu is Tiano

Who can fight?


However o

Whether Long Fei is the sky or the earth, whoever wants to mess with him, he will overthrow whoever! ! !

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