The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2174 The Lord God Was Crushed Like A Dead Dog

"Do not!"

The ancient soul called out, "Don't!"

Long Fei stopped missing o


Long Fei's heart trembled slightly.

Doubt arises in my heart

In the past, when he used Blood Essence to stimulate his body, his body would have strong sequelae, but... this time there was no o

"Could it be that you have released the power of ancient inheritance?"

"Break the shackles?"

Long Fei was overjoyed, he thinks so much every day

because o

At this time, his body's Internal Energy is like a mad sea, and the power swirls out of him like a hurricane.

fierce o

A drop of Blood Essence can make the power of ancient inheritance extremely powerful, and the power is beyond Long Fei's control.

Because it's too strong

This time... Long Fei frantically incorporated ten drops of Blood Essence into the dragon-shaped mark.

what is this?



Like a madman, Long Fei grinned wildly and said, "It doesn't matter if you are a god or a god, today daddy will step on his feet."


The voice carries thunderous coercion o

Coercion is a kind of imposing manner. The higher the Cultivation Base, the stronger the imposing manner radiated from the body, that is, coercion. This kind of coercion cannot be seen by the naked eye.


When Long Fei spoke, the coercion that erupted from him was visible to the naked eye, just like the Devil in the void appeared one after another, crushing it heavily.

Hongtu didn't have time to do any defense o

The golden shield on his body shattered o

and o

At this moment... his body sank, and he knelt down directly from mid-air. The speed of his descent was as fast as lightning struck.


Swipe Shattering Void, kneel heavily o

Blow up a huge mountain to ruins

His knees were shattered, and all the bones in his body were shaken to powder, but... he is the main god, and this damage will not kill him.


This is just a little coercion released by Long Fei when he speaks.

Just a little bit of coercion will crush the Lord God who controls 100,000 planes to the ground, crushing it into slag.

How strong is this?

The strong Long Fei was a little confused himself

At this moment, the entire battlefield for hegemony was quiet, and everyone looked up at Long Fei, who was wrapped in enormous power in the sky.

The power aura on Long Fei has never been seen before.

Never seen such a powerful force o


"Hahaha... the boss is mighty!"

"Boss is domineering!"

"'s too strong o"

"Brother Fei, I want to give you a baby o"

"Hahaha... The main temple is amazing? The Law God is amazing? The Lord God who controls 100,000 planes is amazing? Isn't it the same as kneeling in front of our boss now?"

"Just called our boss to be arrogant?"

"Now that you're arrogant, what the fuck can you do?"


Heavy venting o

Momentum explosion o

Yan Nantian, everyone was so excited

With a single coercion, Hong Tu was crushed and kneeled on the ground. How powerful is this?

So cool!

indescribably cool

Those Law Gods turned paler and their bodies trembled even more. Many people thought that they were dazzled and rubbed their eyes crazily. ground o

Kneeling at Long Fei's feet

Hair is disheveled, looks very embarrassed o

This is the first time!

never o

They have never seen the Lord God so embarrassed, not even in the battle for hegemony thousands of years ago.



Their hearts twitched rapidly

Not because of heartache, but because the Lord God knelt down, they thought of their own fate o

suddenly o

A large group of people began to run away frantically o

The main god was crushed and knelt down, and the army of the main temple collapsed.

Hongtu is their spiritual support. He knelt down, how could he not collapse?


"Are you cool?" Long Fei's voice was heavy, with multiple accents, like a devil.

At this time o,

The ancient soul is still beating non-stop in front of Long Fei, and the beating is even more powerful.

Long Fei smiled and said, "Ancient Yisoul, are you excited too?"


"This feeling of having explosive power is really cool." Long Fei said heavily, as if he had control over the entire universe.

"Gluck cluck..."

Hongtu's joints exploded, his voice gloomy, and finally roared: "Long Fei!!!"

stand up abruptly

The bones of the whole body are instantly restored o

Soaring into the sky, like a rocket launch

The huge force forms a ball shape that is visible to the naked eye, and it hits hard.

Long Fei squinted his eyes and said coldly, "You fucking kneel for daddy!"

move o

Raise your right foot into a whip

then o

With a heavy blow, the power released by Hongtu directly shattered the blow, without causing any resistance to Long Fei, and the sole of his foot slashed on top of Hongtu's head.

Hong Tu's body sank.


He knelt down heavily again, unable to bear Long Fei's power at all.


The earth made a violent "shen yin" sound again

A deep crater exploded on the ground, as if a huge meteorite had hit it. It sank in a radius of dozens of kilometers, and cracked open, densely packed.

The main god kneels heavily in the middle of the pit

pale o

Black blood pours out

It was coercion just now, this time it is the power of one kick...

"It's not true!"

"It's not true!"

"Illusion, it's definitely an illusion, impossible, impossible... The Lord God cannot be crushed by others, and no one can crush the Lord God within 100,000 planes."

"What did I see?"

"My God!"

If at first the army led by the main temple panicked and fled, then the generals under the main god's command, the god of law, would be like seeing a ghost.

The first time was accidentally

Then the second time...

It's a collision of forces

The main god also tried his best, but he was easily knocked down by Long Fei.

Kneel down again!

What does this mean?

Explanation... The Lord God is not Long Fei's opponent at all.

The gods of laws kept retreating, and then they fled like crazy.

followed by o

The army of the Lord God completely fled

Yan Nantian roared heavily: "Don't let one go, they all have to die!"

The crowd reacted and chased frantically.

The Soul Soul Orb is also absorbing the energy of the mad god madly.



"What kind of power do you have?" Hong Tu's hair was disheveled, his eyes raised, his fists clenched, he was unwilling, unwilling, very unwilling.

He is the king of this world

Everyone must kneel for him

Before Long Fei could speak, Hong Tu roared, "Long Fei, I want you to die!"


"Die your sister!"

Before Hongtu rushed to the sky, he was kicked over by Long Fei again and knelt on the ground again.

rush again o

Kneeling on the ground again

Several times in a row, they were crushed by Long Fei.

and o

It's as easy as crushing a three-year-old

Long Fei sneered: "Are you a god? Are you a king? Now... you're a dead dog."

"daddy said so!"

"I'll put everything under my feet, including God!"

immediately o

Long Fei stared at the last bit of blood on the top of Hong Tu's head, and said solemnly, "Break me!!!"

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