The Strongest Upgrade System

Reference 2177 Complete Collapse, The Voice Of Long Zhanting

no sign o

no hints

fall suddenly o

In an instant, Long Fei's head was cut off, and his body was divided into two.

The people around the beam of light were all frightened.

Even the young man's expression froze slightly, "The calamity of the Seven Lights Blood Moon is truly extraordinary."

The legendary catastrophe

"no no,,,"

"No, don't, don't, don't o"

Bawanghua's body was directly paralyzed, she fell to the ground, her face was as pale as paper, looking at Long Fei's body split in two, she couldn't even cry.

All eyes wide open to see what is happening in the beam of light o

"Dragon,,, Dragon,,,"

"Boss, old, old, old..."

I can't say anything o

Instantly cut into two sections, the head and body are separated o

This kind of terrifying picture, let alone yourself, even the person watching it is extremely frightening.


Ye Jingyun rushed


The body turns into powder and disappears instantly o

Bai Lian clasped her hands together, meditated silently in her heart, and then she rushed up, "Boom!"

The body is also turned into powder o

disappear instantly

"Ah,,, ah,,, ah..." Many people shouted in horror, it was too terrifying, I have never seen such a terrifying thing in my life.

It's scarier than death

Long Fei's army slowly retreated, and they were all stunned.

Long Fei was cut into two pieces

Many generals rushed up and killed instantly

they can't take it

My heart is broken, I can't bear it at all

Everyone is shaking, many people are yelling o

This scene will forever be their nightmare o

At this time, the gods of laws who had escaped, the main temple army came back, watching Long Fei being cut into two pieces, a god of laws shouted: "It's our time, kill them!"


People pouring out from all directions began to fight back.

quickly collapse o

Constantly Deatho


Let's talk about Long Fei

His body was chopped into two pieces, and the severe pain spread all over his body in an instant. At that moment... Long Fei felt that he was dead, but after just a few seconds, his eyes opened.

He saw own's body suspended on the other side

He was also frightened

extremely pale o


He is not dead!

He can feel that he is not dead, death is not such a feeling o

The young man smiled coldly and said, "How does it feel to see own splitting his body? It must be very cool, right? Haha..."

"This is just the beginning!"

The voice has not fallen

The blood-colored black hole that was slowly suspended suddenly fell, like a cutting machine.


The body was cut and split again, this time the other half of his body was directly cut in half, and all the internal organs were cut off and flowed all over the place.

Long Fei is shaking

His sea of ​​consciousness is shrinking

His brain is going numb

afraid o


He has died countless times in the world of dragon coffin cultivation. It can be said that he is not afraid of any Death, but...he never imagined that the so-called catastrophe is actually like this?

Transcend Tribulation, shouldn't it be Heavenly Tribulation?

What kind of calamity did he cross?

Watching your own body split little by little? Watching your own internal organs flow all over the place? Blood rush?

This is not Deatho

This is looking at myself Deatho

Is there anything scarier in the world than watching yourself die?


again loudly

This time his body was cut and split again, this time it was his head, the tangram was split, the eyeballs were split in two, and the brain was split.




The young man laughed grimly, "No one can withstand such a catastrophe, watching his body split, Death, this feeling...hahaha..."

"Dragon Palace?"

"Mu Family?"

"Hahaha... You didn't think about it yourself, did you? Your hopes are about to be dashed." The man was excited to this day, and at this moment, there was an extra black box in his hand.

It is exactly the same as the black box that the Void God gave to Hong Tu.

There is only one thing he has to do now


It won't take long for Long Fei to die 'completely'.


another place o

Eight Vajra will destroy the main temple plane o

Li Yuanba's heart tightened and he said, "The boss is in danger."

turn o

The eight figures flew to Devil Island in unison


Devil Island o

a cliff place

Qiao Qiao stood quietly, with her as the center, three meters in radius, densely covered with bloodshots, and blood dripping from the corners of her clothes.

The scene is extremely ferocious, I'm afraid o

Now she finally knows the pain Long Fei endured.

Same as what the ancient soul said o

She can't take it...

Above her head, a big bird with blue flames was circling, and her body exuded a strange power...


One hundred thousand planes, the most marginal place o

Tang Renjie's chest was penetrated, black blood poured out continuously, and his other hand was torn off, leaving only a white bone outside.

"Husky" on one side...

To be precise, it should be an ancient behemoth, extremely huge.

However o

He's all wounded now

More seriously than Tang Renjie

"Huhu...huhu..." Tang Renjie was panting, staring not far away.

Void God Venerable said coldly: "It's not good to learn, but what to learn to extradite, who can you extradite?"


"The king's apprentice, it's just that." Void God Venerable said with a sneer, "The person you want to extradite should be dying now."

"You never thought it was the calamity of the Seven Lights Blood Moon?"

"Just because the Dragon Palace and the Mu family want to fight the Celestial Clan?"

"What qualifications do they have?"

Void God Venerable is very disdain o

The supreme existence of the Celestial Clan, unmatched

Tang Renjie killed three Tianyu killers and made him lose face in front of his master, which made him very upset o


Tang Renjie stood up again, stared at the Void God Venerable, and said, "He is a person above the sky, and he is destined to trample your Celestial Clan under your feet."

"It is the honor of my life to be able to extradite him"

"I, will, no, regret, one, all, come, complete, complete, extradition, transfer..."


"I bet my life!"

Tang Renjie's words are very firm.

turn o

Tang Renjie's whole body exploded violently

Void God Venerable's face changed darkly, "Soul burst?"


Tang Renjie laughed wildly and said, "Let me show you what the apprentice of the King of Humans is!"


Battlefield o

Long Fei can be said to have been 'shattered to pieces', and it happened right under his eyelids.

He was full of fear

He felt Death coming slowly

He thought that he was ready, even if he was not afraid of any catastrophe, but... the appearance of the Seven Lights Blood Moon completely exceeded his expectations.

he can't take it

Watching the people outside the beam of light fall one by one and die

Thinking of the pain Qiao Qiao has endured for himself, Long Fei's heart is even more uncomfortable.

He's about to give up...

really give up

At this moment, a voice sounded in the void, "Long Fei, fearless heart!"

The young man's eyes were fierce, he suddenly stared at one place, and said with a cold smile: "Long Zhanting!!!"

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