The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2179 Sky Sword

Cracks heal o

Dragon War Ting's voice disappears o

Young man holds the sword of the sky o

stop for a few seconds

The young man burst out laughing, "Woo ha ha... woo ha ha... Long Zhanting, be arrogant to me again, is your old dog worthy of being arrogant in front of me?"

"Come again o"

"I can't even get the Cang Qiong Sword back, hahaha..."

proud o

very proud o

Looking at the sky sword in his hand, he became more and more proud.

and o

He knew very well what the Sky Sword intent meant. It was one of the three great treasures of the Dragon Palace. In the great world of Hongmeng, this Sky Sword was seventh on the weapon ranking spectrum.

How strong is this sword?

Unbelievably strong


Long Zhanting fled without even taking the sword back. How embarrassing is this?


The young man laughed again, put the sword in front of him, showed it off, and said, "Boy, did you see it?"

"Your trash father doesn't even dare to take back the sword, this is the treasure of the Dragon Palace"

"If there is a wasteful father, there is a wasteful son, a pair of wasteful father and son, hahaha..." The young man continued to laugh proudly.

Although he was penetrated by a sword o

In Long Fei's eyes, only one third of the blood on the top of his head is left, this is a serious injury.

but o

young man still excited

No matter how tragic the price is, if you can get the Sky Sword, it will be worth it.

This time came right o

"The sword of the sky, cooperate with the ancient inheritance power on your body, and then combine it with the ancient inheritance power in me, tsk tsk tsk... daddy is going to heaven." The young man was a little ferocious with excitement.

Abandon the sword and flee?

indeed o

very embarrassed

But... is Long Zhanting running away?

Can the golden charm that erupted from the young man make him escape?

It may be like this in the eyes of others, is not in the eyes of Long Fei o

The members of the Long family would never run away in such a situation, not even if they died, let alone throw their own weapons to escape. Long Fei didn't even need to think about it and knew what his father meant.

This sky sword...

It's for him!

At the same time o

Long Zhanting is also inspiring, stimulating Long Fei o

Hold the Seven Lights Blood Prison o

Blast the boss in front of you!

Otherwise... the treasure of the Long family will fall into the hands of others.

Long Zhanting's intention was very clear to Long Fei, and he secretly said: "Father, I will definitely carry it, I will definitely!!!"

Long Fei's heart sank, and he roared heavily, saying, "Come on, let the storm come more violently, if daddy can't bear it, daddy is your grandson!"


roar like thunder

The power in the Seven Lights Blood Prison seemed to be angry, and it bombarded down like a storm.

The scarlet blood in the seven blood moon beams is even more surging o

Long Fei's thoughts were also affected heavily. Every time he was bombarded with power, he could feel severe pain, and the picture of his own body being cut off appeared again in front of him.

It had a huge impact on his soul

but o

Long Fei desperately held it!

Both eyes are very firm

The young man didn't care if Long Fei could hold it, because even if he didn't die in the Seven Lights Blood Prison, he would still die in his hands.

He is now fiddling with the Sky Sword o

Looking at this long sword, which is similar to an ordinary sword, I am full of joy.

"Sky Sword, hahaha..."

Are you laughing proudly?



another place o

Tang Renjie bound the Void God Venerable from head to toe, and said with a heavy smile, "How is the apprentice of the King of Man?"

Void God Venerable's face changed suddenly, and said angrily: "Boy, are you crazy? You will die too"

Soul burst o

Use your own soul as the source of power to trigger a lifetime of skill, which is extremely powerful and lethal.

at least!

Void God Venerable's current Cultivation Base can't bear it

Huggies eyes wrinkled

The two of them are not opponents of the Void God Venerable, and now it is a critical moment. If Tang Renjie does not explode, they will not be able to extradite Long Fei.

"What about death?"

"Don't you know that the disciples of King Daoist are never afraid of death?"


Tang Renjie is crazy

It is his mission to extradite Long Fei

the same o

It was also his catastrophe

The reason why he chose to be an extradition person is also because of this o

He will give everything to accomplish this task o

He turned around and glanced at the husky, smiled slightly, and said, "Old dog, goodbye!"

Husky didn't speak, he didn't know what to say o

The Void God Venerable was terrified and tried his best to break free of Tang Renjie, but he couldn't. "Boy, let me go, let me go, let go..."


A powerful burst of power

A dull voice exploded o

The huge Husky roared at the sky, "Ah..."

Tang Renjie disappeared

Void God Venerable also disappeared o

Husky tears welling up

but o

He did not stop, the task is not completed o

And it is very difficult. Now he must open the extradition channel by himself. It is very difficult to open it... But he did not hesitate.

Not because of Long Fei o

But because of Tang Renjie

His relationship with Tang Renjie is not a mount and a master, but a brother o

He used to be a wild dog brought back by the King of Humans

Tang Renjie was picked up by the King of Humans when he was still a baby, and one person and one dog grew up together like this.

The two are like brothers

Now that Tang Renjie was a martyr, he knew very well that this was Tang Renjie's catastrophe. If he failed, he would have to bear everything.

Both eyes sink

Husky stepped up...






One after another roars fell, and there were eight o

Eight Vajra appeared on Devil Island o

"What happened to the boss?"

"Big Vajra, did you see something?"

"You are talking o"

Aoya is extremely anxious, and also extremely worried in her heart.

Li Yuanba frowned. He used to look silly and silly, but now his expression is very serious.

Li Yuanba shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know o"

"The boss is in the battle for hegemony, we'll go in right away"

at this time o

Tianling's eyes moved and looked at another place.

In the sky, a huge blue flaming bird has been circling o

At the same time o

He also felt the familiar breath, moved slightly, and said, "It's Sister Qiao Qiao, and... the breath is weak, it seems that she has suffered extremely serious injuries."


Everyone was surprised

"Isn't she always by the boss's side?"

"Why are you seriously injured?"

"Is that the blue bird beast?"

suddenly o

Aoya said: "You go first, I'll take a look, and then come o"

"Be careful!" Li Yuanba said, rushing straight into the entrance.

The other six follow o

As soon as Aoya's figure moved, he fell in half a breath and came to the cliff.

At this moment, she was shocked by everything in front of her.

Looking at the dense bloodshot around Qiao Qiao, her body trembled slightly, "This,,, this,, what kind of pain did this endure?"

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