The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2182 Runaway, Crazy

The power is completely unequal o

The power of the young men of Tianzu is completely out of this world o

Outlander o

The power is too strong, it is too much to surpass 100,000 planes o

The power of the Eight Vajra is already heaven-defying among the 100,000 planes, but...they can't even break the defenses of young men.

It's not that they are weak, it's that the outer world is too strong o

The plane world is strong, the power will be strong o

Even the weakest cultivator in Outland enters the 100,000 planes, and it is the existence of the peak powerhouse, crushing everything.

This is the level difference of the plane

What's more... the young man is from the Celestial Clan, and the blood of the Celestial Clan flows in his body, which is extremely powerful.


"No, no, no!"

Seeing the other six Vajra pounce on him, Long Fei shouted in a hurry, "No, no, no, no!"

this time o

His Seven Lights Blood Moon Tribulation is still going on

Although it has become weaker, the power is still dividing his body, and every time it is an unspeakable pain o

Long Fei's mind was struggling frantically in the Seven Lights Blood Prison.

He tried his best to take a step, and at this moment, the binding force of the Seven Lights Blood Prison became even tighter. The more Long Fei struggled, the more painful it was.



Long Fei is mad, he wants to break through the blood prison, he can't let his brothers die here!


Taking another step, one step closer to the beam of light of the Seven Lights Blood Moon, "Listen to me, listen to me, all leave here, hurry up, hurry up..."

"Did you hear?"

Long Fei roars o

Li Yuanba is not an opponent, and the other Vajra are even less so.

and o

Li Yuanba's life and death are now uncertain, and their hearts are full of anger. In this case, they will lose their minds even more.


Long Fei's voice is useless no matter how loud

The six big Vajra are already angry, they are brothers, just like brothers, if the big Vajra is injured, then they will fight back even if they do everything

at that moment o

All six attacks fell, and they all unleashed the power of the body of Vajra o

Their bodies are burning with golden light

Incomparably fiery o

Six rays of light fall heavily

The young man remained motionless, his face full of disdain, "Just how many wastes are you?"


The power of the six paths fell, and just like Li Yuanba, their attack was blocked by a force at a distance of half a meter, and they couldn't get in.

The young man sneered contemptuously and moved his fingertips slightly.

Long Fei's eyes widened and roared: "Don't touch them, don't touch them..."


"Bang, bang, bang..."

Fingertips flicker continuously o

followed by o

Tianling's body was penetrated, blood spurted wildly, and the whole person flew out.

The black knife flew out upside down o

Subduing the Dragon flew out backwards, Chen Fatty flew out backwards, Luohan, Lin Yousheng all exploded out, and were directly blasted tens of thousands of kilometers away.

from six different directions o

The entire battleground for hegemony was torn apart

The scene is shocking


Seven Vajra, all shot up

And, it's all one trick!

Seeing their blood spurting out, Long Fei felt as if his body was torn apart again, his pain and anger were burning like crazy.



With his teeth clenched, he roared into the sky, "I'll fuck your ancestors!"


The virtual shadow moved his hands. He couldn't care less about it now, and grabbed the light beam of the Seven Lights Blood Moon.

The blood moon beam has the power to destroy everything, and the huge giant warriors are instantly crushed into powder, and the same is true for the white lotus, but Long Fei can't control that much.

He wants to go out now

I just want to explode the shit of a young man

The moment he grabbed the blood moon beam, Long Fei's phantom trembled violently. His Mental Energy was like taking time out. His brain, heart, and sea of ​​consciousness were madly pulled away.

This isn't how a ghost should feel o

but o

Long Fei really felt it

unspeakable pain

Long Fei held back and tried desperately with both hands, trying to break apart the blood moon beam, and wanted to rush out, "Ah,, ah, ah,"

white hair flying

Every strand of hair is burning

His whole body is also on fire


"Are you angry?" The young man looked back at Long Fei and sneered, "The Eight Great Vajra are your guardians, but... they are all dead now."



"one left!"

The young man looked at Aoya who had just arrived, smiled coldly, and said, "This girl is not bad o"

Aoya stop o

The long sword in his hand moved slightly, and the power of the divine sword Vajra burst out.

The power burst of the body of Vajra o

body burns

Aoya did not escape, did not hide, the eight Vajra never hesitated, even if the choice was left to her o


Long Fei's woman o

Seeing her stop, Long Fei's heart felt like a twitch, and he hurriedly said: "Aoya, don't, don't, don't go up, don't..."

Aoya looked at Long Fei with a slight smile, and then murmured, "If Qiaoqiao can die for you, so can I."

The picture of Qiaoqiao's whole body violently appeared in her mind, and she kept asking herself on the way to enter the battle for hegemony, can she do it herself?

Can you be like Jojo?

she doesn't know

Her love is not as fiery as Jojo, nor as selfless as Jojo

But o

She knows that if she loves someone, she can fight to the death for love, even if she gives everything!

The seven Vajra were knocked out one by one. She knew that her own power would not be able to cause harm to young men, but she had to use this sword.

because o

Her sword power Vajrao

Because, Long Fei is the man she loves

When Aoya moved, all the Sword intents on his body exploded.

leap o

fly into the air

As soon as the sword is opened, it rushes straight down o

Long Fei didn't react for a while, "You said what happened to Qiaoqiao? What happened to Qiaoqiao?"

Seeing Aoya rushing straight down again, she said loudly, "Don't, don't, don't..."

Aoya smiled faintly

No stop!

The young man sneered: "It's a pity, a beautiful woman, hey..."

Don't wait for Jojo to fall o

The man moved his fingertips and coldly spit out a word, "Death!"

Long Fei roared again, "Ah..."


a loud noise o

Aoya's figure also flew out, and flew out from another direction.

Eight Vajra, eight directions o

I don't know if it's a coincidence or something else, if these eight directions are linked together, it happens to be an Eight Trigrams formationo

Long Fei's pupils turn blood red

"Jojo is dead!"

"Jojo is dead!"

"Jojo is dead..."

The anger is crazy again o

Long Fei's body trembled, trembling frantically...

His hands became incomparably thicker

Breaking on the beam of light, the beam of light began to twist, deform, and bend!

Go crazy!

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