The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2188 The Fate Of The Eight Vajra

Is there anything more painful than watching yourself die?

Is there anything better than watching your own brothers, own women, and your relatives fall down one by one in pain?

Is there anything more painful than seeing a boss and not being able to kill it?


In the world of Long Fei, there is no o

No matter how strong and fierce the soul blood backlash was, Long Fei didn't frown.

Think of the Blood Essence backlasho that Jojo endured for him

His heart is more firm

Come on everything!

Let the storm come more violently o

this is better o


Long Fei wants to use the power of the soul blood backlash to perish with the young man, even if he dies, he will explode the boss!

This is his belief

Step out at that moment

The pace is very heavy, and I don't know if it's his power or the power of the soul blood backlash, just like this, the whole plane of hegemony is shaking.

Just like this, the remnants of the main temple army that were a little closer were instantly crushed.

The Primordial Soul Sacred Orb is still absorbing the soul, and the energy value of the mad god is still increasing.


Long Fei no longer pays attention to all this



"Boss wants to..."

Li Yuanba's eyes sank

also at this time

With a thought, Li Yuanba said, "We are the eight pillars of the ancient world, and we are the guardians of the ancient inheritance on the boss."

"We are the Eight Vajra!"

Tianling said directly: "Big Vajra, just say what you want to say, for the sake of the boss, I can even take my life."

Chen Fatty said, "What about the Celestial Clan? The Celestial Clan is amazing? Can't kill him? His grandma!"

"Big Vajra, say it o" the black knife said o

Li Yuanba said: "We bear the pain of the soul blood backlash in the boss's body. The eight of us bear it together, and we should be able to carry all the power of the soul blood backlash."


"no problem!"


"Then what else, let's get started!"

Eight Vajra One Heart o

Li Yuanba said slightly: "The power of the soul blood backlash... we will all die."

The sound fell o

Everyone was quiet for a few seconds

Tianling smiled and said: "What are you afraid of, it's not like we haven't died before, I said, for the sake of the boss, I don't even want to die."


"I'll die if I die, I'm afraid he'll be a jerk."

"If you don't kill this Celestial Clan, daddy is not happy. Look at his proud expression, what is he? What is his Celestial Clan?"

"What are you afraid of?"

"bring it on!"

Aoya's mind flashed a picture of Jojo o

The surrounding is densely covered with bloodshots, which can be caused by violent blood all over the body, and the death is extremely tragic.

At that time she asked herself, if it was her, could she do this?

At that time, she had no answer in her heart.


Aoya smiled lightly, and secretly said in her heart: "Sister Qiaoqiao, I can do it too"

immediately o

Aoya said: "Big Vajra, come on!"

The seven Vajra all looked at Li Yuanba, their eyes were firm and unshakable.

they know o

Their mission in life is to protect Long Fei. If Long Fei is dead, then they are still guarding the fart, and... Long Fei is dead, and the men of the Celestial Clan will not let them go.

Still dying!


If you die horizontally and vertically, it is better to be the last guardian of Long Fei.

Li Yuanba clenched his fists tightly and said, "Okay!"

Their eight Vajra Tianzhu bloodlines are in Long Fei's shadow, and it is also because of this bloodline that the soul blood in Long Fei's body is activated.

so o

Li Yuanba has a way to transfer the backlash power of the soul blood in Long Fei's body.

Li Yuanba roared heavily, "Boss!!!"

in an instant o

Li Yuanba's whole body is red, and Blood Essence is retrograde. His muscles are twitching, his hands are imprinted, and a Blood Essenceo appears on his red body.

At the same time o

The other seven Vajra did the same.

the same o

A drop of crimson Blood Essenceo also appeared on their bodies





Eight pillars of light rise into the sky, with eight different power attributes.

Long Fei looked up at the sky slightly, "What are you going to do?"

in an instant o

The blood of the eight Vajra Tianzhu in his body faintly moved, Long Fei's eyes were shocked, he immediately knew what the eight Vajra were going to do, and he shouted loudly, "Stop!"

"Stop me!"

"Li Yuanba, stop!"

"Heavenly Spirit!"

"Aoya, you all stop for me"


Li Yuanba smiled naively and said, "Boss, we are your guardians. We didn't do our duty as guardians, I'm sorry o"


The Blood Essence in him moved

in this moment o

Li Yuanba took the first step to transfer the backlash power of the soul blood in Long Fei's body to his own body.

also between lightning

Li Yuanba's body burst frantically, and blood spurted out from every capillary hole like a thin fountain. In less than half a second, the surrounding densely packed with bloodshot, the whole person was shrouded in blood mist.

pain o

severe pain o

Li Yuanba finally knew how uncomfortable the backlash of Soulblood was, and finally knew what kind of pain Long Fei was enduring.


Li Yuanba roared and introduced more backlash power to himself.


"Stop!" Long Fei roared, he couldn't control the soul blood in his body backlasho

If he can keep it under control, never let the eight Vajra suffer o

Jojo died in order to give him a powerful Blood Essence backlash!

Now the Eight Vajrao

This is worse than killing Long Fei

Luohan smiled slightly and said, "It's my turn!"


At the moment of the transfer, Luohan's body sank immediately, just like Li Yuanba, his whole body was bleeding violently, and the severe pain directly caused his whole body to burst frantically.


"You want me too!"

Tianling moved and laughed wildly

Lin Yusheng keep up with o

Chen Fatty keeps up with o

Aoya keep up with o

Uncle Black Knife keeps up with o

Subduing dragons follow...

Eight Vajra, eight directions, eight clusters of blood fog... The eight pillars of light become blood-colored o

The eight forces within Long Fei's body were madly transferring the pain of the soul blood backlash. The eight people were motionless, and their brows were not even wrinkled.

they are guardians o

The fate of the guardian is to never let Long Fei die first.

This is their destiny

Long Fei's voice is about to burst.

useless o

totally useless

"Mad, mad... they are all mad." The young man's eyes trembled, he could not have imagined that Ba Vajra would actually transfer the power of the soul blood backlash.

No one would do such a stupid thing o

because o

This is to use own life to exchange life o

And it's eight lives for one o

he was frightened o

Bie Longfei suddenly released ten drops of soul blood and was frightened.

Intimidated by the choice of eight Vajra o

It's all crazy o

The young man's body trembled slightly. At this moment, he knew that he underestimated the world, underestimated the eight Vajra, and underestimated Long Fei even more.

"Crazy, crazy, all crazy..."

"Daddy you played with you o"

He wants to run away...

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