The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2190 More Than 990 Billion Damages!

madness, unprecedented madness o

crazy o

Brother is dead, what's the use of life?

A woman is dead, what's the use of life?

A loved one is dead, what's the use of life?

If... the ancient inheritance power, the dragon coffin cultivation world makes him a lonely star, destined to be lonely and old for a lifetime, if there is no one around him who can have a good end, it is better to die!

From Tianwu Continent to the present

No matter the brothers beside him, his family, or the girl he likes, none of them will end well.

All because of him


Eight Vajra transferred his soul blood backlash, if the fate of the eight of them is to protect him and die, then Long Fei doesn't want to live alone.

So he went mad o

This time, the madness is not as violent as before, Long Fei is extremely calm.

Ten drops of soul blood can't kill you, then one hundred drops, one thousand drops, ten thousand drops, release all the power in your body that can be converted into soul blood.

As for the consequences?

Isn't it just death?

Death, can there be any other way to die?

Anyway, since he filmed the Seven Lights Blood Prison and the Transcend Tribulation of the Seven Lights Blood Moon Tribulation failed, he knew that he would not survive.

Don't do it, don't stop

Play bigger!

The soul blood marks on the whole body are densely packed. Long Fei's phantom body is like tattoos all over his body, and every soul blood mark flashes a dazzling light.


Unbelievable, the power his phantom can't bear

The aura of power crushed the 100,000 planes so that they could not move, and the outer domains beyond the 100,000 planes, and even the countless planes in the great world of Hongmeng were trembling.


The Celestial Clan that controls the great world of Hongmeng is also trembling.

Tiangong o

Violent vibration o

"What a powerful force!"

"What happened in the Nether?"

Emperor Xuan's eyes, which had been closed for hundreds of years, opened slightly, and said o softly.

The shaking Tiangong also instantly stabilized o

An old man in white knelt on the ground and said, "It's not clear yet, but the disciple has already sent someone to check."

Emperor Xuan's eyes closed slightly again, and said, "The release of the soul blood of ancient power inheritance, it's just... the release of this kind of soul blood should self-explode."

"No need to check!"

"Anyway, if you die, this inheritance should also disappear."

finish o

Emperor Xuan's eyes are closed again

Then the old man in white said, "The disciple obeys the order."

everyone is weird

What kind of power can make countless planes tremble, and even the planes in the great world of Hongmeng are affected?

others don't know

But the Celestial Clan who control the power of the ancient inheritance are very clear.

soul blood power

And it is the release of thousands, tens of thousands of soul blood power, there is only one such end, death!

No one can stand this kind of backlasho of soul blood


At this moment……

An old man in sackcloth walked up, pinched his fingers, and said slightly, "There is a disciple of our Heavenly Clan blood in that place."

The white clothed old man's eyes moved, and he said, "Since he is a disciple of the Heavenly Clan's bloodline, he can't die even if the powerful soul-blood power erupts."

The old man in linen said: "I understand o"

Turn around and disappear



There was a violent roar on Long Fei's body.

a moment o

The young man was crushed and knelt down, and was crushed by this roar.

Kneeling on the ground completely immobile


There is still no damage number floating above his head, and it is still the same as before, unable to cause damage that reduces the blood volume, o

blood volume unchanged

he won't die

No matter how hard the crushing is, it is the same

This is sore!

It's also a flaw in the system

The young man's head was crushed and he couldn't lift it up, his throat was hoarse, and he said fiercely: "Long Fei, you can't kill me at all, even the strongest soul blood power can't kill me, understand?"

"Our Celestial Clan is high above, in this inferior world, I am an immortal existence o"

Long Fei's huge body moved and slammed down vertically from the sky.

Burning red flames

the sky sinks

No matter how hard it sinks, the land on the battlefield for hegemony under his body is crumbling crazily, a big piece, a big piece, like the end of the world.

"Can't kill?"

"Daddy can't believe he can't kill you!"

Long Fei roars o

There is no absolute immortality in this world

The main god of the 100,000 planes is powerful, right?

master o

He is also afraid of death

What about the Celestial Clan?

Not to mention a disciple with the blood of the Celestial Clan, even Emperor Xuan, the strongest of the Celestial Clan, would die.

No one doesn't die!

Long Fei doesn't believe in the so-called immortality, he believes in strength. The so-called immortality is just that his strength is not strong enough. It is like a defense. Your strength cannot break the defense, that is immortality.

The power of ten drops of soul blood is not enough

What about the power of ten thousand drops of soul blood?

Seeing a mass of violent flames crushing down, the young man's throat was dry, his heart was trembling, and his body kept shaking, and he was at a loss.

Heavenly bloodline, supreme

In this lower realm is an immortal existence.


The power that Long Fei burst out is terrifying o

The young man roared in a deep voice, "Ah..."




Violent explosions from all over the world

In the void, many Death planet planes are not protected by any laws, and they are directly broken into ashes.

The 100,000 planes are also rapidly cracking.

And this punch o

Long Fei slammed directly on the imprint of the ancient inheritance between the eyebrows of the young man.

This power...

Unparalleled o

The young man's body was directly blasted into the center of the earth on the battlefield, and the ancient imprint of the beast on his eyebrows screamed, and the imprint shattered.

The young man also made a scream like a pig.

at the same time!

A number o floats above the head

a bright red number o


More than 990 billion damages!

The blood tank on the top of the young man's head bottomed out instantly, and only the last drop of blood remained.

One trillion blood volume!

Terrifying beyond imagination

Never met a bosso with so much HP

Is this the so-called Celestial Boss?


He is just a disciple with the blood of the Celestial Clan, an ordinary disciple who cannot be in the ordinary, but has a blood volume of one trillion.

so scary o

What is the blood volume of the strongest man of that day?

at the moment o

Long Fei didn't think about it so much. Looking at the young man with the last drop of blood, his voice was full of rage, and said, "Can't you kill it? Damn it, can't you kill it now?"

Furious burning o

The young man's whole body is black, his knees are broken, his mind, sea of ​​knowledge, ancient heritage, even his proud, aloof and mighty Celestial Clan bloodlines were all shattered by Long Fei's punch.


He was only a little bloody away from death!



keep shaking

The young man looked at Long Fei and said, "Don't, don't, don't kill me, don't kill me..."

scared o

At this moment, the scythe of the god of death has been placed on his neck o


Long Fei didn't waste time, he punched, "Break me!"

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