The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2192 The Outbreak Of The Power Of The Mad God

Start from Long Fei's entry into the battle for hegemony o

From the first person who died, the Cloud Soul Sacred Orb flew out automatically, as if it was not under the control of Long Fei, it continuously absorbed the soul essence of the dead.

It doesn't matter if it's someone from the main temple or someone from Long Fei's own side, it's the same.

It's all about not letting go o

Apart from the sound of a few beeps, the Primordial Soul Sacred Bead never sounded.

So suddenly a beep sounded o

Long Fei didn't care

Because he still hasn't figured out why the Soul Soul Sacred Pearl absorbs Soul Essence?

How is the increased madness energy used?

do not understand!

But... the sound of this beep made him stunned.


"Crazy God Energy Value +2"


System prompt: The current energy value of the mad god is 998 points, reaching 1,000 points can release the power of the mad god o

For a long time, the system has not described any description of the energy value of the mad god o

Long Fei thought this energy value was useless.

Even if it is useful, it can only be shown when he enters the world of Hongmeng.



Long Fei's heart sank, "Is it two points away from releasing the power of the mad god?"

"What kind of power is the power of the mad god?"

"Can you kill this boss? Can you kill the Tenth Stage?"

I glanced at the system, still there is no description o


Long Fei has no choice now

Under the protection of the divine light of the Celestial Clan, Long Fei really couldn't hurt even a single hair of the boss. Seeing him arrogant and arrogant in the divine light barrier, the anger of Long Fei's eighth-generation ancestors came out.

If you don't die, Long Fei won't be happy even if his soul is gone.

You can't kill the boss even if you give everything, what a shit?


suddenly o

Long Fei's huge phantom moved, leaning over and rushing to the ground.

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then immediately burst into laughter, "Hahaha...Are you afraid? You can't kill me with trash, right?"

"Fight the daddy?"

"Are you fucking qualified?"

"Are you worthy?"

"I'm a disciple of the Heavenly Clan's bloodline inheritance. How can you compare to a trash like you? Still want to kill me? Humph!" The young man became even more proud as he watched Long Fei fly to the ground.

He knew that Long Fei had nothing to do with him.

In the powerful soul blood power is useless o

Long Fei did not speak

He doesn't want to waste his time


With a loud bang, Long Fei's huge phantom fell on the ground, and he looked at the Yuan Soul Holy Orb floating beside him. This was the explosion of Yuan Soul Demon.

According to his words, this Yuan soul bead is the sacred object of Yuan Soul World.

is not it?

Long Fei doesn't know


Now he doesn't care whether the Soul Soul Orb is a sacred object or not, what he wants is the energy value of the mad god.

at the moment he fell

Hong Tu's face changed horribly, his body trembled wildly, and the law gods around him didn't even have the idea of ​​running away, and kept kneeling on the ground and kowtowing.

"Long Fei, we don't dare anymore o"

"Long Fei, we were wrong o"

"Forgive us, now our law power is broken, our current Cultivation Base is just like mortals, please forgive us o"


Hongtu also kowtowed and said, "Long Fei, from now on you will be the ruler of the 100,000 planes, and you will be the god of the 100,000 planes. I will never dare to fight you again."

"Spare us once o"

Although the mouth says so

But Hongtu knows very well in his heart that Long Fei is strong now, but once the power of the soul blood backlash appears, Long Fei will die, and he will still be the main god of the 100,000 planes.

Even if he doesn't control the power of the law now, his Cultivation Base is still the strongest existence in the 100,000 planes.

As long as he is given time, he can also comprehend the power of the law

It can also firmly control the 100,000 faces, and it may even become the outer discipleo of the Celestial Clan.

As long as Long Fei dies, everything will come true o

What if I kneel down now?

As long as he lives, he is the winner


Hongtu didn't know Long Fei at all.

Yazi must report o

If you punch me, daddy will give you ten slaps, and it's still the kind of slap to death

Long Fei didn't talk to Hong Tu Luo Li either, his strength moved, "Om..."

A scarlet light of power shrouded everyone in Hongtu.

Hongtu immediately realized that the situation was not good, and with a flick of his body, he jumped up heavily, and at the same time shouted: "Sir, save me!"

The young man sneered and said, "A group of rubbish, they will kneel before they take action. What's the use of wanting a rubbish like you? Humph!"

very disdain

He seems to have forgotten the scene where he just knelt down

The young man said disdainfully: "Long Fei, you are also worthy of killing these rubbish, garbage!"


Long Fei drinks the word o

In the blood fog

As soon as the power exploded, those gods who lost the power of the law exploded instantly.

Hong Tu, who flew into the air, was slapped down by Long Fei with a slap and shouted, "You die for me!!!"




The blood mist burst out, and Hongtu's body also exploded heavily. In front of Long Fei, who had the power of soul blood, he had no room to resist.

The whole body exploded directly from top to bottom o

this time o

The Primordial Soul Sacred Orb suspended beside Long Fei flew directly into the blood mist.

crazy absorbing o


"Crazy God Energy Value +1"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Hong Tu' to gain 1,000 billion experience points and 100 billion divine power points"


These prompts Long Fei directly filter out o

Now even if the main artifact is exposed, it is of no use to him.

What he wants now is not the main artifact, but the power of the mad god!


"Crazy God energy value +300 points"


"System prompt: Mad God's energy value reaches 1,000 points, do you want to release it?"


Long Fei roared loudly, "Release!"

Also at this moment

Rising straight from the ground, rushing directly to the sky o

Seeing Long Fei kill me again, the young man was still full of disdain and said, "You trash, they say you can't kill me, how dare you come and seek abuse?"


at this moment o

A strange force suddenly burst out from Long Fei's body.

The power body that has never been before

Long Fei didn't have time to appreciate the attributes of this kind of power. He clasped his fists together to form a warhammer, and slashed it on the top of the young man's head.

What is the power of the mad god?

Long Fei doesn't know o

He doesn't know if it can break the divine light of the Celestial Clan.


Long Fei knew something, this boss must die!


The loud noise shook the sky, at this moment...the Heavenly Palace in the Hongmeng world, a high platform shook violently.

The divine light of the Celestial Clan above the young man's head was blasted apart and quickly shattered.

young man stunned

Also at this moment

Long Fei's thunderous momentum, shot again, and bombarded with another punch, and a ten trillion damage value floated directly above the young man's head...

Instantly smashed into slag

Is this the end?

not at all!

Bombing the young man to death, Long Fei raised his eyes, looked at Tenth Stage and roared in a deep voice, "Death to me!"

One step towards the Tenth Stage...

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