The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2202 Xuanyue Sect

Under the Xuanyue Mountain is lush and green, and the forest is green and emerald.

Looking up to thousands of miles is a forest and ocean o

Above this forest is a mountain peak, huge, and a rough road winds up from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain o

Xuanyue Mountain, Xuanyue Sect o

A humble little Secto in Zhenwu Continent

However, within a radius of 100,000 kilometers, the Xuanyue Sect has absolute dominance.

Overlord-like existence o

It is also a temple that many young disciples look up to.

Zhenwu Continent, an unremarkable plane in the world of Hongmeng

it's here……

The popularity of martial arts is stronger than anywhere else, and young disciples want to compete for the top spot among the many martial arts who have crossed the river and crucian carp.


The identity of a successful Practitioner

Turn over the hand for the cloud, turn the hand down for the rain

Li Ke Tong Tian o


This is the goal of every Practitioner, become a cultivator!

on rough mountain roads

"I will definitely succeed this year, and I will definitely become a disciple of Xuanyue Sect."

"I can do it too!"

"I heard that this year's assessment will be relaxed, I don't know if it's true or not."

"I also heard about this. I heard that this year, Xuanyue Sect received the canonization of Zhao's royal family and was named the country's clan. The royal family invested a lot of resources to support it, which also allowed Xuanyue Sect to vigorously absorb talents. In the past, only one person was recruited every year. Thousands of disciples, I heard that this year the enrollment will be expanded to 5,000."


"Then there is still a fake? I have an expression on the job in the palace, and he told me o himself." Then he lowered his voice and whispered: "I heard that Xuan Yue Sect Leader's daughter will become the crown princess, and because of this Xuan Yue Sect Leader's daughter will become the Crown Princess. Only Yuezong will be canonized as Guozong, otherwise Xuan Yuezong is really not powerful enough.”

Zhenwu Continent is vast and boundless

The Xuanyue Sect can only be the king within 100,000 kilometers, but... a dynasty, it can be king within a territory of tens of millions, hundreds of millions of kilometers.

Zhao Guoo

Heroes within 60 million kilometers

strong national strength

In the entire Zhenwu Continent, the power is also at the upper level.

There are many sects on the Zhenwu Continent, but it is different from other planes.

Here, even in a powerful sect, it is impossible to fight against the government.

The imperial court, to put it simply, is also a Sect, but... it controls far more cultivation resources than your sect.

The court's training ability will not be worse than your Sect.

More crucial point o

The court and Sect have different temperaments o

The cultivator in the Sect pursues the Martial Dao limit Realm, pursues Shouyuan, and more time is spent on cultivation. The warriors cultivated by the imperial court are all used to compete for territory, fight, and prepare for war.

The power of the imperial court is more ferocious.

In addition, the royal family that controls the court itself is a super strong, so it must be the royal family of the Zhao country, the Zhao family!

There are fifteen strong who own True Martial Realm

This is the existence of a super cultivator

Even Xuan Yuezong's True Martial Realm's cultivator is only one person, and it's still in its infancy.

Strength is not on the same level at all

There is a lot of discussion on the mountain road

It's the day of Xuanyue Sect's recruitment and assessment, and there are many young Practitioneros on the mountain road who come to the assessment.

in the crowd

There is an ox cart moving slowly o

The ox is a sturdy big buffalo, and the carriage is made up of several wooden boards.

Three people sit on the carriage

To be should be two sitting and one lying down

The driver is an old man

The old man is just like the old man in the banker's land, can't see any difference o

The other is a girl who looks like 15 or 16 years old

With a jet-black ponytail, two big jet-black eyes, some small freckles near the bridge of the nose, dressed in plain clothes, with a normal appearance.

Belong to that kind of durable type o

Anything that grows and matures a bit should look better o

Lying there was a big boy of 16 or 17 years old, with clear eyebrows and a little handsome, but his brows were always furrowed, and his face was sometimes flustered, sometimes happy.

like a nightmare

The girl hid her cheeks and stared at the unconscious boy, and murmured, "The Xuanyue Sect is almost here, and he hasn't woken up yet, Daddy, do you think they will agree?"

During the speech, the eyebrows are locked

a little sad

The old man didn't look back, smiled lightly: "Don't worry o"

Others don't know, but the girl knows it very well

Although Xuanyue Sect has expanded its enrollment this year, the assessment is even more difficult than last year.

The power of Sect is not just because there are many people o

but requires an infusion of genius o

On the surface, the Xuanyue Sect has infinite beauty and was named the country's sect, but in fact... it is like walking on thin ice, and a little carelessness will lead to eternal redemption.

The girl looked up at the sky and murmured, "It's coming o"

The old man looked back at the boy lying on the bullock cart and sighed softly, "Hey..."

at this time o

"Get out of the way!"

"Get out of the way for me!"

"The Seventh Prince is here, all give me a little distance"


far away

The four clouded leopards charged quickly, with clouds under their feet, and the speed was extremely fast.

This is a Demonic Beastso known for its speed

A favorite pet of the nobles, it is a very cool thing to use them to pull the sedan chair.

Usually it's just a clouded leopard

The appearance of four heads at once is enough to show that this person's identity is not simple o


The rugged mountain road itself is not wide, and the four clouded leopards can barely squeeze down, and these beasts are extremely beastly, and they don't care about the people on the road.

a time o

On the mountain road, people turned their horses on their backs, and many young disciples were directly knocked into the air, and some were trampled on their hands and feet.

The man in the gorgeous clothes sitting on the pride laughed, "Hahaha... It's fun, it's fun, it's so fun o"

"Kill them, knock them o"


laugh out loud o

On his sedan chair, there are two naked and beautiful women in tulle. They are very charming in his arms. They don't care about their own behavior at all because people around them care too much.

When the man laughs happily, they are more charming, giggling and laughing o



"Help, help, help"



People were constantly being knocked down the mountain, and many people fled in panic, causing chaos on the mountain road.

The girl on the ox cart tightened her brows and said with an unhappy expression, "These people are too crazy, aren't they?"

"These clouded leopards have never been domesticated at all. They collide when they see people. If you look at the blink of an eye, they will collide with more than a dozen. How does this make others think of Xuanyue Sect?"

"Why didn't the elder guard stop it?"

The old man sighed softly, but did not reply. Looking at the big buffalo in front of him, he said slightly: "Qingniu, hurry up."

he doesn't want to cause trouble

and o

He is walking on the mountain road with such a big bullock cart, let alone four clouded leopards, even one can't squeeze in, and conflicts are bound to occur.

However o

He doesn't want to cause trouble, it doesn't mean others don't want to o

Some people especially like to cause trouble, such as the seventh prince on the proud!

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