The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2220 I Memory

"Start the lottery!"

Long Fei gave an order

A huge turntable appears in my mind, and there are all kinds of things on the turntable o

"Kaitian Excalibur AA18"

"Lucky value AA100 points"

"Charm worth AA999 points"

"Body Protection"

"Golden Saint Warrior Pet"

"Calabash baby fire baby"


The sight of Long Fei is dizzying, and the saliva is about to flow to the ground. I don't know why these things just feel very special and familiar.


"Anything will be posted when you get it, hahaha..." Long Fei swallowed hard, his eyes glowing.

The turntable is divided into one hundred and eight grids, the better the grid, the smaller the grid o

The things that Long Fei saw just now belong to the middle and upper class, and they are not the best. The characters on the turntable of the best things can't be read clearly. There is only a thin gap.

If you can win this, it is estimated that the eighth generation of ancestors will burn high incense.

In addition to these, there are some very common things o

For example, first rank spirit pill, first rank spirit soldier, and even a big 'empty' word o

The lottery depends on the character o

Long Fei said: "Start!"

The turntable starts to turn

Long Fei stared at the rapidly spinning turntable, holding his breath, "Come on a holy warrior pet, or a Calabash baby."

"Lucky value is also good o"

"come on!"

The turntable starts to stop slowly, and turns slowly one by one.

Gold Saint Seiya turned o

Calabash baby also turned o

Charm value...

Lucky value... all turned over o

The turntable was about to stop, Long Fei's breathing suddenly stopped, his pupils widened, staring at the almost invisible slit, the whole person began to get nervous.

"I'm going to hit the jackpot"

"I'm going to hit the jackpot"


can't help o

I'm too excited

The turntable was about to stop, the pointer pointed to the smallest slit, Long Fei felt that he was about to win the first prize.

However o

The turntable is still moving slightly

Long Fei froze for a moment and said, "Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop..."


The system beeps a beep

Long Fei sneered fiercely, "Wipe your sister!"

The place where the pointer points is not the thin gap, but another grid that is not large. If you divide things according to the size of the grid, then this grid should be regarded as an upper-middle treasure.


It is not a spirit soldier, nor is it a magic pill, nor is it a special item.

but memory!


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for winning 'Memory of a Life'!"


"Activate now?"


Long Fei is a little confused and a little irritable. What is the use of memory? Can you eat? Can be used for money? What he lacks most now is not memory but Cultivation Technique, grade!

"The system is your sister!"

"Too stupid?" Long Fei complained in his heart, and sighed helplessly when he saw the 'memories of a lifetime' he had drawn, and said, "Activate it."


The prize entered Long Fei's mind o

followed by o

Crammed memories flooded into Long Fei's mind crazily.

Since he was born!


Very strange!

The place where he was born is neither the Zhenwu Continent nor the Earth, but a special space that even Long Fei can't tell.

He is sure that he does not belong to any plane, it is a very special space.


After he was born, there was a force that enveloped him, and then... those people in the entire space were shocked and flew out by this force.

Even the mother who gave birth to him

He was the only one left in the space, with a halo all over his body, and the arrogance o

a few days o

A sudden change in the space, a group of people with white coats and aliens entered this space and found him.

followed by o

Various advanced technology instruments appear in the space o

All kinds of instruments are inserted all over his body.


A strange machine appeared in the space. A brain-like thing was suspended above the machine's head, but it was composed of fluorescent lights, which was very strange.


Long Fei can't tell.

But o

It's like those alien doctors are doing a mysterious experiment o

All instruments are linked from that machine o

Long Fei is a guinea pig

at last!

A dazzling light flashed in the space, the machine cracked, and the 'mastermind' on the machine also disappeared.

Those big white-hanging aliens were instantly evaporated.

followed by o

Long Fei appeared in the orphanage

From the very first single-player games, empires, violent motorcycles, to the later Stone Age, bloody legends, Westward Journey... to Dungeon and Warriors, the world of Magical Beasts, the Devil's Domain...League of Legends...

Silent in the seventy-eighty-eight, extremely messy game world

Every game Long Fei is a genius

Later, I also became a professional player, but it was a miserable mix. I could only rely on power leveling, selling game equipment to live.

The last scene of memory appeared at the moment before Long Fei crossed.

Memories are over!

This is his first memory on earth!

After half a novel o

Long Fei squatted on the side, the whole person was stupid, "Damn it, the earth is the world I live in, where did I travel from?"

"My name is really Long Fei"


"Why wasn't the place where I was born? Why didn't I see my mother clearly? Why... Who are those big white aliens? What is that machine?"

Long Fei's heart is extremely complicated

can say o


and o

He can be sure that he still has memory and has not awakened, and something must have happened.

Because many things do not appear in the earth world o

such as the sword of the sky

Like he would pill refiningo

These all show that he still has memory and has not awakened.

"Who am I...who am I?" Long Fei asked himself in his heart, "An ordinary **** otaku on earth? Or a monster created by someone?"

in memory o

The people he was born with were of different races from the later Dabaihang Alien. When he was born, the group was similar to the people in Zhenwu Continent, and they all possessed super strength.

He is also wrapped in a halo, which is also power o

The big white hanging aliens that appeared in the back, if you use the earth's words, these must be alien creatures, and that machine must also be alien technology o

Everything makes the dragon fly

immediately o

Long Fei checks the lottery wheel on the system again o

There is no 'Memory' option on the wheel anymore o

"I'm from Earth? I'm a professional player? The mad god system in my mind is the game system..." Long Fei muttered these words.

"do not care!"

"Since daddy is here, let's have a good time"

"Fuck the most beautiful woman o"

"Step on the most ferocious boss!"

"All I want is a word, cool!"

Long Fei clenched his fists tightly. There are some things that he doesn't understand now, but he believes he will figure it out in the future.

suddenly o

Long Fei thought, "Start the second lottery!"

"You're going to give me something good this time, right?"

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