The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2232 Daddy Can't Kill You!

Chapter 2232 Daddy can't kill you!

A slap in the face and slapped it down o

Quick shot, cool action!

Shi Tong's response was not slow. He originally wanted to teach Long Fei a lesson, but he didn't expect that Long Fei would take the shot before him, and then he would catch up with his reaction and block up with his hands.


What is he Cultivation Base?

Body Refinement fourth rank!

What is Longfei Cultivation Base?

Refinement sixth rank!

Even if the response is timely and the shot is blocked, the gap in the level is still there.


With his hands on his face, he slapped him down with a slap, and slapped his face very loudly. Shi Tong's eyes suddenly had gold stars, and he staggered back and couldn't find Bei O.

It swayed for a few laps before it stopped o

The five people around were stunned.

Especially Fluttershy

The power that burst out from the slap of Longfei just now is very powerful, and even she may not be able to withstand it.

The big man was dumbfounded, "It's so strong."

The skinny monkey rolled his eyes and wanted to help Shitong, but he held back in the end.

The couple also stared at Long Fei intently, as if they were looking at a monster.

All were shocked by Long Fei's slap.

Shaking his head, Shi Tong woke up, but there was still a buzzing sound in his ears, like a bee kept calling out in his ear hole.

very angry!

anger rises

Also at this moment


Shi Tong took out his sword and pointed at Long Fei, and said fiercely, "Dare to hit me?"

"daddy killed you!"

furious o

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, and he said with disdain, "Kill me? It's just you?"

Shi Tong's eyes were ferocious, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he transformed into a sword move to attack Long Fei.

"Sword Skill!"

"The pace is also Martial Skill!"

Xiaodie reacted very quickly, rushed to Long Fei quickly, blocked Shi Tong, and said: "Captain, don't get angry o"

Fluttershy in the middle o

It is the fifth rank of body training again, Cultivation Base is above Shi Tong, she killed the flame lizard by herself just now, Shi Tong is still a little afraid of her o

but o

Face had to find it back, Shi Tong shouted: "Get out of the way, I have to teach this kid a lesson today."

"You actually attacked me just now?"

"If it wasn't for a sneak attack, would you be able to hit me?"

so say o

Only a few people around can react o

"Yeah, it was that kid who made a sneak attack just now. Otherwise, how could he be a second rank person who could beat the captain?"

"Boy, are you too insidious?"

"that is!"

"Captain sneak attack, what do you want to do?"

The monkey seems to say o to please

Xiaodie turned to Long Fei and said, "Aaron, admit your mistake!"

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Sneak attack? Do you want to try again?"

Shi Tong's eyes were angry, and he said angrily, "You think I'm afraid that you won't succeed?"

Long Fei said: "Then come!"

sneak attack?


Is a fourth rank person worth his sneak attack?

Shi Tong couldn't stop the slap just now. If it was a sneak attack, he wouldn't even have a chance to react!

Xiaodie shouted in a deep voice, "Aaron, shut up!"

Long Fei looked at Xiaodie, grinned, and looked at another place.

immediately o

Xiaodie said: "Captain, don't have the same knowledge as Aaron, he attacked you just now, I'll take him to apologize to you, so please forgive him."

Shi Tong sneered and said, "I only stayed because of your face."

Long Fei also sneered and said, "You only stayed after seeing the Face of Demonic Beasts, right?"

Shi Tong stared and said, "Boy, what did you say?"

Xiaodie also scolded: "Aaron, don't say a few words o"

"Captain, don't be angry o"

Shi Tong said: "I can forgive me for sneak attacking me, but what he said just now made me very uncomfortable, I want to leave the team!"

When the monkey saw the wind, he immediately said, "I'm leaving the team too."

The woman in the couple also said: "We also leave the team o"

Everyone looked at the big man who didn't express his position. He scratched his head and said, "I,,, I,, I'll just stay, no team wants me anyway."

Long Fei glanced at him, foolishly, looking at the big man, a picture flashed in his mind from time to time, a bald head, incomparably burly physique, his muscles seemed to explode, and a huge sarcophagus was on his back. is strange

"Who is this man?"

"It's so strange, isn't it? Carrying a big coffin, do I know him? Why do I have such a picture in my mind?" Long Fei said to himself.

very puzzled

There is no such person in his earth memory at all!

Xiaodie said again and again: "Don't, we are a team, our goal is to be admitted to Xuanyue Sect together, if the team splits at this time, it will not benefit anyone o"

"Let's all stay."

"Captain, stay here, I promise you that Aaron won't cause you any more trouble o"

indeed o

It's already in Xuanbei Mountain, and it won't do anyone any good if the team splits at this time.

Shi Tong is also very clear in his heart.

He is also acting

Shi Tong's sword returned to its sheath and said, "It's okay for me not to leave the team, but... he has to leave, and there are no wastes in the team."

Long Fei raised his eyes and stared at Shi Tong coldly, and said coldly, "If you have some kind of shit, try again!"

cold eyes

The eyes met, Shi Tong's heart suddenly felt a chill.

Shi Tong grinned and said, "If he doesn't leave, I'll leave, you can choose for yourself."

After he finished speaking, he crossed his chest with his hands, with a icy demeanor.

Xiaodie's eyebrows are locked

Long Fei said, "Sister, the two of us are enough."

Xiaodie looks at Long Fei o

In her opinion, Long Fei is too naive

This is Xuanbei Mountain, Demonic Beasts are rampant, if you don't form a team, let alone pass the test, even if you survive, it will be a problem.

and o

She promised Long Fei that she would definitely take him to the Xuanyue Sect, so that no one would have any reason to drive him away.


Xiaodie looked at Shi Tong and said, "Captain, see if this is okay, I'll count half of the head, and the extra half will be added to you."

Shi Tong's eyes flashed a golden light.

Long Fei was taken aback and said, "Sister, why are you doing this?"

Shi Tong smiled slightly and said, "This is what you said yourself."

Xiaodie said: "I said o"

The thin monkey couldn't help but said: "If you want to reduce the head, you will also reduce the boy."

The couple said, "That's it!"

Xiaodie said: "Just reduce mine, Aaron still counts as a head allocation o"

Shi Tong was proud, this is the result he wanted, and said lightly: "Since you say so, then it's decided, but I have one more condition, we can't raise people for nothing on our team, everyone must obey my command. , is everyone o”

talking room o

Shi Tong stared at Long Fei

Slap him?

Will this revenge be repaid?

He will never bypass Long Fei easily!

Xiaodie said: "Okay!"

Shi Tong said: "Since you agreed, then I will start issuing orders, Aaron, you go and lead the Demonic Beasts, we will ambush, so it will be easier to hunt o"

finish o

There was a faint sneer on Shi Tong's face, "Hit me? Daddy can't kill you!"

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