The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2251 There Is Room, Big Breasts!

Chapter 2251 There is room, big breasts!

Barren hillside, in a humble house o

The ancient Xuanyue scroll is placed on the table o

Long Fei was surrounded by a few people, his eyes fixed on the ancient Xuanyue Scroll.

The scrolls are laid out flat, and various tadpole characters are engraved on them, like a wordless book o

"What's written on it?"

for a long time

Xiaodie finally couldn't help but ask o

Long Fei shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

Xiaodie said, "Didn't you say it's a good thing? I thought you could understand the text on it."


The text on this is all tadpoles, and most of them are similar in shape, only the neuropathy can understand o


Long Fei looked through the system and saw that the scrolls of the stocks were really glittering, and they were definitely not ordinary, but... how did he comprehend it?

Long Fei is also confused and can't do anything about it.

The thin monkey smiled and said: "The first place, once was the treasure of the Xuanzong sect, don't you think we are very cool?"

The big man couldn't help but say, "Pull the wind!"

Xiaodie rolled her eyes at them and said, "This ancient scroll has been in the Xuanyue Sect for thousands of years. No one can understand the text on it. It is better than a piece of firewood, at least it can cook rice."

She knows the ancient Xuanyue scroll, so that's why she is so o

For her, it's really not as good as a piece of firewood

Long Fei asked: "Is it really brought from the ancient secret realm?"

Gui Qingshan, who had been squatting at the gate smoking a dry cigarette, said, "Patriarch Xuanyue brought it out from the ancient secret realm, but... Patriarch Xuanyue was also seriously injured, and he was holding it tightly in his hand when he was temporary. This ancient scroll, what is hidden in this scroll? Countless geniuses, even strong people can't gain insight."

Long Fei froze slightly, "Where is the ancient secret realm?"

Gui Qingshan said: "I have to ask Patriarch Xuanyue, this kind of secret realm is hard to come by, no one knows o"

immediately o

Gui Qingshan said slightly: "You should still focus on how to make breakthroughs."

After speaking, Hahahaha smoked a dry cigarette, but was not talking.

Speaking of cultivation, Xiaodie immediately looked at Long Fei and said, "Aaron, how did you break through the second rank of blood refining?"

"It's only two days?"

"How on earth did you cultivate? Breaking through ten layers of Realm within two days, this,,, this peerless genius can't do it." Xiaodie was extremely curious.

Ordinary people can't understand at all

There has never been such a genius in the history of Zhenwu Continent.

Long Fei scratched his head and said, "I don't know either, I made a breakthrough for no reason, and I don't understand what happened."

Game system!

Killing, killing monsters can get experience o

As long as there are Demonic Beasts to kill, Long Fei upgrade can be a little faster o

But o

The fact that he has a game system in his body is calculated even if his father asks him, this secret must not be discovered by a second person o

Skinny monkey, the big guys are dumbfounded o

Two days and ten floors Realm!

It's just flying

"Brother Long, you will be my boss from now on, and I will mess with you!"


"You are also my boss, I messed with you!"

"With you under your cover, aren't we going to have a good time?"


How many people get excited

Long Fei said: "I try my best, try my best o"

Xiaodie said slightly: "We have sinned against the Seventh Prince and embarrassed the elder Yin Changfeng. I'm afraid it will be very difficult for us in the Xuanyue Sect in the future."

indeed o

Zhao Yitian represents the Zhao royal family o

Isn't offending the royal family the same as courting death?

In addition, Yin Changfeng, who is at the peak of Xuanyue Sect's power, is also the elder of the Pill Pavilion. They will need spiritual pills for cultivation in the future. I am afraid that they will not have one.

These two alone are enough for them!

Everyone is silent

Offend the two **oss, can you have a better life in the future?

silent for a long time

Long Fei naively said: "Anyway, things have happened, we have also entered the Xuanyue Sect, and our fate has changed. As long as we work hard, we will definitely gain something."

Thin Monkey said: "There is still the boss, what are you afraid of?"

The big man also followed: "Follow the boss, that's right!"

no matter what o

Long Fei will never bow to anyone

Whether it is playing games or real life, Long Fei has never been cowardly!

I really want to push him, he really can do anything o

suddenly o

Xiaodie suddenly shouted: "Ah... I know o"

Long Fei was taken aback

Xiaodie looked at Long Fei seriously, and said, "Aaron, did my punch open up your second line of Rendu? Only in this way can your Cultivation Base advance by leaps and bounds, and you can't find it yourself?"

Long Fei: ...

Gui Qingshan:  …

The big man said directly: "Sister Xiaodie, then you can punch me too."

Long Fei: ...

How stupid is this?

Long Fei said: "Don't make trouble, sister, let me ask you, who is the woman who came forward to testify for me? Yin Changfeng seems to be a little afraid of her?"

Many elders are in awe

and o

What she said was an order, and no one refuted it.

Xiaodie said: "She, Sister Yourong, is the young Sect Leader of the Xuanyue Sect, the only daughter of Uncle Yi, and also...the prince, but I don't know why she came back more than half a month earlier."

"Have you?"


Long Fei asked in a daze

Xiaodie said: "Yeah, how is it? She's beautiful, right? She is the most beautiful woman in Zhao country."

"She is Yi Yourong?"


"The most beautiful woman in Zhao country!"

"Not only that, she is also the second super strong in the Gold Core realm. She is twenty years old and ranks second in the Gold Core ranking. It's too awesome."

Everyone was moved

It's not an exaggeration to describe the beautiful girl of the sky

Xiaodie said: "Her Cultivation Base is not only in the Gold Core period, she is a master who hides deeply, hee hee..."

She is one of the few people who has actually met Yi Yourong Cultivation Base.

Gold Core period?

Much more than that!

If it was the Cultivation Base in the Gold Core period, she would not be able to withstand Zao Wou-Ki's sword!

Gui Qingshan was also thinking deeply in his mind, "Why did you come back half a month earlier? Because of the Sect assessment? It doesn't look like it. Could something happen to the palace?"

His eyes narrowed

immediately o

I don't know when, suddenly, Gui Qingshan disappeared.

And no one found o

"It's easy... it's easy, it's easy..." Long Fei murmured, and a naked picture of Yi Yourong appeared in his mind.

Xiaodie watched Long Fei muttering, and couldn't help asking, "Aaron, what are you muttering? Are you fascinated by Sister Yourong?"

"If I were a man, I would be fascinated by her o"

"but o"

"She is going to marry the eldest prince, she doesn't like the eldest prince at all..."

Long Fei is still muttering o

it seems o

He didn't hear what Xiaodie said at all.

"Have capacity!"

"Having capacity..."

A glint of golden light flashed in Long Fei's eyes, and he said, "I thought about it, having tolerance is great..."

"Milk,,, big!"

"Really big tits!"

"This name is too sharp!"


another place o

in a luxurious courtyard

"Ah, Ah..."

"Who's talking about me?" Yi Yourong sneezed continuously and said angrily.

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