The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2280 Secret Realm Cracks

In the past life, I read a lot of online novels, many artifacts, formations, and all kinds of weird things can be solved with the blood of the protagonist.

Can the stone dragon fly full of rune on the Great Hall understand?

Don't say I understand, I don't know a single character o

but o

Why did he sprinkle it with his own blood?

Because... all the novels are written like this. As a senior novel lover in the previous life, he is very aware of the routines in another world, not to mention the Nether Qilin just said that his blood contains the blood of the underworld.

This is the tomb of the underworld powerhouse, it's very simple o

Not a drop?

Then one more drop!

It's just... Long Fei's blood was sprinkled, and the rune characters on the huge stone began to twist, slowly converge and arrange to form an Eight Trigrams.

The entire Great Hall is also trembling slightly

Nether Qilin was stunned, staring at the stone in shock, with an incredible expression on his face, and his heart became more and more shocked, "Impossible, impossible... This tomb gate boulder has the mighty power of the Underworld, let alone a refiner. Blood second rank kid, even if it is my Cultivation Base, my blood cannot be turned on, how did he do it?"

"Could it be... Is the blood in his body stronger than I thought?"

"The mark made by the elders of the underworld, could it be that this elder... is one of the nine elders of the underworld?" Nether Qilin trembled faintly in his heart.

What kind of existence are the nine elders of the underworld?

The existence he looks up to

Long Fei in front of him is the inheritor of the nine elders?

Nether Qilin's eyes darkened when he looked at Long Fei

Actually o

The level of the imprint of the underworld clan branded on Long Fei's left arm is indeed very high, and the power of underworld blood in his body is also extremely strong, but... this is not the reason for opening the underworld stone.

This Netherstone has super power of the Nether family, just like what Netherworld Qilin said, even his bloodline power cannot be activated.

The reason why Long Fei can do it is because of another power in his body.

The power of ancient heritage...

It can also be said to be dragon blood!

It's just that Long Fei doesn't know all this. The giant dragon once said that his dragon blood can open any mechanism.

The memory has not been awakened, and Long Fei has no idea about this at all.

Looking at the twisted Nether Stone, and an Eight Trigrams gate appeared, his heart was still extremely excited, "Damn it, those novels in the previous life were really not in vain, and they finally came in handy o"


"Daddy is such a genius!"

Totally looking like an idiot

Long Fei took a step forward, looked at the gate of Eight Trigrams, and said slightly: "Are you going in?"

Nether Qilin hesitated for a moment and said, "Come in!"

He has been guarding this tomb for an unknown number of years, and he has never been shaken before, but when Long Fei said a few words, he was shaken.

He wants to know if the person buried here is Lord Minglong.

In addition o

He also wanted to know how far Long Fei could go.

If this is really the tomb of Minglong, then he will never let Longfei move the coffin.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, suppressing his inner excitement, "I'm going to make a fortune, I'm going to make a fortune, isn't there a mountain of gold and silver in the tomb of the first God of War of the Ming clan?"

"Aren't all kinds of divine elixir, all kinds of Divine Armament everywhere?"


Long Fei was overjoyed and stepped into the gate of the underworld stone one step at a time.

Nether Qilin follows o

at this moment o





The thunder in Xuanyue's secret realm continued, making violent turbulent noises, and the real essence of heaven and earth in the secret realm began to stir up, sometimes thick, sometimes thin, and sometimes with a powerful backlash.

It's like becoming a space turbulent

"what happened?"

"What's wrong?"

"The world is shaking, what happened?"

"Look, that Great Hall seems to be shaking, is it about to collapse?"


All cultivation disciples in the square wake up quickly

Several management elders quickly said: "Everyone, leave quickly."

"Don't mess up!"

"Leave in order, hurry!"

The secret realm is turbulent, let alone these low-level Practitioners, even these elders can't resist, if the secret realm cracks, then everything in it will be swallowed up and disappear completely.

This kind of thing has also happened in Zhenwu Continent o

suddenly o

Hundreds of disciples hurriedly approached the exit.

"Where's the boss?!"

"Big sister, where's the boss?"


Skinny monkeys and big guys are looking around o

Xiaodie also shouted: "Aaron, Aaron..."

It's just that the turmoil in the secret realm is too great, there is chaos everywhere, their voices are quickly muffled, and they can't get out at all o

"Big sister, let's go out first, maybe the boss is already outside o" Thin Monkey Xiaodie o

The big man also followed: "Big sister, let's go, the secret realm may collapse."

Xiaodie didn't care, she kept rushing inside, looking around, but she didn't find Long Fei's figure.

"Get out!"


"You three hear me, hurry up and leave o"

An elder drank hard

In the entire Xuanyue secret realm, the three of them have not yet gone out.

The big man said: "The boss must have gone out, let's go out too quickly o"

Xiaodie roared loudly, "Aaron!"

no response o

The elder drank again and said, "Bring her out."

The skinny monkey and the big guy pulled Xiaodie's arm and quickly rushed out of the secret realm.


secret realm gate closed o

this time o

Xiaodie looked around in the square outside the secret realm, "Aaron, Aaron..."

The big man and the thin monkey are also shouting: "Boss, boss..."

Long Fei is not seen

Xuanyue Sijian was also looking for Long Fei's figure. They were the first people to come out. They were guarding outside the gate of the secret realm and did not find Long Fei's figure.

The four looked at each other with a smug smile.

The gate of secret realm has been closed, Long Fei has not come out yet, there is only one result.

Die inside!

this time o

Yi Yourong came quickly on the black scale sculpture, she sensed the vibration of Xuanyue secret realm at her residence, which was extremely strong.

The elders Yin Changfeng, Yue Wanshan, Wu Yi and several elders also came quickly.

"What happened?" bAnFu-.*sheng. The strongest upgrade system

Yi Yourong frowned, Xuanyue secret realm is the foundation of Xuanyue Sect, and this secret realm supports it.

If it is destroyed, then Xuanyue Sect's life will not be easy.

An elder quickly reported: "Reporting to the young Sect Leader, the secret realm is turbulent, and the real essence is in chaos. I am afraid it is a precursor to the collapse, so I asked all the cultivation disciples to come out."

Yi Yourong's heart sank, "The secret realm is broken? My father once said that Xuanyue's secret realm is unbreakable, and it is absolutely impossible for the secret realm to break."

Xiaodie ran up, "Sister Yi, Aaron is still inside, he hasn't come out yet, hurry up and save him!"

Yi Yourong's expression changed, and she immediately shouted, "Open the secret realm!"

Yin Changfeng shouted at the same time, "No way!"

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