The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2299 Apologize




Excited laughter came out one after another

Yin Changfeng was in high spirits, his face was full of spring breeze, and there was a look of disdain in his eyes, "Breakthrough! Finally made it o"

"Seventh Grade!"

"Now my pill refining technique has reached the seventh rank o"


Unspeakable excitement o

The two pill children immediately knelt on the ground and said, "Congratulations, Master Hexi, for winning the seventh-rank pill refining master!"

"Good good!"

"You two have a reward" Yin Changfeng laughed.

A seventh-grade pill refining teacher, even in the entire Zhao Kingdom, there are not many o

sixth rank to seventh grade is a hurdle

Now that he has made a breakthrough, his identity is completely different.

now o

Even if he doesn't ask for it, I am afraid that the Zhao family will come to him. Seventh-grade pill refining masters are very rare, and even the No. 1 Sect in Zhao Kingdom has only two seventh-grade pill-refining masters.

and o

They are all centenarians, rarely pill refiningo

And he is only in his 60s. As long as he is given enough resources, he may become an eighth-rank or even a ninth-rank pill refining teacher in time.

Despise the existence of the world o

"Master, the Sect Leader is still outside," Dan Tong said slightly.

Yin Changfeng laughed and said, "Hahaha... I can break through the seventh grade today, I really want to thank her o"

If it wasn't for Yi Yourong's appearance that made some changes in his mood, he might not be able to break through. You must know that he has been stuck in the sixth rank Realm for ten years.

He once thought that he would not be able to make breakthroughs in this life, so he sought the position of national teacher and wanted to use the imperial power of the Zhao family to open the breakthrough.

I didn't expect a breakthrough today!

Another Dan Tong said: "Just let her wait a little longer. In the past, I looked at her appearance and didn't put the master to put in one's eyes. Now the seventh-grade pill refining master has to kneel and fawn on her even if she is easy-going."

Yin Changfeng smiled, "It's enough to wait so long, let's go and see why this young and promising young Sect Leader is here o"


immediately o

Yin Changfeng strode out of the Dan room

If there is no breakthrough, he will let Yi Yourong continue to wait.

But o

Now that he has broken through the seventh grade, he can't wait to appear in front of Yi Yourong and be proud of himself.

Pill refining courtyard door opens o

Yi Yourong turned around and looked at Yin Changfeng who came out, and immediately said: "Congratulations to Yin Elder for breaking through the seven-pin Realm and becoming a pill refining Great Mastero"

The sixth rank can only be called the master of pill refining

but o

Seven is the pill refining Great Mastero

two completely different concepts

Yin Changfeng couldn't hide the smug look on his face, and said, "Sect Leader, why are you here? You don't know that I broke through the seventh grade today, so come to congratulate me in advance?"

There is some Yin & Yang in the speech o

With a playful and contemptuous look in his eyes

The maid next to Yi Yourong could see it, she pulled Yi Yourong's arm and whispered, "Sect Leader, let's go."

Yi Yourong ignored it, looked at Yin Changfeng who was standing on the steps and didn't come down, and said, "Yin Elder Talent is very talented, it's only a matter of time to break through the seventh grade, the reason why I came here is for the pill refining competition. things o"

sixth rank Long Fei is no match

now o

Yin Changfeng even broke through seven products and became the pill refining Great Mastero

Long Fei is no longer an opponent.

Definitely lose!

Yin Changfeng deliberately stood on the steps, he is now the pill refining Great Master, not to mention Yi Yourong, even her father Yi Liuxian would have to respect him o and o

This is his attitude


Yin Changfeng said: "It's a pill refining test, a pill refining gamble, what else is there to discuss about this matter?"

Yi Yourong said, "Elder Elder, he is just a teenager. How does he know what pill refining is, but he said it in a hurry, look..."

Before Yi Yourong could finish speaking, Yin Changfeng interrupted directly: "Angry words?"


"Killing the four disciples of the elite hall is also going to be angry?"

"Breaking my arm is also angry?"

"And also vowed to kill me, is this also angry?"

Yi Yourong frowned and said, "I will punish him heavily about this, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Yin Changfeng smiled and said, "My most satisfying answer is to kill him!"

Yi Yourong tightened his brows and said, "Elder, you have also seen his potential in martial arts. In just over a month, he went from body refining to eighth-rank blood refining. Give him a little more time. Going to the Tianzong banquet will definitely win glory for Xuanyuezong, can you think about the overall situation of Xuanyuezong?"

Yin Changfeng said: "I'm thinking about the overall situation of Xuanyue Sect right now. If such a calamity is eliminated sooner, Xuanyue Sect will live in peace earlier. Look at how many things have happened since he entered Xuanyue Sect?"

"This child must be removed!"

words are firm

He hates Long Fei penetrates the boneo

Yi Yourong let out a light breath and said, "Elder, if he offended you, I am willing to take him to make amends for you."

The voice fell o

Yin Changfeng looked surprised.

The expressions of the surrounding disciples were slightly shocked.

Less Sect Leader to make amends?

This is not an ordinary thing

The maid immediately grabbed Yi Yourong and said, "Sect Leader, no!"

Yin Changfeng was very proud and said, "Apologize?"

Yi Yourong bent over and said, "Elder, I'm sorry."


Yin Changfeng immediately burst into laughter, extremely proud, watching Yi Yourong bow to himself, how happy is this?

so cool o

He dreams about this moment


Yin Changfeng's laughter suddenly stopped, and he shouted heavily: "Is it all done to make amends?"

"Will I forgive me if I apologize?"


"It's not that simple." Yin Changfeng was very happy, but he must take Long Fei's life, and he must not be allowed to threaten him when he has a chance.

Beloved Tier Divine Armament Fang Heavenly Dao Seal Ruined o

I nearly died several times myself.

He will never leave such a hidden danger again.

Just as Yin Changfeng was speaking, Yi Yourong's right hand sank suddenly, "Om!"

The Xuanyue Pluto is released

Yin Changfeng's face was shocked and he said, "What do you want to do?"

Several disciples around also showed fear.

The Xuanyue Pluto is extremely fierce, Divine Armament, it's no joke o

I am afraid that the people in the entire Dan Pavilion together are not opponents.

At this time o

Yi Yourong took off the Xuanyue Dark Wheel from her hand and said, "He ruined your Heavenly Dao Seal, I will use the Xuanyue Dark Wheel to make amends for you!"

Yin Changfeng's eyes sank, and he stared at the Xuanyue Underworld Wheel in Yi Yourong's hands, his eyes shining brightly, showing a greedy look.

Xuanyue Dark Wheel, the treasure of Zhenzong!

This is the o that Yi Yourong personally rewarded her with her breakthrough Gold Core Realm when she was eighteen years old,

can say o

The Xuanyue Pluto is Yi Yourong's most beloved thing.

At the same time o

It also has another way of saying that it is Sect Leader identity!

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