The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2308 I Don't Understand Shit

"Elder, you should hurry up?"

"Can you hurry up?"

"Are you too low?"

"Depend on!"

"Just like you, pill refining? Or what pill refining Grand Great Master? Shit o" As Long Fei spoke, he made another Medicine Pill.

It looks like a conjuration o

Reaching out a Medicine Pill, it was dizzying, and everyone opened their eyes to see how Long Fei's Medicine Pill was refined.

However o

His eyes were about to burst, and he couldn't see how he made it.

so weird o

I have never seen such a pill refining method.

Yi Yourong looked at Long Fei and murmured, "Does he really know pill refining?"

"Hee hee..." Xiaodie smiled and said, "Sister Yi, how is it? Aaron is very powerful, right?"

The skinny monkey adored his face and said, "The boss is too mighty. From now on, you will be my idol."

The big man is a foolish smirk o

The faces of several elders were a little ugly. Seeing that Yin Changfeng on the alchemy platform was motionless and flustered, they couldn't help thinking.

The elder, the host, gave a slight shout and said, "Long Fei, you refine your pill, don't disturb the elder, there is no time limit for this competition, the winner or loser is the level of the Medicine Pill, the Medicine Pill you refine..."

He is stopping Long Fei o

At the same time o

He is also reminding Yin Changfeng, who is a little flustered, to calm him down.

This competition is compared to the grade of Medicine Pill, not the speed!

Long Fei's Cultivation Technique refined a Medicine Pillo in the blink of an eye

It's like magic

Just ask if you are in a hurry?

Yin Changfeng was a little panicked, but... Hearing the words of the host Elder, the panic in his heart disappeared immediately, and he looked at the Medicine Pillo refined by Long Fei.

All are in very poor condition

This kind of medicine pill with different products is generally divided into two kinds.

One is Medicine Pillo that failed to refine

The other is Medicine Pillo without grades

Either way it's useless

Yin Changfeng's mouth twitched slightly, sneered, and said, "You know pill refining?"


"I'll let you know what pill refining is!"

The voice fell o

Yin Changfeng shot o

followed by o

A Spiritual herbs flew into the sky, True Qi was released, and the fire in the colorful Dan furnace suddenly soared. Invisibly, Yin Changfeng burst out with a powerful momentum.

"Go ahead!"

"The elder has taken action!"

"The seventh-grade pill refining Grand Great Master is really extraordinary. As soon as it comes up, it burns the fire to a very high point. Is this the secret to refining the Heavenly Fire Pill?"

"Wow, so handsome!"


have to say o

Yin Changfeng's pill refining technique is extremely sophisticated and experienced, and his control over the fire and spiritual fluid can be said to be the ultimate.

The seven-pin pill refining Great Master is not for nothing

Yi Yourong's brows tensed secretly, "Tianhuo Pill is a seventh-grade Medicine Pill, and this competition is a Medicine Pill grade, then Long Fei him..."

She now believes that Long Fei can pill refiningo

But compared to the grade of Medicine Pill, how does it compare to the seventh grade Medicine Pill?

Yi Yourong's heart became worried again o

Yue Wanshan also frowned and said in a low voice, "Yin Changfeng's pill refining skills are extraordinary, and the level of the seventh-grade pill refining Great Master has been brought into full play."

"I am afraid……"

didn't go on

The disciples of the Dan Pavilion are boiling again.

"Boy, do you know what pill refining is?"

"Did you see clearly?"

"Have you learned?"

"Try pill refining with our elder, you think you've lived too long o"


The disciples of the Pill Pavilion were fiercely angry.

Long Fei stood on the pill platform and watched Yin Changfeng's pill refining process. He was also observing carefully. After a while, he didn't look at it anymore, but spit out two words in disdain, "Waste!"

"What a fucking waste!"

bells and whistles, useless

and o

The control of spiritual fluid is too bad o

In Long Fei's eyes, Yin Changfeng's pill refining process can find at least 100 loopholes, and he can't look directly at it. This pill refining method is a waste of Spiritual herbso.

ten minutes passed

Yin Changfeng's brows tightened, and he drank gently, "It's done!"

The fire in the Dan furnace went out violently o

After stopping for a while, the fragrant spiritual fluid fragrance overflowed, and the whole square smelled the fragrance of the spirit pills, which made people feel refreshed.


"This Medicine Pill...isn't it good?"

"Just smelling the scent makes me feel like my body is full of true essence, and I feel like I'm going to make a breakthrough."

"so amazing!"

countless compliments

Yi Yourong's eyes tightened even more, and she said, "With such a strong fragrance, this Medicine Pill's grade is not low."

Yue Wanshan looked at Long Fei on the pill platform, shook his head and sighed: "The gap is too big. After all, he has just cultivated pill refining, and he has not grasped the essence of pill refining at all."

Wu Yi also followed: "Yeah, the difference is too big in comparison. The Medicine Pill refined by Long Fei has no fragrance at all, while Yin Changfeng's Medicine Pill..."


The world's perception of pill refining is still very traditional o

The quality of Medicine Pill is directly related to whether it can exude the scent of elixir.

The fragrance is fragrant and the richness is abnormal, so this Medicine Pill can be said to be very successful, and the grade is also very high.

Yin Changfeng said proudly: "Boy, did you see clearly?"

talking room o

Yin Changfeng opened the lid of the Dan stove.

A wisp of blue smoke floated up, and all of a sudden the whole square was filled with fragrant waterfalls, and the fragrance of spiritual fluid was incomparably strong, as if it were in some kind of secret realm.

The people in the square were even more shocked.




Long Fei suddenly burst out laughing.

Yin Changfeng's eyes sank

At this time o

A Pill Pavilion disciple immediately shouted angrily: "Trash, what are you laughing at?"

Long Fei said: "I'm laughing at the elder like a fool, and if you don't know it yourself, you also know what pill refining is?"

"Dare to laugh at our master, I think you are tired of living," another disciple scolded heavily.

"I think he thinks he has lost and wants to make a fool of himself"

"You don't need to watch this match, that kid lost o"

"This pill refining is a risk of life, kid, take your life."


Numerous Pill Pavilion disciples were more arrogant than each other, so they could not wait to rush to Long Fei and devour Long Fei alive.

Yin Changfeng sneered: "I don't understand pill refining? Is there anyone in the entire Xuanyue Sect who knows pill refining better than me?"

Long Fei said: "Not only do you not understand, but you are just a piece of shit!"

blatantly insult o

For Yin Changfeng, this is a great humiliation o

The anger in his heart also burst out.

Yin Changfeng gritted his teeth and shouted, "You are courting death!!!"

Long Fei was not afraid at all, sneered, and said, "You said that you are a seventh-grade pill refining Great Master, then I ask you, how do you judge the quality of a Medicine Pill?"

Yin Changfeng sneered and said, "Nonsense, of course it is the attribute of Medicine Pill."

Long Fei said again: "What is the attribute to be judged by?"

Yin Changfeng said: "Does it even need to be said? Pill refining apprentices all know, of course, the spiritual fluid is richer."

"Yo, do you still know?" Long Fei said contemptuously, "During your refining process, spiritual fluid overflowed. Ninety percent of the spiritual fluid of a dozen Spiritual herbs was lost, and you only got 10 percent of it."

"Aren't you rubbish?"

"And everyone here is also a bunch of garbage. Do you think that a strong fragrance is powerful? Brainless, stupid, this is caused by the loss of spiritual fluid, and you understand pill refining?"

"I don't even know shit!"

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