The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2325 Never Step Into The World Of Hongmeng

gnashing of teeth

The hatred is so high that even in the dream, Long Fei can clearly sense o

and o

Looking at Long Zhanting's whole body pierced through the chains, his heart couldn't help but tremble, and he couldn't tell why.

Just pain!

very painful

It's like I have a very close relationship with Long Zhanting.


"Longyuan Black Prison?"

"How have I heard of this place?"


Long Fei suddenly thought that this was one of his many secret realm spaces, and it was a secret realm with a ten-star risk factor. He still wanted to enter, but the level was not enough to be amazing.

"Longyuan Black Prison?"

"So...I dreamed of entering here?"

for a long time

Long Wutian left o



Long Zhanting panted like a cow, blood dripping from his mouth constantly, endured the severe pain, looked at the dim void, and said, "Long Fei, whether you hear it or not, you must remember it for me, don't come. Here, don't come here, don't come to save me, and... don't ever step into the Hongmeng Realm o"

"Leaving the great world of Hongmeng, the farther the better, don't come here"



In the dark abyss, a black lightning struck down, linking to the chain o

followed by o

More than a dozen chains are crackling and there is a current o

Long Zhanting screamed in pain, "Ah,,, ah,,, ah,,,,,"

Also at this moment

In the secret realm where Long Fei's consciousness was blasted out


suddenly o

Long Fei sat up and bounced up, sweating profusely, his clothes were soaking wet, "hu,, huhu,, huh..."


He swallowed hard, picked up the kettle on the table and poured it into his mouth, 'gu dong, gu dong,' after a few mouthfuls he slowly calmed down.

The images that appeared in the dream kept appearing in my mind.

Long Fei's brows furrowed, his heart trembled, "He called me Long Fei, he called me Long Fei... Then,,, then, is he my father?"

"I'm an orphan..."


"The orphan also has parents. Is he my father?"

Long Feifei's memory still stays on the earth o

For him, his parents are the weakest place in his heart. He dreams of having his own parents and his parents' care.

But now...

Long Zhanting says between the lines, he is the son of Long Zhanting

suddenly o

With a thought, Long Fei directly opened the secret realm system, "Target, Longyuan Dark Prison, open!"


"The system prompts that the player level is not enough to enable it!"

"Target, Longyuan Black Prison, open!"

'Ding! ’

"The system prompts: The player level is not enough to enable it!"

"Target, Longyuan Black Prison, open it for me!"


"The system prompts: The player level is not enough to enable it!"


Long Fei kept trying, but... the level was not enough and the system could not be activated. If the dragon Zhanting in the dream just now was his father, then...

As a son of man, who can bear to see his father suffer like this?

Even if he abandoned him back then, Long Fei didn't feel any blame in his heart. Now he can't wait to kill him in Long Yuan's black prison, trying to save his father.


No matter what he tried, it didn't work o

and o

Was it a dream just now, or was it a real picture he saw on his Divine Sense outing?

Long Fei himself can't tell.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Long Fei's eyes were dull. Those things in his dreams, those people felt familiar to him, not unfamiliar at all, but he just couldn't remember where he had seen them.

Long Fei held his head in pain, "Ah...why, why...why can't I remember? Who are they?"

"Who am I?"

Long Fei feels extremely uncomfortable

Actually o

The reason for his constant dreams is because of his tense nerves for three days and three nights, coupled with the unprecedented consumption of his Mental Energy, his physical strength is not exhausted, causing him to fall asleep, and Divine Sense can't control to swim out.


Divine Sense broke the memory seal o

The dream screen of that name appears o

But o

Divine Sense returns, the memory seal closes again o

It's just... a crack appeared on the seal!

for a long time

Long Fei hugged his head and curled his body, like an insecure child, curled up together and slowly fell asleep, this time he didn't have any more dreams.


another one out

Dan Court Chamber o

The nine elders came here after they left Long Fei's pill refining courtyard.

In front of them is a gift from Long Fei, Medicine Pillo made from weeds

"What would you say about the grade of this Medicine Pill?" said Elder, who was in the lead.

They didn't believe Long Fei could pill refiningo before

But with the pill refining in succession, they have to admit that Long Fei will pill refining even if they are not satisfied.

Medicine Pill can be made with wild grass, let alone the grade of Medicine Pill, even if Yin Changfeng is alive, he can't do it, and what Long Fei said is true.

All things conceived between heaven and earth have Spiritual Qi, which can be used for pill refining, it just depends on whether you can master it or not.

"Is it worth watching?"

"It must be a waste pill!"

"Can weeds pill refining? Can sows climb trees?"

"that is!"

"Anyway, I won't take this Medicine Pillo"

"Abandoned pill as a gift, huh? This kid just wants us to look good and kill the elder, who will serve him under the present Pill Lord?"

"We can't let him live well o"

"There is still half a month before the Sect will issue the monthly case. Without us, it will depend on how he distributes thousands of Medicine Pills, and then he will be dismissed naturally."



The nine elders discussed o

For Long Fei, they hated extremely

But o

Their Cultivation Base is generally not high, and Long Fei is tough, they are not opponents.

An Elder, said: "I suggest that all the Spiritual herbs in the Spiritual herbs hall be transferred out, and I can't give him a Spiritual herbso"


"Totally agree!"

"Without Spiritual herbs, let's see what pill refining he takes. Can't he use weeds to refine? Let him refine them all with weeds."


Many elders laughed o

"Boy, I see how long you can jump"

Everybody get ready

but o

They all took away the wild herb Medicine Pill refined by Long Fei.

did not take o

But that doesn't mean they don't want it, and if Long Fei is really an eighth-grade pill refining Great Master, then this Medicine Pill is most likely an eighth-grade Medicine Pillo

The eighth grade Medicine Pill is worth more than ten thousand gold.


three days later

Long Fei finally got a good night's sleep, and stretched out, "Huh... I slept comfortably!"

Except for those dreams on the first day, there were no dreams in the following time. Long Fei sat on the edge of the bed for a while.

Just as he was about to leave the room o

The skinny monkey's angry voice sounded, "It's too much bullying, it's a motherfucker, these old things are too bullying o"

"Big sister, are you alright?"

Long Fei was shocked, "Sister is injured?"

"Oh shit!"

"Looking for death, right!"

Immediately, anger came up

Chapter 5 delivered, thank you for your support!

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