The Strongest Upgrade System

Text_Chapter 2335 Who Is Trash Now?

Before he could think about it, Long Fei jumped into the jungle, like a vigorous and angry leopard, quickly shuttled out.

Yi Yourong was stunned for a moment.

She blushed on the spot, her heart beat faster, quite the thing she promised just now, thinking of what she said just now, she couldn't help but feel shy, "Yi Yourong, Yi Yourong, are you there?"

Is it too much to become stronger, cultivation Long Fei's sword move?


Does she miss spring?

But o

Long Fei's body always has a very special aura that attracts her, that mysterious feeling, that bottomless feeling of power, and that kind of security that is always full of things that can make any woman fascinated.

Seeing Long Fei rushing into the jungle, Yi Yourong responded quickly, the Divine Sense opened and spread out, causing a faint shock in his heart, "Isn't it Demonic Beasts?"

"Anyone following?"

Yi Yourong's expression darkened, and the speed increased o


"Be louder, maybe they didn't hear o" A soldier in black put a sword on Xiaodie's neck o

Xiaodie has never come out since the first scream.

because o

She didn't want Long Fei to worry about herself o

The skinny monkey and the big man have bruised noses and swollen faces, and the beatings just now are not clear.


The soldier in black roared violently

The thin monkey said solemnly: "When the boss comes back, he will definitely kill you!"

The black-clothed soldier sneered: "Oh? Is that so? A blood-refining Realm's waste can still kill people? Then I'm really looking forward to it."

Xiaodie asked, "Who are you?"

The black-clothed warrior said, "It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is why you procrastinated and didn't enter the valley? What are you doing?"

Xiaodie said: "How do you know that we are going to enter the valley, who are you?"

The black-clothed warrior said, "Don't ask so many questions, hurry up and call Yi Yourong back, otherwise..."

While speaking, the man's face revealed a sinister smirk, and he looked up and down Xiaodie's body.

The big man roared: "You dare to touch the big sister's head, I will try my best with you"

"Fight your mother!"


A punch fell, and the big man was directly smashed to the ground. Before he could get up, he stepped on it and stomped him into the mud.

"Just a piece of junk like you want to fight with me?"

"Something beyond your own power." A black-clothed soldier stepped on the big man with a contemptuous sneer on his face. In their eyes, the big man, the skinny monkey is like a waste.

Big guys their level is too low o

There is absolutely no room for resistance

is o

The Cultivation Base of these black-clothed warriors, and the decisive aura of killing all overwhelm them, o

"let go!"

"Let him go!"

The skinny monkey roared o


In the next second, he was also stepped on by another soldier in black like a big man.

"Dage, it's better to kill these two wastes, it's useless at all o"

"It's o"

"Cultivation like this is also a waste of the resources of this world. If it were me, I would have committed suicide long ago. It's just this body, this low-level talent, potential, and cultivation shit."



Two men in black made the thin monkey and the big man worthless

After the two listened, they clenched their fists and clenched their teeth.

indeed o

Their Talent, their potential is very mediocre, if it wasn't for Long Fei, they wouldn't have been admitted to Xuanyue Sect.

but o

they want to be stronger

I want to become as strong as Long Fei, so that I can always be by Long Fei's side.

But no matter how hard they cultivate, their progress is too slow and they can't keep up with other people's rhythm. This is the role of Talent.

I hate myself for not being strong enough

They are very uncomfortable, very painful o

This pain is worse than the pain they are going through right now


"Say my brother is trash?"

"Then what the fuck are you?"

in an instant o

Come out with a loud shout

Several soldiers in black sighed slightly


A soldier looked at the sky and immediately shouted, and a man in the air swooped down with a sword.

The warrior beside the big man snorted coldly, "Your brother is trash, so are you."

talking room o

His body moved slightly, the big knife in his hand shook, and the blade began to show a strong True Qi, the True Qi burned, his eyes sank, and he locked Long Fei in the air, and slashed down with a knife, "Give me death!"

Knife gas move o

come face to face o

There is no fancy, clean and neat, just cut down with a thick and incomparable blade.

Such a knife is not a Practitioner of the Blood Refining Realm, even someone from the Qi Refining Realm will cut it in half with one knife.

So sharp!

It is full of the kind of decisive killing on the battlefield. It can kill with one knife, and will never use the second move.

The sword qi was very fierce, Long Fei did not try to avoid it, a flash of light flashed on the sword of the sky, "Flying Immortal O"

Sword Qi ravages o

One after another, Sword Qi can be seen to the naked eye, and Sword Qi is rushing down.

just not cowardly

Just tough!

Daddy is still afraid that you will fail?

Sword Qi and Sword Qi are intertwined, and there are bursts of roars in the void.

The black-clothed soldier's eyes tightened, "Waste thing, can you stop my move? Then let you..."

Don't wait for him to finish

Long Fei's figure suddenly changed


Suddenly disappear like a fairy

between lightning


Long Fei fell and landed behind the black-clothed soldier, only to see a thin scar on the forehead of the black-clothed soldier, and the scar continued to extend.

Long Fei said gloomily, "You're saying it's fucking trash?"


The body of the black-clothed warrior burst violently, splitting into two!

Blood burst out

The scene is brutal

The eyes of the surrounding soldiers in black all changed.

"The third one!"

"Third Brother!"

"The damn thing actually killed our third brother, I want your life." Another black-clothed soldier moved his sword and his body sank.

A unique killing spirit burst out

Saber Technique is more calm and domineering

Faster than hit o

Long Fei glanced at the thin monkey who was trampled on the ground, killing intent surged in his heart and said, "Whoever moves my brother, die!"


Strike out in one step, "Phantom Sword Dance o"

Without waiting for the black-clothed warrior to approach, Long Fei slashed dozens of swords against the void in a row.

"Hahaha... just this Sword Technique?"

"Not even a single move can hurt me o"

The black-clothed warrior attacked and slashed at Long Fei's head with an extremely domineering force.

Long Fei's eyes sank, killing intent surged, "Sword Qi!"

The Sword Qi brewed by Phantom Sword Dance burst out in an instant, and before his machete fell, Sword Qi rushed out like a torrent and hit the soldier's chest.

Sword Qi rages, cutting his body frantically o

The blood tank on the top of the head also bottomed out instantly.


Body burst and die!

Long Fei pointed at the sky sword, "Next!"

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