The Strongest Upgrade System

Text_Chapter 2346 Contest

o in secret realm

"I rely on!"

"Is this evil eye crazy?"

"Continuously exploding the power of the ghostly evil" Long Fei cursed unhappily.

one after another

so fucking powerful

If it weren't for the shape-shifting Vajra blocking him, he might still be flying in the sky.

Deformation Vajra said: "Boss, there is an altar in front of you"

Long Fei was slightly shocked, his heart tightened, and he jumped off the deformed Vajra and said, "Okay, I can walk the road ahead alone."

"You withdraw first"

It was Long Fei who insisted on coming

If something happened, he didn't want the shape-shifting Vajra to die with him.

Deformation Vajra immediately said: "Boss, you saved my life, I was able to break through because you helped me, I won't leave o"

He remembers Long Fei's kindness

Unrequited kindness, no matter what happens, he will carry it for Long Fei. He has thought about it since he promised to come with Long Fei.

Long Fei said: "No matter what happens, when I tell you to run, you must run, don't stop, understand?"

Shapeshifting Vajra nodded and said, "Okay"


Long Fei took a deep breath and strode forward.

Mingyue thought that Yi Yourong had come in again, and shouted angrily, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"I rely on!"

Long Fei thought that he had been discovered long ago. Since he was discovered, Long Fei had no scruples and said directly: "Since he is here, then daddy is not afraid of death."


Mingyue was startled, her evil eyes stared at Long Fei, "It's you!"

When he looked at Long Fei, he also noticed Long Fei, and felt that Long Fei had a different kind of power, and even he couldn't tell what it was.

Long Fei said, "You know me?"

Mingyue sneered and said, "What are you, why should I know you?"


Long Fei scolded and said, "You are a thing, okay?"

"court death!"

Mingyue stared at Long Fei, staring at Long Fei, a powerful Nether force swarmed out and directly hit Long Fei, this force...

Even if you can't kill Long Fei, it will probably make him crippled.

Long Fei is not one to sit still

and o

He has a bad temper o

Seeing a powerful force attacking, he immediately pulled out the sword of the sky, and said solemnly: "I don't know who is dead!"

Transform Vajra is also an instant rush, he wants to resist o


The moment Long Fei drew out the Sky Sword, Ming Yue's evil eyes trembled violently, "Sky Sword?"


The power suddenly disappeared o

There is nothing left, it was directly crushed by the moon and disappeared o

Long Fei was shocked, "Do you know the Sky Sword?"

Mingyue looked a little excited and shouted: "How come the Cang Qiong Sword is in your hands?"

Long Fei said: "Why can't it be in my hands?"


Mingyue snorted coldly and said, "The third and first sword on the Divine Armament ranking in the Hongmeng world, this sword comes from the ancient world!"


The moon feels strange in my heart

Others don't know it, but he knows it very well, even better than Long Zhanting, the former owner of the Cang Qiong Sword, because this Cang Qiong Sword also comes from the ancient world.

"The Divine Armament bred in the ancient world ranks third on the Hongmeng Divine Armament list. Why does it appear in such a small plane, and the person who owns it is still a scum of Qi refining Realm?" Mingyue was secretly puzzled.

Long Fei was startled, and secretly said: "Sure enough!"

"I knew this sword was not easy!"

Long Fei knew it all along, but he didn't expect this Sky Sword to be so sharp, the third place on the Hongmeng Divine Armament list, and it came from the ancient world that gave birth to the great world of Hongmeng!

This sword...

so awesome o

Long Fei pretended to know the Sky Sword very well, and said, "You know a lot."

Mingyue said with disdain: "This kind of sword is a waste in your hands. You don't know how strong it is, and you can't use one-tenth of his power to come out."

"Boy, tell me, how did you get it?" Mingyue wants to know, because Divine Armament born in the ancient world has spirituality.

This kind of Divine Armament will choose its own owner o

If it is not the master he chooses himself, even if you have the most powerful power, you cannot wield his power o

The young man in front of him looks very ordinary, but Mingyue can feel that the Cang Qiong Sword is very comfortable in his hands. This kind of freedom is definitely the choice of the Cang Qiong Sword.

Long Fei said: "I don't need to tell you about this"

However o

Long Fei himself doesn't know o

He knew that when he woke up, the sword was by his side.

As for when he got the Sky Sword, he doesn't have any memory o

Mingyue said: "Boy, are you very arrogant?"

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "It's average, it's the third!"

Mingyue said: "Generally arrogant people can't live for three seconds in front of me, this sword of the sky is a waste in your hands, why don't you give it to me, I will let you live a few more seconds o"

Long Fei's eyes tightened and he said, "If you have a seed, come and get it!"

Instantly enter the combat state o


Transformed Vajra also rushed out, the whole body armor flickered with cold light, and bursts of roars o

Mingyue sneered contemptuously: "Just the two of you?"

complete contempt for o

I didn't put Long Fei and Transform Vajra To put in one's eyeso at all

Long Fei said: "We are waste, what are you? Waste eyes? Or waste moon? How many years have you been imprisoned here? Poor bastard?"

"court death!"

Mingyue was angry, and her pupils became hideous.

The powerful nether power rushed up like a tide.


"Hide behind me o" deformation Vajra blocked it instantly o

Long Fei also wanted to let the shape-shifting Vajra escape, but... he didn't expect him to jump forward.

suddenly o

Long Fei didn't care too much, "Transformation Vajra!"

"Parasitic Possession Technique, open!"


With a thought, it directly enters the body of the deformed Vajra o

This is the second time o

The transformation Vajra accepted instantly, thinking that compared to the last time, this time Long Fei felt that the transformation Vajra was more powerful and extremely powerful.


Even if such a powerful force is not worth mentioning in front of the moon

Long Fei never thought of using this kind of power to deal with him.

so o

At the moment when he entered the sea of ​​consciousness of the deformed Vajra, Long Fei's thoughts moved, and he roared abruptly, "Crazy God energy, open it to me!!"




The roar of power is like a tumbling thunder o

The armor on the whole body is even more powerful and light.

Long Fei's body sank as he looked at the ghostly power coming towards him.


His arms were intertwined in his chest, he didn't hide, he just carried it abruptly.

The force hits up o




The void burst, and Long Fei's huge body kept retreating, almost unstoppable.

Even if the mad god energy is released, Long Fei can't stop it

Because the power of the moon is too strong o

Just at the moment when Long Fei burst back... The sky sword in Long Fei's deity's hand suddenly flew out, getting bigger and thicker...


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