The Strongest Upgrade System

Text_Chapter 2349 The Sword Of The Sky, The Spirit Of Ten Thousand Swords!

In all directions, the tide of power o

Every wave of power is like a giant tentacle

Waiting for Long Fei to rush to the altar





In all directions, roaring and bombing!

That scene... can't be put into words

Long Fei was instantly engulfed by the power frenzy.

and o

The bones all over his body were like falling apart, and at that moment... his consciousness disappeared, and when he finally woke up a little, he murmured in his heart, "I'm going to die!"


I think of Long Zhanting in Longyuan Black Prison.

Looking at Long Zhanting's body with more than a dozen chains piercing his body, and watching Long Wutian frantically ravage Long Zhanting, although it was a dream, Long Fei couldn't tell the sadness in his heart.

He wants to save Long Zhanting o

But now...

No one can save him

he's dying

Along the way, although it has only been a few months, Long Fei has no regrets.

"Eighteen years later, daddy is a hero again!"

Long Fei roared in his heart

immediately o

The whole person is completely unconscious

dead, alive?

Long Fei can no longer control himself.

"Arrogant in front of me?"

"What are you?"

Mingyue is furious. He was born in the ancient world. He was born in this world earlier than the Ming family. Even if the king of Hades sees him, he will be respected.

Even the current master of the Hongmeng world, Xuandi, would not dare to be arrogant when he saw him.

a little human o

A human with only Qi Refining Realm o

What kind of?

Arrogant in front of him?

Can the moon hold back?


Seeing Long Fei being engulfed by the surge of power from all directions, he coldly sneered, "Beyond one's own capabilities!"

very disdain


Also at this moment, Mingyue's eyes turned fierce.

because o

Beneath the wave of power, a strange light burst forth, flickering o

Also at this moment


A force that pierced the sky suddenly burst out, "Om!"

Jianming everywhere o

Extremely harsh, even the moon is crying with a painful expression o

The surrounding ocean of ghostly power was also crushed in an instant, the secret realm became quiet, and Long Fei fell to the ground, his face pale and expressionless, as if he was dead.

Mingyue was slightly shocked and said: "Cangqiongjian, you have no future with him at all, you are the first sword of Hongmeng, you are the spirit of ten thousand swords, you can't use your power to follow such a weak person."

"You were conceived in ancient times, why follow such a waste..."

Don't wait for the moon to finish o

Suddenly, an aura shot out from the sky sword suspended in the air, and the aura emerged from the body and transformed into a human-shaped girl, just like the fairy in the painting.

Otherwise, a trace of human fireworks o

The whole body is filled with the breath of the spirit of ten thousand swords

Without waiting for Mingyue to finish speaking, she interrupted directly, and said very angrily: "You try again with a rubbish, believe it or not, I will cut you in half?"


Sword Spirit's Wrath

and o

At the moment when the sword spirit was angry, buzzing... The entire secret realm, and even the entire Xuanyue Mountains, made a series of sword sounds, completely uncontrollable.

in the valley

The swords on those black crow warriors all trembled anxiously.

And there is a state of being about to fly out of the scabbard o

not only that o

Even the entire rock wall, a huge mountain of swords is shaking violently, the whole is like the end of the world, this power... It's crazy o


The black crow warrior quickly looked at the black crow o

Black Crow's expression is also savage, "Sword intent... I have never seen such a powerful Sword intent. Who is it? Or who is that treasure?"

immediately o

Black Crow stared at Yi Yourong and said solemnly: "You really didn't get it?" Yi Yourong was also shocked. She had seen Long Fei use the sky art, but that kind of Sword intent and the current Sword intent but totally different

The Sword intent now has a feeling of contempt for heaven and earth

and o

Any Sword intent is scum in front of it

"Has Long Fei become stronger again?"

"Is this the Sword intent emanating from him?"

Yi Yourong looked at the black crow and said, "If you have any seeds, go in and get them, it's in there."

Black Crow snorted coldly, "What's in it?"

Yi Yourong said: "You will know when you go in"


Xuanyue Sect, Refining Pavilion o

Including all the disciples who use swords, all faintly trembling o

The long sword on Yue Wanshan's waist couldn't be controlled, and he looked in the direction of the Xuanyue Mountains, "What's going on?"

Gui Qingshan was also shocked.

"Too powerful Sword intent!"

Chaos in Xuanyue Sect

Sword intent is too powerful o


o in secret realm

Mingyue's eyes were fierce, and he was also slightly afraid. He could easily crush Long Fei, but he could not crush the angry sword spirit in the sky.


Although it was also conceived in the ancient world, he is now sealed, and the sword spirit in the sky is different.

Mingyue said solemnly: "I don't understand!"

"Why would you choose such a person, I don't see any potential in him, blood has no blood, talent is just like o"

"It's just cultivation of several wonderful Cultivation Techniques, just this one..." Mingyue wanted to say the word trash again, but held back, "Such a person is not worthy of you at all!"

it's a fact

The first sword of Hongmeng

The Divine Armament bred in the ancient world, a remote low-level plane in the world of Hongmeng, how could a Practitioner with only Qi-refining Realm be worthy of the first sword of Hongmeng?

However o

The sword spirit of the sky was cold and said: "You move a fart!"

Mingyue's eyes froze

He can't make mistakes in looking at people. He doesn't see any characteristics in Long Fei. In his eyes, even if it is a god-level blood talent like the body of the phoenix, he doesn't care about it.

There is nothing amazing about Long Fei.

Cang Qiong Sword Spirit said: "Do you think you can see everything in the world if you keep breaking your eyes? Do you think the things you nurtured in the ancient world are very powerful?"

"Broken eyes, let alone some things, even if you are Emperor Xuan, you can't see clearly even if the King of Pluto is alive!" The sword spirit of the sky ruthlessly despised it.

The moon is a little unhappy

His eyes can see everything in the world




He can see clearly

Even if Emperor Xuan's bloodline, Talent, he can see clearly

Even if he is sealed now, can he not see clearly a Practitioner from a low-level plane?

Mingyue said solemnly: "You doubt that I can, but you can't doubt my judgment of him, he is just a weak and humble Practitioner, the blood in his body, Talent, everything is garbage, no, even garbage is Better, because he doesn't have Talent at all, blood!"

Moon is also angry

The sword spirit of the sky is very cold, and she looks at Mingyue with disdain.

But o

In order to prove that the moon is a broken eye o

Cang Qiong Sword Spirit said coldly: "See what he is!"

suddenly o

A ray of light from the sword spirit in the sky shone down on Long Fei's body.


A mark appeared on Long Fei's left arm.

Mingyue was stunned for a moment, "Senior imprint of the Ming clan?"

"Descendants of the underworld?"

Cang Qiong Sword Spirit was very dissatisfied, he snorted and said, "See clearly!"

followed by o

A dragon-shaped mark appears on Long Fei's right arm.

At this moment, Mingyue's expression was moved, and her eyes stared at the faint mark on Long Fei's right arm, "Lord,,, Lord,,, my,,,, my,,,, master? "


It's like being struck by lightning

The whole person is stupid

Mingyue murmured: "Master!!"

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