The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2361 Haven't Seen Such A Handsome Man Like Me

Chapter 2361 Haven't seen such a handsome man as me?

out of control!

That thing in my head appeared completely out of nowhere, and it was a natural feeling o

True Qi consumes o

A powerful thought is released

Also at this moment

That powerful 'beast control' force exploded in this group of thoughts.


A muffled sound instantly entered the silver war bear's mind.


Long Fei immediately drank, and the powerful beast-controlling power exploded in Zhan Xiong's mind. In a split second, he fully controlled Zhan Xiong's mind and body.

also in an instant

The war bear's body suddenly stopped suddenly and stopped immediately.


Under the high-speed impact, the sudden braking, even if Lin Kai's Cultivation Base was higher, could not react in time, and the whole person flew out directly.



He hit the ground heavily and fell into a 'sun-earth style'. His mouth was full of mud, and his face was covered with bloodstains rubbing against the stones.

Even more shocking in his eyes

Why did his war beast suddenly stop without his command?

to know o

This war beast was caught and tamed by himself. He never dared to have the slightest bit of mud on him before, let alone make such a move.

Because it knows what the consequences are o

"Damn beast!"

Lin Kai got up from the ground, his whole body was covered with dust, and he was extremely embarrassed. He stared at the silver war bear, and gave a deep voice, "Come here for daddy!"

silver war bear motionless

Easy to feel strange o

Thin monkeys, big guys are dumbfounded too.

"what happened?"

"What's the situation?"

"What happened to that war bear? Mutiny?"


"I heard that the Zhou family's army is very good at taming Demonic Beasts, and the chance of tamed beasts betraying is very small. Could this beast betray?"

No matter what method is used to catch it, the surrendered beast may have a certain chance of mutiny.

Unless its loyalty is 100%, otherwise it is possible o

But o

The Zhou family has a powerful beast master, and the Demonic Beasts he has tamed are very few to betray. For such advanced war beasts, he has thoroughly tamed them, and the chance of betrayal is even lower.

But what happened just now makes everyone not understand o

It was as if War Bear didn't hear Lin Kai's orders.

Lin Kai shouted angrily, "Do you want to die, you bastard? Daddy asked you to come here!"

War Bear remains motionless

"Are you deaf?"

"come over!"

Lin Kai roared

Zhan Xiong raised his eyes slightly, and finally moved.

But o

It is not walking towards Lin Kai, but also towards Longfei.

Lin Kai was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and said, "Yes, go up, go up, tear him to pieces, hahaha... rubbish, my war beast will tear you to pieces in no time."

Although Long Fei didn't know why the 'beast control technique' suddenly appeared in his mind, and the beast control technique in his mind was the same as the pill refining technique. The technique is completely different, completely above this world o

Long Fei didn't understand o

But o

He can be sure that the war bear in front of him has been subdued by him.

and o

Loyalty is 100% o

because o

Long Fei can clearly see the attributes of the silver war bear

That is to say o

This war bear is already his pet o

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Your war beast?"

At this time, the war bear walked to Long Fei's side.

Lin Kai excitedly said, "Hahaha... Kill him, kill him."

Yi Yourong's heart was raised in her throat

At this distance, this fifth-level beast can bite off Long Fei's head with just one bite.

The big man and the skinny monkey were swallowing dryly, and they didn't even dare to breathe.

Transforming Vajra's aura diffuses out, and the mighty ninth-level Demonic Beasts strikes o

Just when everyone was worried about Long Fei, the huge war bear suddenly sat beside Long Fei and supported Long Fei's hand with his docile white hair.

Like a husky that pleases its owner


Everyone's eyes are stunned


"What's the situation?" Thin Monkey rubbed his eyes, unable to believe everything in front of him.

Demonic Beasts mutiny does exist o

but o

Will renegade Demonic Beasts instantly become someone else's beasts of war?

impossible o

But now it has become Long Fei's war beast.

Lin Kai murmured: "Impossible, impossible, the Demonic Beasts that my Lin family surrendered are absolutely impossible to become other people's war beasts."


"Dog thing, what the hell did you do?"

"Beast, kill him for me"

Lin Kai went crazy

He roared angrily, and at the same time, he moved both knives in his hands and said in a deep voice, "I'm going to kill you!"

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, and he lightly stroked the silver war bear.

suddenly o

The silver war bear became furious, and the silver armor all over its body radiated a cold light. Before Lin Kai could rush up, it rushed directly and suddenly flew.

condescending o

The dozens of tons of body were crushed heavily and directly on Lin Kai's body.

followed by o

The bear's paw moved, revealing its sharp claws and slapped it fiercely.


The chest was torn off directly

All the internal organs were taken out.

The blood tank above Lin Kai's head bottomed out in an instant, his eyes glared angrily, and he murmured, "You,,, you,, you,,, beast,,, beast..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

The silver war bear slapped it down again with a palm.

Lin Kai's head slapped and flew out.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Lin Kai' to get 120,000 experience points, 10,000 True Qi points, and 5 crazy energy points"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 10 'Military Pills'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting..."

The system prompt sounded, and a few rubbish things exploded.

For Long Fei, it's rubbish!

The body was torn apart and the head was slapped off. This is a terrible state of death.

Everyone looked at Long Fei o

The silver war bear came back, and the rage just now turned into a docile pet bear in an instant. He walked up to Long Fei and sat down, as if nothing had happened just now.

extremely gentle o

Too fierce!

Yi Yourong looks at Long Fei

Xiaodie looks at Long Fei o

The skinny monkey, the big man, the deformed Vajra also stared at Long Fei without moving his eyes, as if he was staring at a monster.

Long Fei showed a cold look in his eyes and said, "What? Haven't seen a man as handsome as me!"

Yi Yourong said in astonishment, "How did you do it?"

Xiaodie said excitedly: "Aaron, do you know how to control animals? When did you learn it?"


"You are so awesome, you are my idol."


shocked o

extremely shocked o

In the flash of lightning, the outbreak of the animal control technique instantly surrendered other people's beasts. This is something that has never happened in the history of beast control in Zhenwu Continent.

Long Fei completed it in an instant

Looking at their excited appearance, Long Fei murmured in his heart, "Can I say... I don't know it myself?"


"How many secrets does my body have?"

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