The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2396 Vajra Mutation, Double Heads!

, the strongest upgrade system!

Chapter 2396 Vajra mutation, double heads!

Touching the Dragon God is too slow!

There is only one hundred and eighty seconds to double the experience, and Long Fei does not want to let go of any second.

If he relies on the speed of touching the Dragon God, then he can only kill ten flying ants at most in these three minutes, which would be a waste.

the only option o

It is also the only way to rush into the herd o

It would be nice to do a little more damage!

When Long Fei rushed into the herd, the deformed Vajra leaped sharply and jumped in front of Long Fei. The remaining half of the towering tree in his hand swept away violently, making a way for Long Fei.

followed by o

One man, one beast, one sword, one big stick rushed into the herd o

"Is he crazy?"

On the peaks of the wild Tianmen

Those powerhouses were slightly startled and could not understand Long Fei's actions.

obviously o

With the Dragon God Touch and the Transforming Vajra as helpers, the Flying Ants can't hurt him at all, but at this time they have to rush into the ant colony?

Brain pumping?

In a hurry to die?

"I also want to mobilize other exotic beasts, it seems that I don't need it!"

"Human beings are so weak that they can't even think of their brains."

"Humans on the lower planes are far worse in intelligence."

"Didn't someone want to bet on him just now? Who is that person? I'll take as much as you bet, hahaha..."


Liu Yuan Immortal Venerable is also watching Long Fei, he doesn't understand o

It stands to reason that in this case, it is enough to just consume it directly, but he just rushed into the ant colony. You must know that the attacks of these flying ant colonies are very powerful, and once they are bitten, they are basically useless.

"Looks like..."

"Probably I'm wrong o"

Liu Yuan Immortal Venerable was also a little ridiculous at the mysterious power he sensed just now, "How could such a plane have inheritance from ancient times?"


another place o

Birdman, who had not left in midair, was also secretly startled, and said, "Is he crazy?"

"Rush in to find death?"

He also doesn't understand

The power of human beings in this world is too weak, not to mention the power of human beings is even more insignificant in this savagery.

But he still has to rush into the ant colony?

It's no different from courting death


There is some pity in the eyes of the bird man

The reason why she can save Long Fei is because Long Fei has transformed a Demonic Beasts Vajra as a brother, accompanied by life and death, not abandoning, not giving up o

If you are moved, you will save him o

But now... he is no longer saved o

Birdman's expression was a little disdainful, and he said coldly: "Humans always like to do things that are beyond their means, and this bad habit will never be changed."

look cold

Birdman flaps his wings and looks at o quietly

I don't have any intention of saving Long Fei.



Deformation Vajra smashed down with a stick, and Long Fei moved his sword, "Flying Immortals!"


A sword shocked o

The piercing directly from the head of the flying ant, stabbed a red spot out of the lower jaw, and suddenly... the flying ant died instantly.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Flying Ants' to get 300,000 experience points, 10,000 True Qi points, and 1 point of mad energy o"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Flying Wings'. Is it fusion?"



"Double experience is cool!"

Long Fei exclaimed excitedly

Just when he used the Flying Immortal from the Sky, all the surrounding ant colonies flew up.

Deformation Vajra moved slightly and used his huge body to block most of Long Fei's attacks, but... his back was torn to pieces.

Flesh and blood o

blood splattered

Violent poison spreads through his body o

But o

Deformation Vajra didn't utter a single scream, turned his body, grabbed the towering tree with one hand and swept out.


Repel the ant colony again o

Also at this moment

Deformation Vajra looked at Long Fei, Long Fei nodded heavily

Transforming Vajra took out what Long Fei had given him and put his head down and put it down.


A roar of power, shapeshifting Vajra's body exploded violently, power raging o

"Crack, chuck, chuck..."

The bones in the whole body are banging, the muscles are expanding, and it is as hard as steel. The armor on his body is also changing, as if he has life, the armor is extending.

chest o


When the armor is combined, it directly covers the entire chest.

The knees, elbows, and thick back were all covered with chainmail-like armor, and the strength of the whole body suddenly changed dramatically.

Not only that!

Right at Transform Vajra's neck, a series of skeletal pops exploded o

in an instant o

a head!

A head identical to the shapeshifting Vajra!

grow from his neck o

more brutal

And... the power increases by the ton by the ton o

The eyes are ferocious and bloodshot

The new born is extremely terrifying, hideous


but very excited

Transforming Vajra is extremely excited o

What Long Fei saw was also heart-stopping, he didn't expect to transform into this, "Double-headed,,, double-headed,,,, Vajra!"

"Vajra, how do you feel?"

Long Fei was worried that Vajra's body could not bear it or that he was not used to having two heads.

just o

Long Fei's worries are completely unnecessary

Deformation Vajra said: "Boss, just one word, cool!"

This time o

He didn't communicate with Long Fei with his thoughts, but said it directly with his mouth, which also means that he just broke through.

His current Cultivation Base is already a Demonic Beasts.


The double-headed Vajra let out an excited roar, and immediately, with both fists, he slammed it out, "Bang, bang, bang..."

A series of gas explosions blasted through the air

A flying ant that flew up was directly blasted thousands of meters away!


Long Fei was also very excited, "The power of upgrading is so fierce!"

The thing you just gave to Transform Vajra is the power of upgraded

When Long Fei was shocked

The bird man in the sky was also extremely shocked. Looking at the changes in the deformed Vajra's body, she saw at a glance that this was the power of an upgraded, "How could it be?"

"The power of upgraded shouldn't be the abnormal power generated by the mutation of heaven and earth, and will it be transformed by integrating this abnormal power?"

"Could it be..."

"Can this kind of power be controlled by others?"

"If that's the case... Then is there an antidote to his upgraded power?" Birdman's eyes tightened as he stared at Long Fei.

She doesn't want to be like this

can say o

She hates herself for being the way she is now

She hates that she has wings, that she is different from her family

She even cut off her own wings at one point, but...the wings would grow back the next day, and she couldn't control it at all.

It is also because of the wings on her back that she was brought here to play with others.

She hates!

People are not people, animals are not beasts

she hates herself

Seeing the transformation on Vajra's body, she immediately knew that the power she had previously fused could be controlled by others, which means it could be removed?

Just when Birdman was thinking about this o

Deformation Vajra is already killing frantically, and... Long Fei grinned grimly, and while Vajra was killing frantically, he roared slightly, "Crazy God energy, burst!"

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